
Darwinism and Neo-Darwinism

Darwinism and Neo-Darwinism

Darwinism identifies a core set of principles, concepts, and methodological maxims that were first articulated and protected by Charles Darwin and which continue to be identified with a certain technique to evolutionary questions.

The Darwin-Darwinism relation is in certain aspects causal, in the sense that Darwin influenced the arguments that followed him.

However, there is likewise something more: a type of isomorphism between Darwin’s Darwinism and historic Darwinism.

It is as though Darwin’s own contribution has constrained the conceptual and empirical development of evolutionary biology ever after.


Charles Darwin was born in Shrewsbury, in Western England, in 1809. He joined the expedition on Beagle to the South American coastline. He observed and collected countless specimens of diverse fauna and flora of South America.

He observed that the animals and plants of the different regions of the continent had a definite South American stamp, very distinct from the life forms of Europe. Furthermore, the South American fossils that Darwin discovered, though different from modern species, were distinctly South American in their similarity to the living plants and animals of that continent.

The Galapagos Island

An especially puzzling case of geographical distribution was the animals of the Galapagos islands. The majority of the animal species on the Galapagos live nowhere else worldwide, although they resemble species residing on the South American mainland.

It was as though the islands were colonized by plants and animals that wandered off from the South American mainland and then diversified on the different islands. Amongst the birds, Darwin collected on the Galapagos were 13 kinds of finches that, although quite similar, appeared to be different species. Some were unique to specific islands, while other species were distributed on 2 or more islands that were close together.


After going back to Great Britain in 1836, Darwin viewed the origin of new species and adaptations as closely related processes. A new species would arise from an ancestral kind by the gradual accumulation of adaptations to different environments, separated from the initial habitat by geographical barriers. Over lots of generations, the two populations could end up being different adequate to be designated as different species. This is obviously what happened to the Galapagos finches.

Formulation of Darwin’s Theory

By the early 1840s, Darwin had worked out the significant features of his theory of natural selection as the system of adaptations. In 1844, Darwin wrote a long essay on the origin of species and natural selection.

However, before it could be published Alfred Wallace, a young biologist working in the East Indies established a theory of natural selection similar to Darwin’s. Wallace’s paper, along with extracts from Darwin’s unpublished 1844 essay, was presented to the Linnaean Society of London on July 1, 1858.

Darwin rapidly completed The Origin of Species and published it the next year. In this book, Darwin developed two main points:

1. Descent with Modification

Darwin believed in perceived unity in life, with all organisms related through descent from some typical ancestor that resided in the remote past. In the Darwinian view, the history of life resembles a tree, with multiple branching and rebranching from a common trunk to the tips of the living twigs, symbolic of the existing variety of organisms. At each fork of the evolutionary tree is a forefather common to all lines of evolutionary branching from that fork.


2. Natural Selection and Adaptation:

Darwin suggested that populations of individual species progress adapt to their regional environments through natural selection. Darwin’s theory of natural selection was based on the following observations.

  1. The production of more individuals than the environment can support, results in a battle for existence amongst individuals of a population, with just a fraction of offspring surviving each generation.
  2. Survival in the struggle for existence is not random but depends in part on the genetic constitution of the surviving individuals. Those individuals whose acquired qualities fit them finest to their environment are likely to leave more offspring than the fewer fit individuals.
  3. This unequal capability of individuals to survive and replicate will result in a progressive change in a population, with beneficial attributes collecting over the generations hence leading to the evolution of a new species.
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Neo-Darwinism – The modern evolutionary synthesis

The term Neo-Darwinism was first utilized in the 1880s by August Weismann, a German biologist, who integrated his theory of the germplasm into Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection. Neo-Darwinism, the modern-day variation of Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection, integrates the laws of Mendelian genetics and emphasizes the role of natural selection as the main force of evolutionary modification.

The Origin of Species persuaded most biologists that species are products of evolution. A crucial turning point for evolutionary theory was the birth of population genetics, which emphasizes the comprehensive hereditary variation within populations and acknowledges the value of quantitative characters.

With progress in population genetics in the 1930s, Mendelism and Darwinism were reconciled, and the genetic basis of variation and natural selection was worked out. Therefore, a thorough theory of evolution that became known as the modern-day synthesis or Neo-Darwinism was developed. It is called a synthesis because it integrates discoveries and ideas from many different fields, including paleontology, taxonomy, biogeography, and population genetics.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

1. What is the primary focus of Darwinism?

  • a) Causal relationships in biology
  • b) Historical developments in evolutionary biology
  • c) A specific approach to evolutionary questions
  • d) Genetic variations in populations
  • Answer: c

2. Where was Charles Darwin born?

  • a) London, England
  • b) Shrewsbury, Western England
  • c) Galapagos Islands
  • d) South America
  • Answer: b

3. What did Darwin observe during his expedition on the Beagle?

  • a) European fauna and flora
  • b) South American stamp on life forms
  • c) Asian fossils
  • d) North American distribution patterns
  • Answer: b

4. Which island presented a particularly puzzling case of geographical distribution for Darwin?

  • a) Hawaii
  • b) Madagascar
  • c) Galapagos Islands
  • d) Canary Islands
  • Answer: c

5. What did Darwin observe about the Galapagos finches?

  • a) No variation in species
  • b) Unique to specific islands
  • c) Similarity to European birds
  • d) No adaptation to different environments
  • Answer: b

6. What did Darwin believe was the process leading to the origin of new species?

  • a) Sudden appearance
  • b) Gradual accumulation of adaptations
  • c) Genetic mutations
  • d) Random selection
  • Answer: b

7. When was Charles Darwin born?

  • a) 1800
  • b) 1809
  • c) 1820
  • d) 1830
  • Answer: b

8. What did Alfred Wallace independently develop that was similar to Darwin’s theory?

  • a) Theory of relativity
  • b) Quantum mechanics
  • c) Theory of natural selection
  • d) Germplasm theory
  • Answer: c

9. What is the key concept of “Descent with Modification” in Darwin’s theory?

  • a) Random appearance of new species
  • b) Unity in life through common ancestry
  • c) Gradual extinction of species
  • d) Discrete creation of each species
  • Answer: b

10. According to Darwin, how does natural selection work in populations?

  • a) Randomly
  • b) Based on size
  • c) Based on genetic constitution
  • d) Through artificial selection only
  • Answer: c

11. What did the term “Neo-Darwinism” first emphasize?

  • a) Genetic variation
  • b) Germplasm theory
  • c) Modern synthesis of Darwin’s theory
  • d) Mendelian genetics
  • Answer: b

12. Who coined the term “Neo-Darwinism” in the 1880s?

  • a) Charles Darwin
  • b) Alfred Wallace
  • c) August Weismann
  • d) Gregor Mendel
  • Answer: c

13. What did Neo-Darwinism integrate into Charles Darwin’s theory?

  • a) Paleontology
  • b) Germplasm theory
  • c) Taxonomy
  • d) Quantum mechanics
  • Answer: b

14. What is the modern version of Charles Darwin’s theory called?

  • a) Paleontology
  • b) Mendelian genetics
  • c) Modern synthesis or Neo-Darwinism
  • d) Germplasm theory
  • Answer: c
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15. What emphasized the importance of hereditary variation within populations in the 1930s?

  • a) Taxonomy
  • b) Paleontology
  • c) Germplasm theory
  • d) Population genetics
  • Answer: d

16. What does the term “modern evolutionary synthesis” refer to?

  • a) Rejection of Darwin’s theory
  • b) Integration of diverse fields into a comprehensive theory
  • c) Disproving Mendelian genetics
  • d) The discovery of fossil evidence
  • Answer: b

17. What is the main force of evolutionary change in Neo-Darwinism?

  • a) Taxonomy
  • b) Paleontology
  • c) Germplasm theory
  • d) Natural selection
  • Answer: d


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Darwinism and Neo-Darwinism

1. What is Darwinism, and how is it connected to Charles Darwin?

  • Darwinism refers to a set of principles and concepts related to evolution, first articulated and defended by Charles Darwin. It represents a specific approach to evolutionary questions, and the relation between Darwin and Darwinism has influenced the development of evolutionary biology.

2. How did Charles Darwin contribute to the development of evolutionary biology?

  • Charles Darwin, born in 1809, played a crucial role in evolutionary biology through his observations and the formulation of the theory of natural selection. His expedition on the Beagle to the South American coastline and observations on diverse fauna and flora were foundational to his contributions.

3. What was the significance of the Galapagos Islands in Darwin’s observations?

  • The Galapagos Islands presented a puzzling case of geographical distribution, with animal species unique to the islands. Darwin observed 13 kinds of finches that appeared to be different species, indicating diversification on the islands. This observation influenced his understanding of adaptation and evolution.

4. How did Darwin formulate his theory of natural selection?

  • By the early 1840s, Darwin worked out the major features of his theory. In 1844, he wrote an essay on the origin of species and natural selection. Alfred Wallace, a biologist, independently developed a similar theory. Both their works were presented to the Linnaean Society in 1858, and Darwin published “The Origin of Species” the following year.

5. What are the main points of Darwin’s theory, as outlined in “The Origin of Species”?

  • Darwin’s theory includes the concepts of “Descent with Modification” and “Natural Selection and Adaptation.” “Descent with Modification” emphasizes the unity in life, while “Natural Selection and Adaptation” suggest that populations evolve and adapt to their environments through natural selection.

6. How does natural selection work, according to Darwin?

  • Natural selection operates through a process where more individuals are produced than the environment can support. This results in a struggle for existence, where only a fraction of offspring survives. Survival is not random but depends on the genetic constitution, leading to progressive changes in populations over generations.

7. What is Neo-Darwinism, and how does it differ from Darwin’s original theory?

  • Neo-Darwinism, first used by August Weismann in the 1880s, is a modern version of Darwin’s theory that integrates Mendelian genetics. It emphasizes natural selection as the primary force of evolutionary change. The synthesis of Mendelism and Darwinism, along with advancements in population genetics, led to the development of Neo-Darwinism.

8. What role did population genetics play in the development of Neo-Darwinism?

  • In the 1930s, progress in population genetics reconciled Mendelism and Darwinism, leading to the comprehensive theory known as Neo-Darwinism. Population genetics highlighted the extensive genetic variation within populations and acknowledged the importance of quantitative characters in evolution.

9. Why is Neo-Darwinism referred to as a synthesis?

  • Neo-Darwinism is called a synthesis because it integrated discoveries and ideas from various fields, including paleontology, taxonomy, biogeography, and population genetics. It represents a comprehensive understanding of evolution that emerged from the synthesis of diverse scientific contributions.


Wrapping up Darwinism and Neo-Darwinism Tutorial

1. Darwinism: Darwinism encompasses core principles and concepts articulated by Charles Darwin, shaping the evolutionary approach. The relationship between Darwin and Darwinism has influenced the development of evolutionary biology, creating an enduring impact on conceptual and empirical evolution.

Further Reading:  Distribution of life on Earth

2. Charles Darwin: Born in 1809, Charles Darwin’s pivotal contributions emerged during his expedition on the Beagle to the South American coastline. Observing diverse fauna and flora, Darwin identified unique characteristics of South American life forms and fossils. The Galapagos Islands presented a particularly intriguing case of geographical distribution.

3. Galapagos Islands: The Galapagos Islands exhibited exclusive animal species not found elsewhere, inspiring Darwin’s observations on the diverse adaptations. The 13 kinds of finches he collected, with distinct species on specific islands, highlighted the process of colonization and diversification.

4. Formulation of Darwin’s Theory: Darwin’s theory of natural selection and adaptation took shape in the early 1840s. A significant moment occurred in 1858 when Alfred Wallace presented a theory similar to Darwin’s. This led to the publication of “The Origin of Species” in 1859, outlining two key points: Descent with Modification and Natural Selection and Adaptation.

  • 1. Descent with Modification: Darwin proposed a perceived unity in life, envisioning the evolutionary history as a branching tree with a common ancestor. Each fork represents a forefather common to all lines of evolutionary branching.
  • 2. Natural Selection and Adaptation: Populations evolve through natural selection, driven by a struggle for existence. Survival depends on the genetic constitution, resulting in a progressive change in populations and the evolution of new species.

5. Neo-Darwinism: Coined in the 1880s by August Weismann, Neo-Darwinism integrates Mendelian genetics into Darwin’s theory, emphasizing natural selection as the primary evolutionary force. The modern evolutionary synthesis, influenced by population genetics, reconciled Mendelism and Darwinism, resulting in a comprehensive theory known as Neo-Darwinism.

The tutorial provides a holistic understanding of the evolution of Darwinism, from Charles Darwin’s foundational contributions to the integration of genetics in Neo-Darwinism, marking a significant milestone in evolutionary biology.