
Respiratory System – Air Passage Ways, Pharynx and Larynx, Lung Capacities

Respiratory System- The place of Gas Exchange

The respiratory system or ventilation apparatus is the network of organs and tissues that assist the organism to breathe.

This system assists the living body to take in oxygen from the air so the organs can work. It likewise cleans up waste gases, such as carbon dioxide, from the blood.

Requirement of Respiratory Gas Exchange

At all levels of activities in living organisms, a continuous supply of energy is required. Respiration is among the most essential metabolic activities of all organisms. Respiration happens at two levels, i.e., organismic and cellular level. Organismic respiration is also called breathing or ventilation.

Cellular respiration is directly associated with the production of energy, needed for all living activities. Cellular respiration is the process by which cell uses oxygen, produces carbon dioxide, extracts and saves energy from food molecules in biologically beneficial types, such as ATP.

Respiration in Human beings

In man breathing system consists of lungs and airway which are responsible for bringing fresh air to the respiratory sites.

Parts of Respiratory System
Air Passage Ways

Air Passage Ways consist of nostrils, nasal cavities, pharynx, throat, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, and alveolar ducts which eventually lead into the alveolar sac. Nasal cavities are lined with the mucous membrane of the ciliated epithelium. Each nasal cavity is partitioned into three passage ways by the projection of bones from the walls of the internal nose. Air enters the nasal cavity through the nostril and the bigger dust particles are caught by the hair and mucus in the nostrils.

Air, while passing through the nasal cavity, becomes moist, warm, and filtered of smaller foreign particles by mucous membrane.

Pharynx and Larynx

The nasal cavity leads into the throat or pharynx by two internal openings. The pharynx is a muscular passage lined with mucous membranes. The air is channeled from the pharynx into the larynx. The throat or voice box is an intricate cartilaginous structure surrounding the upper end of the trachea.

One of the cartilages, the epiglottis has a muscularly controlled, hinge-like action and acts as a lid that automatically covers the opening of the throat during the act of swallowing so as to prevent the entry of food or liquids into the larynx. The opening of larynx is called glottis and is likewise lined with mucous membrane. In the glottis, the mucous membrane is stretched across into two thin edged fibrous bands called vocal cords, which assist in voice production, when vibrated by air.


Trachea or Windpipe

The trachea or windpipe is a tubular structure lying forward to the oesophagus and encompasses the chest cavity or thorax where it is divided into right and left bronchi. In the wall of the trachea, there are a series of C shaped cartilage rings which prevent the trachea from collapsing and keep the passage of air open. Each bronchus on getting in the lung divides and subdivides progressively into smaller and smaller sized bronchi.

When the smaller bronchi attain a diameter of one mm or less, then they are called bronchioles. Bronchi have the same cartilage rings as the trachea, but the rings are progressively replaced by irregularly dispersed cartilage plates and the bronchioles totally lack cartilages. Bronchioles are comprised of primarily circular smooth muscles.


The bronchioles continue to divide and partition deep into the lungs and finally open into a large number of air-sacs. Air sac is the functional system of the lungs. Each air-sac consists of several tiny single layered structures called alveoli. Overlying the alveoli there is a rich network of blood capillaries to produce an excellent site for the exchange of gases.


The lungs are closed sacs that are linked to the outside by way of the trachea and the nostrils or mouth. Lungs are spongy because of the presence of countless alveoli. Lungs are present in the chest cavity. The chest cavity is bounded by ribs and muscles on the sides. The flooring of the chest is called the diaphragm. The diaphragm is a sheet of skeletal muscles. Lungs are covered with double layered thin membranous sacs called pleura.

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A person’s lungs are not of the exact same size. The right lung is a little broader than the left lung, however, it is also shorter. The right lung is much shorter because it needs to make space for the liver, which is right below it. The left lung is narrower because it must make space for the heart.


The lungs’ primary function is to help oxygen from the air we breathe enter the red cells in the blood. Red blood cells then bring oxygen around the body to be utilized in the cells present in our body. The lungs likewise help the body to get rid of CO2 gas when we breathe out. There are a variety of other tasks performed by the lungs that include:

  • Altering the pH of blood whether the blood is more acid or alkali) by increasing or decreasing the amount of CO2 in the body.
  • Removing little gas bubbles that may take place in the bloodstream.
  • Converting a chemical in the blood called angiotensin I to angiotensin II. These chemicals are very important in the control of blood pressure.
Lung Capacities

In an adult human being when the lungs are fully inflated the overall capability of lungs is 5 litres. Generally, when we are at rest or asleep the exchange is only about half a litre. The volume of air taken inside the lungs and expelled during exercise is almost 3.5 litres.

To put it simply, there is a recurring volume of 1.5 litres even during the workout which can not be expelled. Generally, at rest, we inhale and breathe out 15-20 times per minute. Throughout the workout, the breathing rate may rise to 30 times per minute. The increased rate and depth of breathing during a workout allows more oxygen to dissolve in blood and provided to the active muscles.

The additional carbon dioxide which the muscle takes into the blood is removed or eliminated by deep and quick breathing. There is a little change in the composition of inhaled and exhaled air during rest or exercise in most of the constituents of the air.

The inhaled and exhaled air constituents are as follows:


MCQs on Respiratory System with Answers

  1. What is the primary function of the respiratory system?
    • A) Digestion
    • B) Circulation
    • C) Breathing
    • D) Excretion

    Answer: C) Breathing

  2. Where does cellular respiration occur?
    • A) Lungs
    • B) Liver
    • C) Muscle cells
    • D) Stomach

    Answer: C) Muscle cells

  3. Which part of the respiratory system prevents the entry of food or liquids into the larynx during swallowing?
    • A) Trachea
    • B) Epiglottis
    • C) Bronchi
    • D) Alveoli

    Answer: B) Epiglottis

  4. What is the function of vocal cords in the larynx?
    • A) Filtering air
    • B) Gas exchange
    • C) Voice production
    • D) Oxygen transport

    Answer: C) Voice production

  5. What prevents the trachea from collapsing and keeps the passage of air open?
    • A) Smooth muscles
    • B) Cartilage rings
    • C) Alveoli
    • D) Bronchioles

    Answer: B) Cartilage rings

  6. Where does the exchange of gases primarily occur in the lungs?
    • A) Bronchi
    • B) Alveoli
    • C) Trachea
    • D) Pharynx

    Answer: B) Alveoli

  7. What covers the lungs and consists of a double-layered thin membranous sac?
    • A) Pleura
    • B) Diaphragm
    • C) Epiglottis
    • D) Mucous membrane

    Answer: A) Pleura

  8. Which lung is shorter due to the space required for the liver?
    • A) Left lung
    • B) Right lung
    • C) Both are equal
    • D) Neither

    Answer: B) Right lung

  9. What is the primary function of the lungs in gas exchange?
    • A) Release hormones
    • B) Transport nutrients
    • C) Exchange gases (O2 and CO2)
    • D) Produce enzymes

    Answer: C) Exchange gases (O2 and CO2)

  10. How much is the total capacity of fully inflated adult lungs?
    • A) 2 liters
    • B) 5 liters
    • C) 8 liters
    • D) 10 liters

    Answer: B) 5 liters

  11. What is the primary function of the lungs in controlling blood pressure?
    • A) Oxygen transport
    • B) Removal of CO2
    • C) pH regulation
    • D) Gas bubble elimination

    Answer: C) pH regulation

  12. During exercise, what happens to the breathing rate and depth?
    • A) Decreases
    • B) Remains the same
    • C) Fluctuates
    • D) Increases

    Answer: D) Increases

  13. What happens to the volume of air during exercise?
    • A) Decreases
    • B) Increases
    • C) Remains constant
    • D) Fluctuates

    Answer: B) Increases

  14. What is the term for the recurring volume of air that cannot be expelled during breathing?
    • A) Tidal volume
    • B) Residual volume
    • C) Expiratory reserve
    • D) Inspiratory reserve

    Answer: B) Residual volume

  15. What is the average breathing rate per minute at rest?
    • A) 5-10 times
    • B) 15-20 times
    • C) 25-30 times
    • D) 35-40 times

    Answer: B) 15-20 times

  16. What is the primary gas exchanged during exercise to meet increased oxygen demand?
    • A) Nitrogen
    • B) Oxygen
    • C) Carbon dioxide
    • D) Hydrogen

    Answer: B) Oxygen

  17. What is the primary function of deep and quick breathing during exercise?
    • A) Remove excess water
    • B) Eliminate CO2
    • C) Increase blood volume
    • D) Enhance digestion

    Answer: B) Eliminate CO2

  18. What is the composition of inhaled and exhaled air during rest or exercise primarily affected by?
    • A) Nitrogen levels
    • B) Oxygen levels
    • C) Carbon dioxide levels
    • D) Hydrogen levels

    Answer: C) Carbon dioxide levels

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) – Respiratory System Tutorial:

1. What is the respiratory system, and what is its primary function?

  • Answer: The respiratory system, or ventilation apparatus, is a network of organs and tissues that helps organisms breathe. Its primary function is to facilitate the intake of oxygen from the air to support the functioning of organs and remove waste gases, such as carbon dioxide, from the blood.

2. Why is a continuous supply of energy required in living organisms?

  • Answer: A continuous supply of energy is required for various metabolic activities in living organisms. Respiration, which occurs at both organismic and cellular levels, is a crucial metabolic activity associated with energy production.

3. How is cellular respiration related to the production of energy?

  • Answer: Cellular respiration is the process by which cells use oxygen, produce carbon dioxide, and extract energy from food molecules to produce biologically beneficial forms of energy, such as ATP (adenosine triphosphate).

4. What are the main parts of the respiratory system?

  • Answer: The respiratory system includes air passage ways, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveolar ducts, and alveoli.

5. How do the nasal cavities contribute to the respiratory process?

  • Answer: Nasal cavities, lined with mucous membrane and ciliated epithelium, filter and humidify incoming air. They also trap dust particles, making the air moist and warm.

6. What is the role of the epiglottis in the respiratory system?

  • Answer: The epiglottis is a cartilage that acts as a lid, covering the opening of the throat during swallowing to prevent the entry of food or liquids into the larynx.

7. How are bronchioles different from bronchi?

  • Answer: Bronchi are larger air passages with cartilage rings, while bronchioles are smaller, lack cartilages, and are made up of primarily circular smooth muscles.

8. What is the primary function of alveoli in the lungs?

  • Answer: Alveoli are tiny, single-layered structures where the exchange of gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide) takes place. They provide an interface for efficient gas exchange with a rich network of blood capillaries.

9. Why are lungs spongy, and what covers them?

  • Answer: Lungs are spongy due to countless alveoli. They are covered with double-layered thin membranous sacs called pleura.

10. What are the additional functions performed by the lungs, apart from gas exchange?

  • Answer: Lungs also play roles in altering the pH of blood, removing gas bubbles from the bloodstream, and converting angiotensin I to angiotensin II, which is important for blood pressure control.

11. What is the total capacity of fully inflated adult lungs, and how much air is exchanged during exercise?

  • Answer: The total capacity of fully inflated adult lungs is 5 liters. During exercise, approximately 3.5 liters of air are exchanged, with a recurring volume of 1.5 liters that cannot be expelled.

12. How does deep and quick breathing during exercise benefit the body?

  • Answer: Deep and quick breathing during exercise allows more oxygen to dissolve in the blood and be delivered to active muscles. It also helps remove the additional carbon dioxide produced by the muscles.

13. Is there a change in the composition of inhaled and exhaled air during rest or exercise?

  • Answer: Yes, there is a slight change in the composition, primarily related to the levels of carbon dioxide in the air.
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Summary of Respiratory System

The respiratory system, or ventilation apparatus, plays a crucial role in assisting organisms in breathing, enabling the intake of oxygen from the air for vital organ function and removing waste gases like carbon dioxide from the blood.

Respiration, a fundamental metabolic activity occurring at organismic and cellular levels, involves breathing or ventilation and cellular respiration. Cellular respiration, essential for energy production, utilizes oxygen to convert food molecules into biologically beneficial energy, such as ATP.

In humans, the respiratory system comprises the lungs and airway, responsible for bringing fresh air to respiratory sites. The system includes various components:

  1. Air Passage Ways: Consisting of nostrils, nasal cavities, pharynx, throat, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, and alveolar ducts leading to alveolar sacs. Nasal cavities moisten, warm, and filter air, while the mucous membrane captures dust particles.
  2. Pharynx and Larynx: The pharynx, a muscular passage, channels air into the larynx or voice box, an intricate cartilaginous structure with vocal cords for voice production. The epiglottis prevents the entry of food or liquids into the larynx during swallowing.
  3. Trachea or Windpipe: A tubular structure with C-shaped cartilage rings prevents collapse, branching into bronchi and bronchioles in the lungs.
  4. Alveoli: Tiny, single-layered structures in air sacs that facilitate gas exchange with a rich network of blood capillaries.
  5. Lungs: Closed sacs containing countless alveoli, covered by double-layered thin membranous sacs called pleura. The right lung is wider but shorter, accommodating the liver, while the left lung is narrower, making space for the heart.

The lungs’ primary functions include facilitating oxygen entry into red blood cells for distribution to body cells and expelling CO2 during exhalation. Other tasks involve altering blood pH, removing gas bubbles from the bloodstream, and converting chemicals crucial for blood pressure control.

In an adult, fully inflated lungs have a total capacity of 5 liters. During exercise, about 3.5 liters of air are exchanged, with a recurring volume of 1.5 liters. Resting breathing rates range from 15-20 breaths per minute, increasing to 30 breaths per minute during exercise. Deep and quick breathing during exercise enhances oxygen delivery to active muscles and eliminates additional carbon dioxide.

Overall, the respiratory system is intricate, ensuring efficient gas exchange and maintaining essential physiological functions for the body’s well-being.