
Lipids Definition, Properties, Structure, Classification, and Functions

What are Lipids?

Lipids are a significant source of energy for the body besides their various other biochemical function and their function in cellular structure.

Lipids are a heterogeneous group of water-insoluble (hydrophobic) organic particles. Lipids consist of fats, oils, steroids, waxes, and associated substances.

“Lipids might be defined as organic substances insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents like chloroform, ether, and benzene.”

They are esters of fats with alcohol esters and are utilizable by the living organism.”

Properties of Lipids
  • Lipids might be either liquids or non-crystalline solids at room temperature.
  • Pure fats and oils are colorless, odor-free, and unsavory.
  • They are energy-rich natural molecules.
  • Insoluble in water.
  • Soluble in organic solvents like alcohol, chloroform, acetone, benzene, and so on.
  • No ionic charges
  • Solid triglycerols (Fats) have high percentages of saturated fatty acids.
  • Liquid triglycerols (Oils) have high proportions of unsaturated fats.
1. Hydrolysis of triglycerols

Triglycerols like any other esters react with water to form their carboxylic acid and alcohol– a process known as hydrolysis.

2. Saponification

Triacylglycerols might be hydrolyzed by numerous treatments, the most common of which makes use of alkali or enzymes called lipases. Alkaline hydrolysis is called saponification due to the fact that one of the products of the hydrolysis is a soap, typically sodium or potassium salts of fats.

3. Hydrogenation

The carbon-carbon double bonds in unsaturated fatty acids can be hydrogenated by reacting with hydrogen to produce saturated fatty acids.

4. Halogenation

Unsaturated fats, whether they are free or combined as esters in fats and oils, react with halogens by addition at the double bond(s). The reaction leads to the decolorization of the halogen solution.

5. Rancidity

The term rancid is applied to any fat or oil that establishes an unpleasant smell. Hydrolysis and oxidation reactions are accountable for triggering rancidity. Oxidative rancidity happens in triacylglycerols containing unsaturated fats.

Structure of Lipids

Lipids are made of the elements Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen, however have a much lower percentage of water than other molecules such as carbohydrates. Unlike polysaccharides and proteins, lipids are not polymers– they lack a repeating monomeric system.

They are made from 2 molecules: Glycerol and Fatty Acids. A glycerol molecule is made up of three carbon atoms with a hydroxyl group attached to it and hydrogen atoms occupying the remaining positions. Fatty acids consist of an acid group at one end of the particle and a hydrocarbon chain, which is typically signified by the letter ‘R’. They may be saturated or unsaturated.

A fat is saturated if every possible bond is made with a Hydrogen atom, such that there exist no C= C bonds. Unsaturated fatty acids, on the other hand, do consist of C= C bonds. Monounsaturated fats have one C= C bond, and polyunsaturated have more than one C= C bond.


Structure of Triglycerides

Triglycerides are lipids including one glycerol molecule bonded with 3 fatty acid molecules. The bonds between the particles are covalent and are called Ester bonds. They are formed during a condensation reaction. The charges are equally dispersed around the molecule so hydrogen bonds do not form with water molecules making them insoluble in water.


Classification of Lipids

There are various approaches to categorizing lipids. The most commonly used category of lipids is modified from Bloor as follows:

  1. Simple lipids
  2. Complex or compound lipids
  3. Derived lipids
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Simple Lipids

These are esters of fatty acids with different alcohols. Depending upon the type of alcohol, these are subclassified as:

  1. Neutral fats or triacylglycerol or triglycerides
  2. Waxes
Neutral fats or triacylglycerol or triglycerides

These are esters of fats with alcohol glycerol, e.g., tripalmitin. Because they are uncharged, they are termed as neutral fat. The fat we eat is mostly triglycerides. Fat in the liquid state is called an oil, e.g., vegetable oils like groundnut oil, mustard oil, corn oil, and so on.


Waxes are widespread as protective finishes on fruits and leaves. Some insects likewise produce wax. Chemically, waxes are mixtures of long-chain alkanes (with an odd number of carbons atoms ranging from C25 to C35) and alcohols, ketones, and esters of long-chain fatty acids. Waxes safeguard plants from water loss and abrasive damage. They likewise supply water barriers for bugs, birds, and animals such as sheep.

Complex or Compound Lipids

These are esters of fats, with alcohol including additional (prosthetic) groups. These are subclassified according to the type of prosthetic group present in the lipid as follows:

  1. Phospholipids
  2. Glycolipids
  3. Lipoproteins.

Phospholipids are derivatives of phosphatidic acid which are made up of glycerol, fatty acids, and phosphoric acid. Nitrogenous bases such as choline, ethanolamine, and serine are essential elements of phospholipids. They are widespread in bacteria, animal, and plant cells and are frequently connected with membranes. Phosphatidylcholine is one of the common phospholipids.



Lipids containing fat, alcohol sphingosine, and extra residue are carbohydrates with nitrogen bases. They do not include a phosphate group. These sugars including sphingolipids are likewise called glycosphingolipids.

  • Cerebrosides
  • Gangliosides

Lipoproteins are formed by the combination of a lipid with a prosthetic group protein, e.g., serum lipoproteins like:

  • Chylomicrons
  • Very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL)
  • Low-density lipoprotein (LDL)
  • High-density lipoprotein (HDL)
Derived Lipids

Derived lipids consist of the products acquired after the hydrolysis of simple and compound lipids which possess the qualities of lipids, e.g.

  • Fats
  • Steroids
  • Cholesterol
  • Lipid soluble vitamins and hormones
  • Ketone bodies
Functions of Lipids

Lipids function as:

  • Storage form of energy: Fats and oils are utilized almost universally as stored forms of energy in living organisms.
  • Structural Lipids: Lipids are significant structural parts of membranes, e.g., phospholipids, glycolipids, and sterols.
  • Cholesterol, a sterol, is a precursor of lots of steroid hormones, vitamin D, and is likewise a crucial component of the plasma membrane.
  • Lipid serves as a thermal insulator in the subcutaneous tissues and around certain organs.
  • Nonpolar lipids serve as electrical insulators in neurons.
  • Lipids are very important dietary constituents because of the fat-soluble vitamins and essential fatty acids that exist in the fat of healthy foods.
  • Lipids assist in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K). They act as a solvent for the transport of fat-soluble vitamins.

MCQs on Lipids

  • 1. What is the definition of lipids?
    • A. Water-soluble organic particles
    • B. Hydrophilic organic substances
    • C. Insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents
    • D. Ions with high molecular weight
    • Answer: C
  • 2. Which property is characteristic of lipids?
    • A. High ionic charges
    • B. Solubility in water
    • C. Odor-free at room temperature
    • D. Low energy content
    • Answer: C
  • 3. What process involves the reaction of triglycerols with water to form carboxylic acid and alcohol?
    • A. Hydrogenation
    • B. Saponification
    • C. Halogenation
    • D. Rancidity
    • Answer: B
  • 4. What is the structure of triglycerides composed of?
    • A. Glycerol and Phosphoric Acid
    • B. Glycerol and Fatty Acids
    • C. Amino acids and Peptide bonds
    • D. Monosaccharides and Disaccharides
    • Answer: B
  • 5. Which type of lipids are esters of fatty acids with different alcohols?
    • A. Simple lipids
    • B. Complex lipids
    • C. Derived lipids
    • D. Neutral fats
    • Answer: A
  • 6. What is the term for the hydrolysis of triacylglycerols using alkali or lipases, resulting in the formation of soap?
    • A. Halogenation
    • B. Hydrogenation
    • C. Rancidity
    • D. Saponification
    • Answer: D
  • 7. Which lipid category includes phospholipids, glycolipids, and lipoproteins?
    • A. Simple lipids
    • B. Complex lipids
    • C. Derived lipids
    • D. Waxes
    • Answer: B
  • 8. What are lipids made of in terms of elements?
    • A. Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen
    • B. Oxygen, Hydrogen, Phosphorus
    • C. Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen
    • D. Nitrogen, Oxygen, Sulfur
    • Answer: C
  • 9. In triglycerides, what type of bonds connect the glycerol molecule with three fatty acid molecules?
    • A. Ionic bonds
    • B. Covalent bonds
    • C. Hydrogen bonds
    • D. Peptide bonds
    • Answer: B
  • 10. Which lipid serves as a precursor for steroid hormones, vitamin D, and is a crucial component of the plasma membrane?
    • A. Phospholipids
    • B. Glycolipids
    • C. Cholesterol
    • D. Lipoproteins
    • Answer: C
  • 11. What is the main function of lipids as an energy storage form?
    • A. Structural support
    • B. Thermal insulation
    • C. Electrical conduction
    • D. Energy storage
    • Answer: D
  • 12. What type of fats have high percentages of saturated fatty acids?
    • A. Oils
    • B. Neutral fats
    • C. Waxes
    • D. Triglycerides
    • Answer: B
  • 13. Which lipid category includes cerebrosides and gangliosides?
    • A. Phospholipids
    • B. Glycolipids
    • C. Lipoproteins
    • D. Waxes
    • Answer: B
  • 14. What is the term for the reaction where halogens are added to the double bonds of unsaturated fats?
    • A. Hydrogenation
    • B. Saponification
    • C. Halogenation
    • D. Rancidity
    • Answer: C
  • 15. What type of fatty acids consist of C= C bonds?
    • A. Saturated fatty acids
    • B. Unsaturated fatty acids
    • C. Monounsaturated fats
    • D. Polyunsaturated fats
    • Answer: B
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Lipids

1. What are lipids?

  • Lipids are a diverse group of water-insoluble organic particles, including fats, oils, steroids, waxes, and related substances.

2. How are lipids defined?

  • Lipids are defined as organic substances insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents like chloroform, ether, and benzene. They are esters of fats with alcohol esters.

3. What are the main properties of lipids?

  • Lipids can exist as either liquids or non-crystalline solids at room temperature. They are colorless, odor-free, and unsavory. They are energy-rich molecules, insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents.

4. What is the process of hydrolysis of triglycerols?

  • Hydrolysis of triglycerols involves their reaction with water, resulting in the formation of carboxylic acid and alcohol.

5. How is saponification related to lipids?

  • Saponification is a process where triacylglycerols are hydrolyzed using alkali or enzymes called lipases, producing soap as one of the products.

6. Can you explain hydrogenation in lipids?

  • Hydrogenation is the reaction where the carbon-carbon double bonds in unsaturated fatty acids are reacted with hydrogen to produce saturated fatty acids.

7. What is the significance of halogenation in lipids?

  • Halogenation involves the reaction of unsaturated fats with halogens, resulting in the decolorization of the halogen solution.

8. How is rancidity caused in lipids?

  • Rancidity occurs when a fat or oil develops an unpleasant smell, typically due to hydrolysis and oxidation reactions. Oxidative rancidity happens in triacylglycerols containing unsaturated fats.

9. What elements make up lipids, and how are they structured?

  • Lipids are composed of Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen. They are made up of glycerol and fatty acids. Glycerol consists of three carbon atoms with a hydroxyl group, and fatty acids have an acid group and a hydrocarbon chain.

10. How are triglycerides structured?

  • Triglycerides consist of one glycerol molecule bonded with three fatty acid molecules. The bonds between the particles are covalent and called Ester bonds.

11. What are the main categories of lipids based on classification?

  • Lipids are classified into simple lipids, complex or compound lipids, and derived lipids.

12. Can you explain the types of simple lipids?

  • Simple lipids include neutral fats or triacylglycerol (triglycerides) and waxes.

13. What are complex or compound lipids?

  • Complex or compound lipids are esters of fats with alcohol containing additional groups, such as phospholipids, glycolipids, and lipoproteins.
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14. How do lipids function in the body?

  • Lipids function as a storage form of energy, structural components of membranes, thermal insulators, electrical insulators, and aid in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.

15. Why are lipids important in the diet?

  • Lipids are crucial dietary constituents due to the presence of fat-soluble vitamins and essential fatty acids in healthy foods. They also act as solvents for the transport of fat-soluble vitamins.


Summary Lipids

The tutorial on lipids provides a comprehensive exploration of these essential organic compounds. Lipids, encompassing fats, oils, steroids, waxes, and related substances, serve as a significant energy source and play crucial roles in biochemical functions and cellular structure.

The properties of lipids are diverse, ranging from being either liquids or non-crystalline solids at room temperature to being colorless, odor-free, and energy-rich. Notably, they are insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents. The tutorial delves into various properties, including hydrolysis, saponification, hydrogenation, halogenation, and the occurrence of rancidity.

The structure of lipids, composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, involves glycerol and fatty acids. The distinction between saturated and unsaturated fats is explored, shedding light on their chemical composition and characteristics. The structure of triglycerides, formed by bonding glycerol with three fatty acids, is elucidated, emphasizing their insolubility in water due to covalent ester bonds.

The classification of lipids, categorized as simple, complex, or compound, and derived, is presented. Simple lipids include neutral fats or triglycerides and waxes, each serving specific functions. Complex or compound lipids, such as phospholipids, glycolipids, and lipoproteins, are discussed, highlighting their diverse roles in biological systems.

The tutorial concludes by elucidating the functions of lipids. They serve as a storage form of energy, structural components of membranes, thermal insulators, and electrical insulators. Additionally, lipids play a vital role in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and act as solvents for their transport.

In essence, the tutorial provides a comprehensive understanding of lipids, from their definition and properties to their intricate structures, classifications, and multifaceted functions in living organisms.