
Ketones: Naming, Nucleophilic Addition Reactions, Oxidation & Uses of Ketones


Organic compounds containing the carbonyl functional group C =O, are called carbonyl compounds. In a carbonyl group, a carbon atom is bonded to oxygen with a double bond. In ketones, the carbonyl group is bonded to two carbon atoms, and so it happens within a chain. A ketone might be represented by the general formula,


The homologous series of ketones have the general formula, CnH2nO. The ketonic group exists in camphor and menthone.

Naming of Ketones

The typical names of ketones are obtained by individually writing the names of the alkyl groups connected to the carbonyl carbon. The word ketone is then added as a separate word. The names of the alkyl groups are written alphabetically.

When the two alkyl groups are the same, the prefix di – is included before the name of the alkyl group. The positions of other groups are indicated by Greek letters, the α- carbon atom being the one adjacent to the carbonyl group. If the two alkyl groups in a ketone are the same, the ketone is said to be symmetrical, if unlike, unsymmetrical.



The IUPAC names of ketones are originated from the names of alkanes having the exact same number of carbon atoms. The letter e in the name of an alkane is replaced with the suffix -one. The positions of the carbonyl group and other groups on the chain are indicated by numbers. Numbering begins with that end which is nearby to the carbonyl group. Aromatic ketones are not given IUPAC names.


Physical Properties of Ketones
Boiling point:

Normally the boiling point of ketones increases with an increase in molecular weight. The boiling point depends upon the strength of the intermolecular forces.

Vander Waals dispersion forces:

As the molecules get longer and the number of electrons increases, the attraction in between them also increases. So, the boiling point increases with the increase in the number of carbon atoms.

Vander Waals dipole-dipole attraction:

Because of the presence of carbon-oxygen double bond ketones are polar in nature. There will be an attraction in between permanent dipoles as well as the molecules that are near to it. This is the reason for ketones having boiling points higher than comparably sized hydrocarbons.


Ketones are soluble in water however their solubility decreases with an increase in the length of the chain. Ketones cannot form hydrogen bonds with themselves, but they can have hydrogen bonds with water molecules and this forms the basis for the good solubility of ketones in water. This is also because of dispersion forces and dipole-dipole interactions. Ketones have many applications in various industries. They are extensively used in the production of polymers, blending of perfumes, and also as flavoring representatives.

Nucleophilic Addition Reactions of Ketones

As a result of the unsymmetrical electronic configuration about the carbonyl group, the nucleophilic reagent can start the initial attack on the carbon. It appears that whether the initial attack is to be by a nucleophilic reagent or by an electrophilic reagent relies on a particular reaction and upon the conditions under which that reaction is carried out. Therefore, the majority of the reactions of the carbonyl group will be thought-about to be nucleophilic addition reactions.


In these reactions of ketones, the negative part of the reagent combines with the electrophilic carbon of the carbonyl group, whereas the positive part, which is normally hydrogen goes to the oxygen. The nucleophilic addition reactions of the carbonyl groups are catalyzed by bases or acids.

Remember in mind that whether the addition is base-catalyzed or acid-catalyzed, the adduct is the same. A base catalyst increases the nucleophilic character of the reagent, while an acid-catalyst promotes the nucleophilic attack by increasing the positive character (electrophilic character) of the carbonyl carbon atom.

Further Reading:  Mercury Element - Occurrence, Properties, Uses, Isotopes of Mercury
Oxidation of Ketones

Ketones do not undergo oxidation easily since they need the breaking of the strong carbon-carbon bond. They provide no reaction with mild oxidizing agents. They are just oxidized by strong oxidizing agents such as K2Cr2O7/ H2SO4, KMnO4/ H2SO4, and conc. HNO3.

In the oxidation of ketones, just the carbon atoms adjacent to the carbonyl group are attacked. The carbon atom joined to the smaller number of hydrogen atoms is preferentially oxidized. In the case of symmetrical ketones, only one carbon atom adjacent to the carbonyl group is oxidized and a mixture of 2 carboxylic acids is constantly obtained.


However, in the case of unsymmetrical ketones, the carbon atom signed up with to the smaller sized number of hydrogen atoms is preferentially oxidized and the carbonyl group stays with the smaller alkyl group.


Uses of Ketones
  • Ketones are typically utilized as solvents and as catalysts in the chemical industry. These are products frequently used in fragrances and paints in order to stabilize the ingredients to avoid deterioration in time. The major ketones in this category include acetophenone, Butanone, and acetone.
  • Ketones are utilized for carpet adhesive solvents in the adhesives manufacturing industry, in the electroplating market as cold-cleaning solvents and vapor degreasing solvents, as lab chemicals, paint manufacture, Rubber Manufacture, Printing, and Pesticide and Insecticides.
  • Glucose is the primary source of fuel for the body. But when carbs are low, ketogenesis becomes the main fuel procedure for the majority of cells. These are the cases where ketones function as a natural byproduct of animal metabolism.

Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers

  1. What is the general formula for ketones?
    • A) CnH2n+2
    • B) CnH2n
    • C) CnH2nO
    • D) CnHnO2

    Answer: C

  2. In a ketone, the carbonyl group is bonded to how many carbon atoms?
    • A) One
    • B) Two
    • C) Three
    • D) Four

    Answer: B

  3. How are the typical names of ketones determined when the two alkyl groups are different?
    • A) Alphabetically, with no prefix
    • B) Alphabetically, with the prefix “mono-“
    • C) Alphabetically, with the prefix “di-“
    • D) Numerically, with Greek letters

    Answer: C

  4. What is the IUPAC suffix for the names of ketones derived from alkanes?
    • A) -ane
    • B) -ol
    • C) -ene
    • D) -one

    Answer: D

  5. Which intermolecular force contributes to the boiling point of ketones?
    • A) Vander Waals dispersion forces
    • B) Hydrogen bonding
    • C) Metallic bonding
    • D) Ionic bonding

    Answer: A

  6. What is the effect of an increase in the number of carbon atoms in ketones on their boiling point?
    • A) Decreases
    • B) Increases
    • C) Remains unchanged
    • D) Becomes unpredictable

    Answer: B

  7. Why are ketones soluble in water?
    • A) Hydrogen bonding with themselves
    • B) Formation of ionic bonds
    • C) Hydrogen bonds with water molecules
    • D) Covalent bonding with water

    Answer: C

  8. What type of reactions are the majority of reactions involving the carbonyl group considered?
    • A) Electrophilic substitution
    • B) Nucleophilic addition
    • C) Radical reactions
    • D) Isomerization reactions

    Answer: B

  9. Which catalyst increases the nucleophilic character in nucleophilic addition reactions of ketones?
    • A) Acid catalyst
    • B) Base catalyst
    • C) Enzyme catalyst
    • D) Photo catalyst

    Answer: B

  10. In the oxidation of symmetrical ketones, what is obtained?
    • A) Ketone oxide
    • B) Alcohol
    • C) A mixture of two carboxylic acids
    • D) Aldehyde

    Answer: C

  11. What type of bonds are attacked during the oxidation of ketones?
    • A) Carbon-hydrogen bonds
    • B) Carbon-carbon bonds
    • C) Carbon-oxygen bonds
    • D) Oxygen-hydrogen bonds

    Answer: C

  12. Which category of ketones includes acetophenone and butanone?
    • A) Aromatic ketones
    • B) Symmetrical ketones
    • C) Unsaturated ketones
    • D) Industrial ketones

    Answer: D

  13. In what industry are ketones commonly used as solvents and catalysts?
    • A) Food industry
    • B) Automotive industry
    • C) Chemical industry
    • D) Textile industry

    Answer: C

  14. What is the primary source of fuel for the body when carbohydrates are low?
    • A) Proteins
    • B) Fats
    • C) Ketones
    • D) Sugars

    Answer: C

  15. Which of the following is a physical property of ketones?
    • A) Refractive index
    • B) Flash point
    • C) Vapor pressure
    • D) All of the above

    Answer: D

  16. What is the prefix added to the name of the alkyl group in ketones when the two alkyl groups are the same?
    • A) Mono-
    • B) Di-
    • C) Tri-
    • D) None

    Answer: B

  17. What does the IUPAC suffix -one represent in the names of ketones?
    • A) Alkane
    • B) Ketone
    • C) Alkene
    • D) Alcohol

    Answer: B

  18. Which of the following forces contributes to the solubility of ketones in water?
    • A) Hydrogen bonding
    • B) Covalent bonding
    • C) Ionic bonding
    • D) Metallic bonding

    Answer: A

  19. What effect does an increase in the length of the ketone chain have on its solubility in water?
    • A) Increases
    • B) Decreases
    • C) Remains constant
    • D) Becomes unpredictable

    Answer: B

  20. What happens to the boiling point of ketones as the number of electrons increases?
    • A) Increases
    • B) Decreases
    • C) Remains constant
    • D) Unpredictable

    Answer: A

  21. What is the primary role of ketones in the production of polymers?
    • A) Fuel
    • B) Catalyst
    • C) Raw material
    • D) Solvent

    Answer: C

Further Reading:  Enthalpy - Definition, Formula/Equation


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Ketones

1. What are ketones, and how are they defined in terms of their chemical structure?

  • Ketones are organic compounds containing the carbonyl functional group (C=O), and in a carbonyl group, a carbon atom is bonded to oxygen with a double bond. In ketones, the carbonyl group is bonded to two carbon atoms within a chain.

2. What is the general formula for the homologous series of ketones, and where is the ketonic group commonly found?

  • The general formula for ketones is CnH2nO. The ketonic group is commonly found in compounds like camphor and menthone.

3. How are ketones named, and what is the rule for naming when the two alkyl groups are the same?

  • The names of ketones are derived by writing the names of the alkyl groups connected to the carbonyl carbon alphabetically, with the word “ketone” added separately. When the two alkyl groups are the same, the prefix “di-” is added before the name of the alkyl group.

4. What is the IUPAC naming convention for ketones, and are aromatic ketones named following this convention?

  • IUPAC names for ketones are derived from alkanes with the same number of carbon atoms, replacing the “e” in the alkane name with the suffix “-one.” Aromatic ketones are an exception and are not given IUPAC names.

5. How do physical properties, such as boiling point and solubility, vary in ketones?

  • Generally, the boiling point of ketones increases with an increase in molecular weight. Ketones are soluble in water, but solubility decreases with an increase in the length of the carbon chain.

6. What intermolecular forces contribute to the boiling point of ketones?

  • Vander Waals dispersion forces and dipole-dipole attractions contribute to the boiling point of ketones.

7. What role do ketones play in nucleophilic addition reactions, and how are these reactions catalyzed?

  • Ketones undergo nucleophilic addition reactions, where the nucleophilic reagent attacks the electrophilic carbon of the carbonyl group. These reactions are catalyzed by bases or acids.

8. Can ketones undergo oxidation easily, and what are the common oxidizing agents?

  • Ketones do not undergo easy oxidation. Strong oxidizing agents such as K2Cr2O7/H2SO4, KMnO4/H2SO4, and conc. HNO3 are required for their oxidation.

9. How is oxidation different in symmetrical and unsymmetrical ketones?

  • In symmetrical ketones, only one carbon atom adjacent to the carbonyl group is oxidized, producing a mixture of two carboxylic acids. In unsymmetrical ketones, the carbon atom with fewer hydrogen atoms is preferentially oxidized.

10. What are some common uses of ketones in various industries? – Ketones are commonly used as solvents and catalysts in the chemical industry. They are also employed in the production of polymers, fragrances, paints, adhesives, electroplating, and various applications in lab chemicals, rubber manufacture, printing, and pesticide and insecticide production.

11. In what situations do ketones act as a natural byproduct of animal metabolism? – Ketones function as a natural byproduct of animal metabolism when carbohydrates are low, and ketogenesis becomes the main fuel process for cells. This occurs when glucose, the primary source of fuel, is limited.

Further Reading:  Amino Acids - The Building Blocks


Summary: Ketones – Naming, Reactions, Oxidation, and Uses

The tutorial on ketones provides comprehensive insights into the naming conventions, physical properties, reactions, oxidation behavior, and various applications of ketones in different industries.

  1. Introduction to Ketones:
    • Defined as carbonyl compounds with a C=O functional group, where the carbonyl group is bonded to two carbon atoms within a chain. The general formula is CnH2nO.
  2. Naming of Ketones:
    • Ketones are named by listing alkyl groups connected to the carbonyl carbon alphabetically, followed by the term “ketone.” Symmetrical ketones include the prefix “di-” when alkyl groups are the same.
  3. IUPAC Names:
    • IUPAC names derive from alkanes with the same number of carbon atoms, replacing the “e” in the alkane name with the suffix “-one.” Aromatic ketones don’t follow this convention.
  4. Physical Properties:
    • Boiling point increases with molecular weight due to intermolecular forces. Vander Waals dispersion forces and dipole-dipole attractions contribute to higher boiling points than hydrocarbons. Solubility decreases with chain length.
  5. Nucleophilic Addition Reactions:
    • Unsymmetrical electronic configuration allows nucleophilic reagents to initiate attacks on the carbon. Reactions are catalyzed by bases or acids, leading to the formation of adducts.
  6. Oxidation of Ketones:
    • Ketones resist easy oxidation and react only with strong oxidizing agents. Symmetrical ketones result in a mixture of carboxylic acids, while unsymmetrical ketones lead to the preferential oxidation of the carbon atom with fewer hydrogen atoms.
  7. Uses of Ketones:
    • Ketones serve as solvents and catalysts in the chemical industry. They find applications in fragrances, paints, adhesives, electroplating, and various industrial processes. Common ketones like acetophenone, butanone, and acetone play vital roles in these applications.
  8. Ketones in Metabolism:
    • In cases of low carbohydrate availability, ketones act as natural byproducts of animal metabolism, serving as a primary fuel source for cells during ketogenesis.

The tutorial delivers a comprehensive understanding of ketones, encompassing their structure, properties, reactions, and industrial significance.