
Viruses – History, Characteristics , Structure, & Classification

Viruses – The Borderline of Living and Non-living

  • Viruses are at the borderline of living and nonliving. Due to their crystalline nature, they are thought about as non-living.
  • They are acellular i.e. they do not have cellular organization yet reveal some characters of living organisms (e.g. they possess DNA).
  • Viruses contain either RNA or DNA, typically enclosed in a protein coat.
  • They reproduce just in living cells, where they trigger several diseases.
  • Viruses are not considered organisms and thus are not added to the five-kingdom classification system. Prions and viroid are likewise acellular particles and are not included in the five-kingdom classification system.
History of Viruses

About a century back at the time of Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) and Robert Koch (1843-1910), the word “virus” was typically described as a poison related to disease and death. Today concept of virus is entirely different. Now viruses are acknowledged as particles of nucleic acid typically with a protein coat. They replicate in living cells and trigger lots of diseases such as influenzas, hepatitis, small pox, and AIDS.

Virology: The branch which deals with the study of viruses is called virology.


Etymology of Word Virus

The word “virus” is derived from the Latin word “venom” meaning harmful fluid. It can be defined as non-cellular infectious entities that consist of either RNA or DNA, normally framed in proteinaceous coat, and reproduce only in living cells. Viruses utilize the biosynthetic equipment of the host for its own synthesis and then move efficiently to other cells.

Discovery of Virus


In 1884, one of Pasteur’s partners, Charles Chamberland, discovered that bacteria cannot pass through porcelain filters, while agent responsible for rabies (a disease which is moved to human by bites of wild dogs, foxes, felines, bats, and other animals) can travel through these filters.

As in those days, the word virus was loosely used to describe any hazardous compound that caused disease, those hidden filterable agents of disease were referred to as filterable viruses. In 1892, Ivanowski discovered that the agent which caused tobacco mosaic disease was filterable. He obtained bacteria-free filtrate from the ground up infected plants and positioned it on healthy leaves of tobacco.

He observed that filtrate produced the disease in healthy plants. After that, the existence of comparable filter-passing, ultramicroscopic agents were seen in the victims of lots of diseases, consisting of foot and mouth disease (1898) and yellow fever (1901).

The filterable agents were first purified in 1935 when Stanley was successful in crystallizing the tobacco mosaic virus. Chemical analysis of these particles revealed that they included just nucleic acid and protein. This suggested that, unlike other kinds, viruses are of a simple chemical structure.

Characteristics of Viruses

Viruses are extremely little infectious agents, which can just be seen under an electron microscope. They range in size from 250 nanometer (nm) of poxviruses to the 20 nm of parvoviruses. They are 10 to 1000 times smaller than many bacteria, so they can pass through the pores of the filter, from which bacteria cannot pass. Viruses can not be grown on artificial media.

They can replicate only in animal and plant cells or in bacteria, where they reproduce by replication (a procedure by which lots of copies or replicas of virus are formed). Hence the infections are obligate intracellular parasites. Viruses do not have metabolic equipment for the synthesis of their own nucleic acid and protein.

They depend upon the host cell to carry out these essential functions. During replication in the host cells, viruses might cause illness and diseases. All viruses are typically resistant to broad range of readily available antibiotics such as penicillin, streptomycin and others.


Structure of Viruses

The complete, mature, and infectious particle is referred to as virion. The virions are made up of a central core of nucleic acid, either DNA or RNA, which is likewise called the genome and is surrounded by a protein coat, the capsid. Capsid gives a definite shape to virion. The capsid is made up of protein subunits referred to as capsomeres.

Further Reading:  Behaviours in Animals - Innate, Instinctive, Learning behaviours

The number of capsomeres is the characteristics of a particular virus. For instance, 162 capsomeres exist in the capsid of the herpes virus and 252 in the capsid of adenovirus which causes some acute colds. In some animal viruses, the nucleocapsid (nucleic acid and capsid) is covered by another membrane stemmed from the host cell, the envelope. Non enveloped viruses are referred to as naked virions. Animal and plant viruses may be polyhedron (having many sides), helical (Spiral), enveloped, or complex.


Do you know???

The recently discovered (1983) and least understood microorganisms are the prions, which might be contagious proteins. Their nature is very questionable. They are composed of protein-only that contains the information that codes for their own replication. All other organisms contain their genetic details in a nucleic acid(DNA or RNA). Prions are accountable for mad cow infection and mystical brain infection Inman.

Classification of Viruses

Viruses are categorized by factors such as their core content, capsid structure, presence of outer envelope, and how mRNA is produced.

Viruses can also be classified by the style of their capsids. Isometric viruses have shapes that are approximately spherical, such as poliovirus or herpesviruses. Enveloped viruses have membranes surrounding capsids. Animal viruses, such as HIV, are often enveloped. Head and tail viruses infect bacteria and have a head that resembles icosahedral viruses and a tail shape like filamentous viruses. Capsids are categorized as naked icosahedral, enveloped icosahedrally, enveloped helical, naked helical, and complex. For instance, the tobacco mosaic virus has a naked helical capsid. The adenovirus has an icosahedral capsid.


Baltimore Classification

The most commonly-used system of virus classification was established by Nobel Prize-winning biologist David Baltimore in the early 1970s. The Baltimore classification scheme groups viruses according to how the mRNA is produced during the replicative cycle of the virus.

Viruses can contain double-stranded DNA (dsDNA), single-stranded DNA (ssDNA), double-stranded RNA (dsRNA), single-stranded RNA with positive polarity (ssRNA), ssRNA with a negative polarity, diploid (two copies) ssRNA, and partial dsDNA genomes. Positive polarity implies that the genomic RNA can serve directly as mRNA and a negative polarity implies that their sequence is complementary to the mRNA.



Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

  1. What makes viruses borderline entities between living and non-living?
    • a) Cellular organization
    • b) Protein coat
    • c) DNA possession
    • d) Crystalline nature
    • Answer: d
  2. Why are viruses not included in the five-kingdom classification system?
    • a) Lack of DNA
    • b) Non-cellular nature
    • c) Protein coat
    • d) Acellular particles
    • Answer: b
  3. Who coined the term “virus” and considered it a poison related to disease and death initially?
    • a) Louis Pasteur
    • b) Robert Koch
    • c) Ivanowski
    • d) Charles Chamberland
    • Answer: a
  4. What does the word “virus” mean etymologically?
    • a) Living entity
    • b) Harmful fluid
    • c) Cellular structure
    • d) Poisonous gas
    • Answer: b
  5. Who discovered that the agent causing rabies could pass through porcelain filters?
    • a) Ivanowski
    • b) Charles Chamberland
    • c) Louis Pasteur
    • d) Robert Koch
    • Answer: b
  6. What term was used for hidden filterable agents of disease in the early stages of virus discovery?
    • a) Bacteria
    • b) Viruses
    • c) Filterable viruses
    • d) Rabies agents
    • Answer: c
  7. What is the size range of viruses?
    • a) 1 to 10 nanometers
    • b) 10 to 100 nanometers
    • c) 100 to 1000 nanometers
    • d) 1000 to 10,000 nanometers
    • Answer: b
  8. Where can viruses replicate?
    • a) Any artificial media
    • b) Animal and plant cells or bacteria
    • c) Only in bacteria
    • d) Only in human cells
    • Answer: b
  9. What is the complete, mature, and infectious particle of a virus called?
    • a) Genome
    • b) Nucleic acid
    • c) Capsid
    • d) Virion
    • Answer: d
  10. Which component gives a definite shape to a virion?
    • a) Nucleic acid
    • b) Capsomeres
    • c) Capsid
    • d) Envelope
    • Answer: c
  11. How are viruses classified based on the style of their capsids?
    • a) By their core content
    • b) By the presence of an outer envelope
    • c) By how mRNA is produced
    • d) By capsid structure
    • Answer: d
  12. Who developed the most commonly used system of virus classification?
    • a) Louis Pasteur
    • b) Robert Koch
    • c) David Baltimore
    • d) Ivanowski
    • Answer: c
  13. Which classification system groups viruses based on how mRNA is produced during the replicative cycle?
    • a) Linnaean Classification
    • b) Darwinian Classification
    • c) Baltimore Classification
    • d) Mendelian Classification
    • Answer: c
  14. What does positive polarity of genomic RNA in viruses imply?
    • a) Complementary to mRNA
    • b) Can serve directly as mRNA
    • c) Double-stranded RNA
    • d) Negative polarity
    • Answer: b
  15. Which virus has an icosahedral capsid?
    • a) Tobacco mosaic virus
    • b) Adenovirus
    • c) HIV
    • d) Herpes virus
    • Answer: b
  16. What is the nature of prions?
    • a) Viruses
    • b) Contagious proteins
    • c) Cellular entities
    • d) Double-stranded RNA
    • Answer: b
  17. Which virus causes mad cow disease?
    • a) Herpes virus
    • b) Adenovirus
    • c) Prions
    • d) Poliovirus
    • Answer: c
  18. What makes prions unique compared to other microorganisms?
    • a) Contain nucleic acid
    • b) Composed of protein-only
    • c) Obligate intracellular parasites
    • d) Have an icosahedral capsid
    • Answer: b
  19. Which of the following is a characteristic feature of enveloped viruses?
    • a) Naked capsid
    • b) Icosahedral capsid
    • c) Helical capsid
    • d) Double-stranded RNA genome
    • Answer: a
  20. What is the significance of the word “Baltimore” in virus classification?
    • a) Named after a famous virologist
    • b) Represents a specific virus
    • c) Refers to the city of classification
    • d) Named after a biologist who developed the classification scheme
    • Answer: d
Further Reading:  Blastula: Types, and Blastocyst Differentiation


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

  1. Q: What makes viruses unique in terms of their classification in living organisms?
    • A: Viruses are considered at the borderline of living and non-living due to their acellular nature and crystalline structure.
  2. Q: Are viruses included in the five-kingdom classification system, and why?
    • A: No, viruses are not included. They lack cellular organization and are not considered organisms.
  3. Q: How did the historical perception of viruses differ from the modern understanding?
    • A: In the past, viruses were seen as poisons related to disease and death. Modern understanding recognizes them as nucleic acid particles with a protein coat.
  4. Q: What is virology, and what does it study?
    • A: Virology is the branch of science that deals with the study of viruses.
  5. Q: Where does the term “virus” originate, and what does it mean?
    • A: The term “virus” comes from the Latin word “venom,” meaning harmful fluid. It refers to non-cellular infectious entities containing RNA or DNA.
  6. Q: How did the discovery of viruses take place?
    • A: Charles Chamberland discovered that bacteria couldn’t pass through porcelain filters, while the agent causing rabies could. Ivanowski identified filterable agents causing diseases like tobacco mosaic, leading to the discovery of viruses.
  7. Q: Why are viruses obligate intracellular parasites, and where can they replicate?
    • A: Viruses lack metabolic machinery and replicate only in animal and plant cells or bacteria, relying on the host cell for essential functions.
  8. Q: What is the structure of a virion, and what is the function of the capsid?
    • A: A virion is the complete infectious particle, composed of nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) surrounded by a protein coat called the capsid. The capsid gives the virion a definite shape.
  9. Q: How are viruses classified based on their capsids?
    • A: Viruses can be classified as naked or enveloped, isometric or helical, and polyhedron or complex, depending on their capsid structure.
  10. Q: What is the Baltimore Classification, and who developed it?
    • A: The Baltimore Classification, developed by David Baltimore, groups viruses based on how mRNA is produced during the replicative cycle. It categorizes viruses into different classes based on their nucleic acid characteristics.
  11. Q: Can viruses contain both RNA and DNA in their genome?
    • A: Yes, viruses can have either RNA or DNA in their genome, and some may even have both.
  12. Q: What is the significance of prions in virology?
    • A: Prions are contagious proteins, and their discovery raises questions about infectious agents that lack nucleic acid. They are associated with diseases like mad cow infection and mysterious brain infections.
  13. Q: Why are viruses resistant to many antibiotics?
    • A: Viruses lack their own metabolic machinery and depend on host cells for replication. Since antibiotics target bacterial processes, they are generally ineffective against viruses.
  14. Q: How small are viruses compared to bacteria, and why can they pass through certain filters?
    • A: Viruses are 10 to 1000 times smaller than bacteria, allowing them to pass through filters that bacteria cannot due to their size.
  15. Q: Can viruses be grown on artificial media like bacteria?
    • A: No, viruses cannot be grown on artificial media. They require living cells (animal, plant, or bacterial) for replication.
Further Reading:  Autonomous Cell Specification



This tutorial on Viruses provides a comprehensive exploration of these microscopic entities that exist at the boundary between living and non-living. Here’s a brief summary of key points:

  1. Borderline Nature:
    • Viruses, due to their crystalline nature, are considered non-living despite exhibiting some characteristics of living organisms. They lack cellular organization and are acellular.
  2. Genetic Material and Reproduction:
    • Viruses contain either RNA or DNA enclosed in a protein coat. They reproduce exclusively in living cells, causing various diseases, but are not classified as organisms and are not part of the five-kingdom classification system.
  3. Historical Evolution:
    • The historical perception of viruses as poisons related to disease has evolved. Modern understanding recognizes viruses as nucleic acid particles with a protein coat, causing diseases such as influenza, hepatitis, smallpox, and AIDS.
  4. Etymology and Discovery:
    • The term “virus” is derived from the Latin word “venom.” The discovery of viruses involved the identification of filterable agents causing diseases, leading to the purification of these agents in 1935 by Stanley.
  5. Characteristics:
    • Viruses are extremely small, ranging from 20 to 250 nanometers. They can only be observed under an electron microscope and cannot be grown on artificial media. Viruses depend on host cells for replication and lack their own metabolic machinery.
  6. Structure:
    • The infectious particle, virion, comprises a central core of nucleic acid surrounded by a protein coat (capsid). The capsid, made up of capsomeres, gives the virion a specific shape. Some viruses also have an outer envelope.
  7. Prions:
    • Prions, discovered in 1983, are contagious proteins with a controversial nature. Unlike other organisms, they lack nucleic acid and are associated with diseases like mad cow infection.
  8. Classification:
    • Viruses are categorized based on core content, capsid structure, presence of an outer envelope, and capsid style. The Baltimore Classification, established by David Baltimore, groups viruses based on how mRNA is produced during replication.

The tutorial offers a detailed insight into the intriguing world of viruses, exploring their history, characteristics, structure, and diverse classification schemes. Understanding viruses is crucial for advancing knowledge in virology and addressing the challenges posed by viral infections.