
What is Cytoskeleton? Structure, Functions Explained

What is the cytoskeleton?

The cytoskeleton is a network of filaments and tubules that extends throughout a cell, through the cytoplasm, which is all of the product within a cell except for the nucleus.

It is found in all cells, though the proteins that it is made from vary among organisms.

The cytoskeleton supports the cell, gives it proper shape, organizes and tethers the organelles, and has functions in molecule transport, cellular division, and cell signaling.

Structure of Cytoskeleton

The cytoskeleton is made up of at least 3 different kinds of fibers: microtubules, microfilaments, and intermediate filaments. These fibers are distinguished by their size with microtubules being the thickest and microfilaments being the thinnest.


Protein Fibers

Microtubules are hollow rods functioning mostly to help support and form the cell and as “routes” along which organelles can move. Microtubules are normally found in all eukaryotic cells. They differ in length and measure about 25 nm (nanometers) in diameter.


Microfilaments are likewise called actin filaments because they are mainly made up of the protein actin; their structure is two strands of actin wound in a spiral. They are almost 7 nanometers thick, making them the thinnest filaments in the cytoskeleton.

Microfilaments have many functions. They help in cytokinesis, which is the division of the cytoplasm of a cell when it is dividing into 2 daughter cells. They aid in cell motility and permit single-celled organisms like amoebas to move. They are likewise involved in cytoplasmic streaming, which is the flowing of cytosol (the liquid part of the cytoplasm) throughout the cell.

Cytoplasmic streaming transports and moves nutrients and cell organelles. Microfilaments are likewise part of muscle cells and enable these cells to contract, in addition to myosin. Actin and myosin are the two primary components of muscle contractile components.

Intermediate filaments

They can be abundant in many cells and give support to microfilaments and microtubules by holding them in place. These filaments form keratins found in epithelial cells and neurofilaments in neurons. They measure 10 nm in diameter.


Microtubules are the largest of the cytoskeleton’s fibers at about 23 nm. They are hollow tubes made of alpha and beta-tubulin. Microtubules form structures like flagella, which are “tails” that propel a cell forward. They are likewise found in structures like cilia, which are appendages that increase a cell’s area and, in many cases, permit the cell to move.

Most of the microtubules in an animal cell originate from a cell organelle called the centrosome, which is a microtubule-organizing center (MTOC). The centrosome is found near the middle of the cell, and microtubules radiate outward, from it. Microtubules are essential in forming the spindle device (or mitotic spindle), which separates sister chromatids so that one copy can go to each daughter cell during cell division. They are also associated with transferring particles within the cell and in the formation of the cell wall in plant cells.


Motor Proteins

Several motor proteins are found in the cytoskeleton. As their name suggests, these proteins actively move cytoskeleton fibers. As a result, molecules and organelles are transported around the cell. Motor proteins are powered by ATP, which is produced through cellular respiration. There are 3 types of motor proteins associated with cell motion.

Further Reading:  Endosymbiont Hypothesis and Membrane Invagination Hypothesis

Kinesins move along microtubules and bring cellular parts along the way. They are typically utilized to pull organelles towards the cell membrane.

Dyneins resemble kinesins and are utilized to pull cellular components inward toward the nucleus. Dyneins likewise work to move microtubules relative to one another as observed in the movement of cilia and flagella.

Myosins interact with actin to carry out muscle contractions. They are also associated with cytokinesis, endocytosis (inward movement), and exocytosis (outward movement).

The function of the Cytoskeleton
  1. First, it gives the cell shape. This is specifically crucial in cells without cell walls, such as animal cells, that do not get their shape from a thick external layer. It can likewise offer cell movement. The microfilaments and microtubules can dismantle, reassemble, and contract, allowing cells to move and migrate, and microtubules assist in forming structures like cilia and flagella that permit cell movement.
  2. The cytoskeleton organizes the cell and keeps the cell’s organelles in place, but it likewise helps in the motion of organelles throughout the cell. For example, throughout endocytosis when a cell swallows up a molecule, microfilaments pull the vesicle containing the swallowed-up particles into the cell. Likewise, the cytoskeleton assists in moving chromosomes during cellular division.
  3. One analogy for the cytoskeleton is the frame of a structure. Like any house or building’s frame, the cytoskeleton is the “frame” of the cell, keeping structures in place, offering support, and providing the cell a definite shape.


Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) on Cytoskeleton

  1. What is the cytoskeleton?
    • A) A type of cell membrane
    • B) A network of filaments and tubules in a cell
    • C) The nucleus of the cell
    • D) A storage organelle

    Answer: B

  2. Where is the cytoskeleton found?
    • A) Only in animal cells
    • B) Only in plant cells
    • C) In all cells
    • D) Only in prokaryotic cells

    Answer: C

  3. Which of the following is NOT a component of the cytoskeleton?
    • A) Microtubules
    • B) Nucleus
    • C) Microfilaments
    • D) Intermediate filaments

    Answer: B

  4. What is the function of microtubules in the cytoskeleton?
    • A) Muscle contraction
    • B) Cell movement
    • C) Support and cell shape
    • D) Holding organelles in place

    Answer: B

  5. Which protein is primarily found in microfilaments?
    • A) Tubulin
    • B) Keratin
    • C) Actin
    • D) Myosin

    Answer: C

  6. What is the diameter of microtubules?
    • A) 7 nanometers
    • B) 10 nanometers
    • C) 23 nanometers
    • D) 25 nanometers

    Answer: C

  7. Which cytoskeleton component is crucial for muscle contractions?
    • A) Microtubules
    • B) Actin
    • C) Intermediate filaments
    • D) Dyneins

    Answer: B

  8. What is the role of kinesins in the cytoskeleton?
    • A) Muscle contractions
    • B) Moving organelles toward the cell membrane
    • C) Cell division
    • D) Inward movement of cellular components

    Answer: B

  9. How does the cytoskeleton contribute to cell movement?
    • A) By synthesizing ATP
    • B) By actively dismantling and reassembling
    • C) By storing nutrients
    • D) By producing enzymes

    Answer: B

  10. Which analogy best describes the cytoskeleton?
  • A) Power plant
  • B) Cell wall
  • C) Frame of a building
  • D) Nervous system

Answer: C

  1. What powers motor proteins in the cytoskeleton?
  • A) Light energy
  • B) Glucose
  • C) ATP
  • D) Oxygen

Answer: C

  1. What is the primary function of dyneins in the cytoskeleton?
  • A) Moving organelles toward the cell membrane
  • B) Muscle contractions
  • C) Inward movement of cellular components
  • D) Outward movement of cellular components

Answer: C

  1. Which cytoskeletal component forms structures like cilia and flagella?
  • A) Microfilaments
  • B) Intermediate filaments
  • C) Microtubules
  • D) Dyneins
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Answer: C

  1. What is the diameter of intermediate filaments?
  • A) 7 nanometers
  • B) 10 nanometers
  • C) 23 nanometers
  • D) 25 nanometers

Answer: B

  1. In which cellular process are microfilaments involved?
  • A) Cellular respiration
  • B) Cytokinesis
  • C) Synthesis of ATP
  • D) Photosynthesis

Answer: B

  1. What is the primary role of microfilaments in muscle cells?
  • A) Cell movement
  • B) Support
  • C) Muscle contractions
  • D) Transport of molecules

Answer: C

  1. What does the cytoskeleton contribute to during cellular division?
  • A) Muscle contractions
  • B) Chromosome movement
  • C) Inward movement of cellular components
  • D) Outward movement of cellular components

Answer: B


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Cytoskeleton

  1. What is the cytoskeleton?
    • The cytoskeleton is a network of filaments and tubules extending throughout a cell’s cytoplasm, supporting the cell, giving it shape, and playing essential roles in cellular functions.
  2. What are the main components of the cytoskeleton?
    • The cytoskeleton comprises three main types of fibers: microtubules, microfilaments (actin filaments), and intermediate filaments.
  3. Where is the cytoskeleton found?
    • The cytoskeleton is found in all cells, regardless of the organism. However, the specific proteins constituting it may vary among different organisms.
  4. What is the function of microtubules?
    • Microtubules function primarily to support and shape the cell, providing “routes” for organelles to move. They are also involved in cellular division, forming structures like flagella and cilia.
  5. What is the diameter of microfilaments?
    • Microfilaments, also known as actin filaments, are approximately 7 nanometers thick, making them the thinnest filaments in the cytoskeleton.
  6. What functions do microfilaments serve?
    • Microfilaments aid in cytokinesis, cell motility, cytoplasmic streaming, and are crucial components in muscle cells, allowing them to contract.
  7. What is the role of intermediate filaments?
    • Intermediate filaments provide support to microfilaments and microtubules by holding them in place. They form keratins in epithelial cells and neurofilaments in neurons.
  8. How are microtubules involved in cellular division?
    • Microtubules are essential in forming the spindle apparatus, separating sister chromatids during cell division. They also play a role in transferring particles within the cell.
  9. What powers motor proteins in the cytoskeleton?
    • Motor proteins in the cytoskeleton are powered by ATP, generated through cellular respiration.
  10. What are the three types of motor proteins associated with cell motion?
  • The three types of motor proteins are kinesins (move along microtubules), dyneins (move cellular components inward), and myosins (interact with actin for muscle contractions).
  1. How does the cytoskeleton contribute to cell movement?
  • Microfilaments and microtubules can dismantle, reassemble, and contract, enabling cells to move and migrate. Microtubules also form structures like cilia and flagella for cell movement.
  1. What is the analogy for the cytoskeleton?
  • The cytoskeleton is likened to the frame of a building, providing structural support, keeping organelles in place, and defining the cell’s shape.
  1. How does the cytoskeleton assist in cellular division?
  • The cytoskeleton, particularly microfilaments, aids in the movement of chromosomes during cellular division, ensuring proper distribution to daughter cells.
  1. Is the cytoskeleton present only in certain cell types?
  • No, the cytoskeleton is found in all cell types, playing fundamental roles in cellular structure and function.
  1. What is the significance of the cytoskeleton in cells without cell walls?
  • In cells without cell walls, like animal cells, the cytoskeleton is crucial for providing shape and structure.
  1. What are the functions of microfilaments in muscle cells?
  • Microfilaments in muscle cells, along with myosin, facilitate muscle contractions, contributing to movement and cellular functions.
  1. How does the cytoskeleton contribute to endocytosis?
  • Microfilaments pull the vesicle containing swallowed-up particles into the cell during endocytosis, showcasing the cytoskeleton’s role in cellular processes.
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Summary: Understanding the Cytoskeleton

The cytoskeleton, a dynamic network of filaments and tubules within a cell, plays a crucial role in providing structural support, shaping the cell, and facilitating various cellular functions. Composed of microtubules, microfilaments, and intermediate filaments, each with distinct functions and characteristics, the cytoskeleton is a universal feature found in all cells.

  • Microtubules: The thickest fibers, they act as supportive structures and provide routes for organelle movement.
  • Microfilaments: Mainly composed of actin, these thin filaments are essential for cytokinesis, cell motility, and cytoplasmic streaming.
  • Intermediate Filaments: Providing support to microtubules and microfilaments, they form cell-specific structures like keratins and neurofilaments.

The cytoskeleton’s functionality extends to cellular motion through motor proteins powered by ATP:

  • Kinesins: Move along microtubules, bringing cellular components along the way.
  • Dyneins: Pull components inward and facilitate microtubule movement.
  • Myosins: Involved in muscle contractions, cytokinesis, endocytosis, and exocytosis.

Beyond structural support, the cytoskeleton is integral in shaping cells without external walls, aiding in cell movement, and orchestrating organelle motion during processes like endocytosis and cellular division. Analogous to a building’s frame, the cytoskeleton ensures structural integrity, organelle organization, and defined cell shape.

In conclusion, the cytoskeleton is a dynamic cellular framework essential for maintaining cell structure, enabling movement, and coordinating vital cellular processes. Understanding its components and functions provides valuable insights into the intricate world of cellular biology.