
Lead – History, General Attributes, Uses & Health Hazards of Lead


Lead is the heaviest member of the carbon family. Lead is a bluish-white lustrous metal. It is extremely soft, extremely malleable, ductile, and a relatively poor conductor of electricity. It is very resistant to corrosion however tarnishes upon exposure to air. Lead is a naturally occurring component and belongs to Group 14 (IVA) of the periodic table. Natural lead is a mixture of four stable isotopes, 208Pb (51– 53%), 206Pb (23.5– − 27%), 207Pb (20.5– 23%), and 204Pb (1.35– 1.5%). Lead isotopes are the stable decay product of 3 naturally radioactive components: 206Pb from uranium, 207Pb from actinium, and 208Pb from thorium.

Lead is not a particularly abundant element, but its ore deposits are easily available and extensively dispersed throughout the world. Its properties, such as deterioration resistance, density, and low melting point, make it a familiar metal in pipelines, solder, weights, and storage batteries.

History of Lead

Lead is among just a couple of elements known to ancient peoples. Among the earliest examples of lead is a small statue found in Egypt. It was made during the First Dynasty, in about 3400 B.C.Lead has been mined for more than 6,000 years, and the metal and its compounds have been used throughout history. Small lead nuggets have been discovered in pre-Columbian Peru, Yucatan, and Guatemala.

The Greeks mined lead on a large scale from 650 onwards and not only understood how to obtain the metal however how to convert this to white lead. Because of its exceptional covering power, this was the basis of paints for more than 2000 years, till the middle of the last century.

The Romans employed lead on a large scale, mining it mainly in Spain and Britain, and using it likewise for water pipes, coffins, pewter tableware, and to debase their silver coinage. While its mining declined in the Dark Ages it came back in Medieval times and found new uses, such as pottery glazes, bullets, and printing type. In the last century, it was a fuel additive.

General Attributes
  • Symbol: Pb
  • Atomic number:82
  • Atomic mass:2
  • Family: Group 14 (IVA), Carbon.
Physical properties

Lead is a heavy, soft, gray solid. It is both ductile and malleable. Ductile implies efficiency in being drawn into thin wires. Malleable means are efficient in being hammered into thin sheets. It has a shiny surface when first cut, however, it gradually stains (rusts) and dulls. Lead is easily worked. “Working” a metal indicates flexing, cutting, shaping, pulling, and otherwise altering the shape of the metal.

The melting point of lead is 327.4 ° C(621.3 ° F), and its boiling point is 1,750 to 1,755 ° C(3,180 to 3,190 ° F). Its density is 11.34 grams per cubic centimeter. Lead does not carry out an electrical current, sound, or vibrations very well.

Chemical properties

Lead is a reasonably active metal. It liquifies gradually in water and in many cold acids. It reacts more rapidly with hot acids. It does not react with oxygen in the air readily and does not burn.

Occurrence of Lead

Native lead is uncommon in nature. Presently lead is normally found in ore with zinc, silver, and copper and it is extracted together with these metals. The main lead mineral in Galena (PbS) and there are also deposits of cerussite and anglesite which are mined. Galena is mined in Australia, which produces 19% of the world’s new lead, followed by the U.S.A., China, Peru’ and Canada. Some is likewise mined in Mexico and West Germany.

Further Reading:  Cori Cycle - Significance of Cori Cycle
Uses of Lead


This easily worked and corrosion-resistant metal has actually been used for pipes, pewter, and paint given that Roman times. It has actually likewise been utilized in lead glazes for pottery and, in this century, insecticides, hair dyes and as an anti-knocking additive for fuel. All these uses have actually now been banned, replaced, or dissuaded as lead is known to be harmful to health, particularly that of kids.

Lead is still extensively used for car batteries, pigments, ammunition, cable television sheathing, weights for lifting, weight belts for diving, lead crystal glass, radiation protection, and in some solders.

It is typically utilized to keep corrosive liquids. It is also often utilized in architecture, for roofing, and in stained glass windows.

Lead Compounds and Their Uses

Various oxides of lead, basic lead carbonate, and lead chromate are frequently utilized as pigments in paints.

  1. Lead Suboxide, Pb2O

It is black powder, acquired on heating plumbous oxalate in the absence of air.

2PbC2O4 (s)Δ→Pb2O(s) + 3CO2 (g) + CO(g)

Pb2O is broken down by heat into Pb and PbO. Aside from pigment, it is likewise used in the manufacture of lead storage batteries.

  1. Lead Monoxide (Litharge, Massicot) PbO

Litharge varies in color from pale yellow to reddish yellow, potentially owing to the presence of two kinds, a rhombic (yellow) and a tetragonal (red). It is slightly soluble in water. It is normally utilized in preparing flint glass and paints. If the litharge is boiled with water and olive oil, lead oleate which is a sticky adhesive mass is formed and glycerin enters the solution. Litharge is utilized in preparing oils and varnishes and in the manufacturing of flint glass.

  1. Triplumbic Tetraoxide, (red lead, minium), Pb3O4

When lead is heated in air at about 340 ° C, it absorbs oxygen and forms an intense scarlet crystalline powder of read lead or minium.

Red lead is utilized for a variety of functions. Its primary usages are in the manufacture of storage batteries, as a pigment in paints applied to steel and iron to retard corrosion, and as an ingredient in the manufacture of flint glass, matches, and ceramic glazes.

  1. Lead Dioxide, PbO2

Lead dioxide is a reddish-brown powder. It is not really soluble in water; however, it does dissolve in alkaline water to yield soluble plumbates. It is not impacted by dilute acids.

  1. White Lead

Fundamental lead carbonate 2PbCO3. Pb(OH) 2 is an amorphous white pigment. It mixes readily with linseed oil and has excellent covering power. If poorly prepared, it becomes crystalline and its covering power is decreased. White lead is not suitable for use as a good pigment given that it is darkened by the hydrogen sulfides which are regularly present in the atmosphere.

  1. Lead Chromate (PbCrO4)

It is utilized as a pigment under the name of chrome yellow. Orange or red basic lead chromates are formed when lead chromate is boiled with water down alkali hydroxide and are utilized as pigments. The steady yellow adjustment of lead chromate is monoclinic. Mixtures of lead chromate with lead sulfate or barium sulfate are also utilized as yellow pigments.

Health Hazards of Lead

It can accumulate in the body and cause severe health problems. It is harmful, teratogenic (interrupts the development of an embryo or fetus), and carcinogenic. Lead can trigger numerous unwanted results, such as:

  • Interruption of the biosynthesis of hemoglobin and anemia.
  • A rise in blood pressure.
  • Kidney damage.
  • Miscarriages and subtle abortions.
  • Disturbance of nervous systems.
  • Mental retardation.
  • Diminished learning abilities of kids.
  • Behavioral disruptions of kids, such as aggressiveness, spontaneous behavior, and hyperactivity.
  • Lead can get in a fetus through the placenta of the mother. Because of this, it can trigger serious damage to the nerve system and the brains of developing child.
Further Reading:  Trends in Periodic Table [Atomic Radius, Ionization Energy, Ionic Radius and More]

MCQs about Lead 

  1. What is the atomic number of lead?
    • A) 14
    • B) 82
    • C) 206
    • D) 327.4

    Answer: B) 82

  2. In the periodic table, lead belongs to which group?
    • A) Group 1 (IA)
    • B) Group 14 (IVA)
    • C) Group 18 (VIII)
    • D) Group 3 (IIIA)

    Answer: B) Group 14 (IVA)

  3. Lead is resistant to corrosion but tarnishes upon exposure to air. What is the color of tarnished lead?
    • A) Blue
    • B) Red
    • C) Green
    • D) Yellow

    Answer: B) Red

  4. Which civilization mined lead extensively and used it for paints for over 2000 years?
    • A) Egyptians
    • B) Greeks
    • C) Romans
    • D) Persians

    Answer: B) Greeks

  5. What is the primary lead mineral mined in Australia, which produces 19% of the world’s new lead?
    • A) Cerussite
    • B) Galena
    • C) Anglesite
    • D) Lead Chromate

    Answer: B) Galena

  6. Lead is commonly used for all of the following except:
    • A) Car batteries
    • B) Pewter
    • C) Insecticides
    • D) Hair dyes

    Answer: C) Insecticides

  7. What is the melting point of lead?
    • A) 327.4 ° F
    • B) 621.3 ° C
    • C) 1,750 ° C
    • D) 3,180 ° F

    Answer: B) 621.3 ° C

  8. Which lead compound is used as a pigment in paints applied to steel and iron to retard corrosion?
    • A) Lead Suboxide
    • B) Lead Dioxide
    • C) Triplumbic Tetraoxide
    • D) White Lead

    Answer: C) Triplumbic Tetraoxide

  9. Lead Dioxide (PbO2) is primarily used for:
    • A) Storage batteries
    • B) Flint glass
    • C) Ceramic glazes
    • D) Matches

    Answer: A) Storage batteries

  10. What is the health effect associated with lead exposure that causes disruptions in the biosynthesis of hemoglobin?
    • A) Anemia
    • B) Kidney damage
    • C) Mental retardation
    • D) Behavioral disruptions

    Answer: A) Anemia

  11. Which system in the body can be damaged by lead exposure, leading to increased blood pressure?

    Answer: B) Circulatory system

  12. Lead can enter a fetus through the placenta, causing damage to which developing organ?
    • A) Liver
    • B) Heart
    • C) Brain
    • D) Kidneys

    Answer: C) Brain

  13. Which lead compound is used as a pigment under the name of chrome yellow?
    • A) Lead Suboxide
    • B) Lead Chromate
    • C) Lead Monoxide
    • D) White Lead

    Answer: B) Lead Chromate

  14. What is the primary use of lead crystal glass?
    • A) Radiation protection
    • B) Ammunition
    • C) Tableware
    • D) Stained glass windows

    Answer: A) Radiation protection

  15. Lead is a component of which group of the periodic table?
    • A) Group 1 (IA)
    • B) Group 14 (IVA)
    • C) Group 18 (VIII)
    • D) Group 3 (IIIA)

    Answer: B) Group 14 (IVA)

  16. Which country produces the majority of the world’s new lead?
    • A) USA
    • B) China
    • C) Australia
    • D) Canada

    Answer: C) Australia

  17. Lead is a naturally occurring component belonging to which category?
    • A) Noble gases
    • B) Alkali metals
    • C) Carbon family
    • D) Transition metals

    Answer: C) Carbon family

  18. What is the main lead mineral mined in Australia?
    • A) Cerussite
    • B) Galena
    • C) Anglesite
    • D) Lead Chromate

    Answer: B) Galena

  19. What is the primary health effect of lead exposure on the nervous system?
    • A) Interruption of hemoglobin biosynthesis
    • B) Mental retardation
    • C) Disturbance of nervous systems
    • D) Behavioral disruptions

    Answer: C) Disturbance of nervous systems

  20. Which lead compound is used as a pigment in flint glass and paints?
    • A) Lead Suboxide
    • B) Lead Dioxide
    • C) Triplumbic Tetraoxide
    • D) Litharge

    Answer: D) Litharge

  21. What is the primary use of basic lead carbonate (white lead)?
    • A) Storage batteries
    • B) Ceramic glazes
    • C) Pigment in paints
    • D) Radiation protection

    Answer: C) Pigment in paints

  22. Lead can cause miscarriages and subtle abortions, primarily due to its impact on which system?
    • A) Circulatory system
    • B) Respiratory system
    • C) Reproductive system
    • D) Nervous system

    Answer: C) Reproductive system

  23. Which ancient civilization is known to have used lead for over 6000 years?
    • A) Egyptians
    • B) Greeks
    • C) Romans
    • D) Persians

    Answer: A) Egyptians

Further Reading:  Basic Concepts of Mole, Avogadro’s Number and Molar Volume



In this comprehensive tutorial on lead, we explored its history, general attributes, uses, and health hazards. Lead, the heaviest member of the carbon family, possesses unique characteristics such as bluish-white luster, extreme softness, and resistance to corrosion. Belonging to Group 14 (IVA) of the periodic table, natural lead consists of stable isotopes. Although not abundant, lead is widely available in ore deposits globally, making it a common material in various applications.

The historical significance of lead dates back over 6,000 years, with evidence of its use by ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians and Greeks. From paints to water pipes, lead plays a crucial role in diverse applications. Despite its decline in some uses, lead remains prevalent in car batteries, pigments, ammunition, and radiation protection.

Examining its physical and chemical properties, lead emerges as a heavy, ductile, and malleable metal with a relatively low melting point. It exhibits slow dissolution in water and cold acids, and its chemical activity increases with hot acids. The occurrence of lead in nature is associated with ores containing zinc, silver, and copper, primarily in minerals like Galena (PbS).

Lead compounds, including oxides, carbonates, and chromates, find applications in paints and batteries. Health hazards associated with lead exposure are substantial, ranging from interruptions in hemoglobin biosynthesis to kidney damage, miscarriages, and developmental issues in children. Lead’s ability to accumulate in the body and its teratogenic and carcinogenic properties emphasize the need for caution in handling this element.

As society becomes more aware of the health risks, certain applications of lead, such as in paints, insecticides, and fuel additives, have been banned or replaced. However, lead continues to be used in various industries, necessitating ongoing efforts to minimize exposure and explore alternative materials. This tutorial provides a comprehensive overview of lead, covering its past, present, and the challenges associated with its use.