Shapes of Orbitals – Shape, s,p, and d-Orbitals, Electronic Distribution and More


We are introduced to the four types of orbitals relying on the values of azimuthal quantum numbers. These orbitals are s, p, d, and f having azimuthal quantum number values as = 0,1, 2,3, specifically. Let us review the shapes of these orbitals.

Shape of s-Orbitals

s-orbital has a round shape as well as is normally represented by a circle, which subsequently, represents a cut of the sphere. With the increase of the value of major quantum number (n), the size of s-orbital boosts. 2s-orbital is larger in size than ls-orbital. 2s-orbital is likewise far away from the nucleus. The probability for finding the electron is zero in between two orbitals. This place is called the nodal plane or nodal surface.


Shape of p-Orbitals

There are 3 values of magnetic quantum number for p-subshell. So, p-subshell has 3 orientations in space i.e., along x, y and z-axes. All the 3 p-orbitals particularly, px, py, and pz have dumb-bell shapes. So, p-orbitals have a directional character that figures out the geometry of particles. All the p-orbitals of all the energy levels have similar shapes, yet with the rise of the primary quantum number of the shell, their dimensions are enhanced.


Shape of d-Orbitals

For the d subshell, there are five values of magnetic quantum number. So, there are five space alignments along x, y, and z-axes. They are marked as dxy, dyz, dxz, dx2 -y2, dz2. The lobes of the first three d-orbitals exist in between the axis. The other lie on the axis.


They are not similar fit. Four d-orbitals out of these 5 contain 4 lobes each, while the fifth orbital dz2 contains only two lobes. In the absence of a magnetic field, all the 5 d-orbitals are degenerate. The form of f-orbital is really made complex.

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Electronic Distribution in Orbitals

Following regulations have been taken on to distribute the electrons in subshells or orbitals.

  1. Aufbau principle
  2. Pauli’s exclusion principle
  3. Hand’s rule

Aufbau Principle

The electrons need to be filled in energy subshells in order of boosting energy values. The electrons are first put in Is, 2s, 2p quickly.

Pauli’s Exclusion Principle

This concept can be mentioned as complying with:

“ It is impossible for 2 electrons staying in the very same orbital of a poly-electron atom to have the exact same values of 4 quantum numbers, or Two electrons in the same orbital ought to have opposite spins (↓↑)”.

Hund’s Rules

If degenerate orbitals are offered and greater than one electron is to be positioned in them, they need to be placed in different orbitals with the very same spin rather than placing them in the same orbital with opposite spins. According to Hund’s rule, both electrons in the 2p subshell of carbon will be distributed as follows.


The 3 orbitals of the 2p subshell are degenerate.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

  1. What are orbitals, and how are they classified?
    • Orbitals are regions in an atom where electrons are likely to be found. They are classified into s, p, d, and f orbitals based on the values of azimuthal quantum numbers.
  2. What is the shape of s-orbitals, and how does it vary with the principal quantum number (n)?
    • S-orbitals have a spherical shape, representing a cut of the sphere. As the principal quantum number (n) increases, the size of s-orbitals also increases.
  3. Describe the shape of p-orbitals and their directional character.
    • P-orbitals have a dumbbell shape and three orientations in space along the x, y, and z-axes. They determine the geometry of particles due to their directional character.
  4. How many types of d-orbitals are there, and what are their shapes?
    • There are five types of d-orbitals: dxy, dyz, dxz, dx²-y², and dz². Their shapes involve lobes, some between axes and others lying on the axes.
  5. What is the significance of the Aufbau principle in electron distribution?
    • The Aufbau principle dictates that electrons fill energy subshells in order of increasing energy values, starting with the lowest energy subshell.
  6. Explain Pauli’s exclusion principle and its implications for electron configuration.
    • Pauli’s exclusion principle states that no two electrons in an atom can have the same set of four quantum numbers. Additionally, electrons in the same orbital must have opposite spins.
  7. What are Hund’s rules, and how do they guide electron placement in degenerate orbitals?
    • Hund’s rules dictate that electrons are first placed singly in degenerate orbitals with parallel spins before pairing up with opposite spins. This maximizes electron-electron repulsions.
  8. Why are d-orbitals considered degenerate, and how does this influence electron arrangement?
    • D-orbitals are degenerate because they have the same energy level. This influences electron arrangement by allowing electrons to occupy these orbitals singly before pairing up, following Hund’s rules.
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Summary: Shapes of Orbitals and Electronic Distribution

In this tutorial, we explored the shapes of different orbitals – s, p, and d orbitals – and delved into the principles governing electronic distribution within these orbitals.

  • Introduction:
    • We introduced the four types of orbitals – s, p, d, and f – distinguished by their azimuthal quantum number values.
  • Shapes of Orbitals:
    • S-orbitals exhibit a round shape, while p-orbitals have a dumbbell shape, with three orientations along the x, y, and z-axes. D-orbitals possess complex shapes, with five space alignments.
  • Electronic Distribution:
    • The Aufbau principle dictates the order of filling energy subshells, starting from the lowest energy levels.
    • Pauli’s exclusion principle states that no two electrons in an atom can have the same set of four quantum numbers, necessitating opposite spins for electrons in the same orbital.
    • Hund’s rules govern the placement of electrons in degenerate orbitals, preferring separate orbitals with the same spin before pairing.

This tutorial provides foundational knowledge on orbital shapes and electronic distribution, essential for understanding atomic structure and chemical bonding.