
Ecology, Ecosystem and Major Components of Ecosystem

An Overview

Ecosystems encompass the interaction between communities and their surrounding physical environment. These ecosystems are composed of abiotic and biotic factors, where abiotic factors encompass non-living elements like water, air, light, and soil, while biotic factors encompass all living elements.

Populations, comprising individuals of the same species within a specific area, are the building blocks of ecosystems. On a broader scale, geographical regions are termed biomes. The study of the relationship between organisms and their environment is known as ecology. Autecology focuses on a single population, while synecology explores different communities. The intricacy of ecosystems and environments stems from diverse abiotic and biotic factors.

The term “ecology” finds its roots in the Greek words “oikos,” meaning “the family household,” and “logy,” denoting “the study of.” Coined by German zoologist Ernst Haeckel in 1866, ecology, or “oncologic” as Haeckel termed it, delves into the relationships between animals (organisms) and their environment. This encompasses not only the physical conditions but also the biological aspects under which organisms exist, involving interactions with the external world and members of the same or different species.


The significant unit of ecology is the ecosystem. Organisms communicate with their environment within the confines of the ecosystem. The eco part of the word is associated with the environment and the system part means a collection of related parts that operate as a system.

An ecosystem is a community of living organisms in relation to the nonliving elements of their environment, engaging as a system.

The ecosystem has lots of levels. On our level, individual organism, including humans, both responds to and influences the physical environment. At the next level, individuals of the very same types form population, that can be described in terms of number, development rate, and age distribution. Further, individuals of these populations interact among themselves and with individuals of other types and form a community.


Population is a group of interbreeding organisms (very same species) happening together in space and time. Populations of plants and animals in the ecosystem do not operate independently of each other.

Some populations compete with other populations for resources, such as food, water, or space. In some cases, one population is the food resource for another. Two populations might mutually benefit each other.


Populations of different types (plants and animals) residing and interacting in the same habitat form a community. Communities are vibrant collections of organisms, in which one population may increase and others may reduce due to fluctuation in abiotic elements. Some communities are complicated and well interrelated, other communities might be simple. In a basic community, any modification can have drastic and long-term effects.

The foregoing account makes it clear that an organism can be studied at different levels of an organization. It can be studied at subatomic, atomic, molecular, macromolecular, organelle, cell, tissue, organ, and organ system level. We can also look at it as a specific, as a part of a population of similar organisms, as a part of a community that consists of other populations and a part of the ecosystem of a biosphere that includes abiotic aspects along with living organisms.

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The organisms, interaction can take lots of shapes. It might be predation, parasitism, commensalism, mutualism, and competition.

Major types of environments, those that inhabit broad geographical areas are called biomes. Each biome consists of a mix of plants and animals and other microorganisms in the completely established climax community and is characterized by a uniform life-form of plants such as turf or coniferous trees. Some major terrestrial biomes are forest, grassland, woodlands, and desert. Combined the biomes of earth together form the planetary ecosystem.


Ecology is the study of the relationship of living organisms to their environment. When you are studying a single population’s relationship to its environment it will be called autecology. For instance, you are studying 50 to 100 plants of soybean in order to know the effect of water pollution on their growth and yield, you are studying a single or one population of the soybean plant, this research study is autecology.


Growth responses of specific plants to their environment are a complicated aspect. One aspect can aggravate the other factor. These aspects engage with one another.

The complexity of the environment relies on the combination of different elements. The study of the relationship of different communities (grouping of populations) to their environment is called synecology or community ecology.

Major Components of Ecosystem

As talked about earlier the ecosystem can be divided into two primary parts.

  1. Biotic Components

Biotic elements consist of all living organisms consisting of plants and animals supported by the biosphere. The biosphere is expanded over the surface area of the earth extending about 8-10 kilometers to the upper reaches of the atmosphere and likewise the very same range into the depths of oceans.


  1. Abiotic Components

Abiotic elements consist of all non-living elements air, water, and soil. In eco-friendly term they are called as: (a) atmosphere— (atmo – air, sphere – place) (b) hydrosphere— (hydro – water, sphere -place) (c) lithosphere— (litho – earth, soil, sphere – place).

Abiotic Components

FAQs on Ecology, Ecosystem, and Major Components of Ecosystem

1. What is ecology, and how is it related to the environment?

  • Ecology is the study of the relationship between organisms and their environment. It encompasses the interactions of living (biotic) and non-living (abiotic) factors in a given area. Understanding ecology helps in unraveling the complexities of ecosystems.

2. How is an ecosystem defined, and what does it comprise?

  • An ecosystem is a community of living organisms interacting with their nonliving environment. It includes both biotic factors (living elements) and abiotic factors (non-living elements) like water, air, light, and soil.

3. Who coined the term “ecology,” and when?

  • The term “ecology” was coined by the German zoologist Ernst Haeckel in 1866. He derived it from the Greek words “oikos” meaning “family household” and “logy” meaning “the study of.”

4. What is the significance of populations in ecology?

  • Populations are groups of individuals of the same species occupying a specific area simultaneously. They play a crucial role in ecological studies, as their interactions influence factors like growth rate, age distribution, and overall dynamics within an ecosystem.
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5. How is autecology different from synecology?

  • Autecology focuses on the study of the relationship between a single population and its environment. In contrast, synecology, or community ecology, examines the relationships of different communities (groups of populations) to their environment, considering the complexity of interactions.

6. What is the major unit of ecology, and why is it essential?

  • The major unit of ecology is the ecosystem. It is crucial because it represents the interconnectedness of living organisms with their environment. Ecosystems provide a framework to understand how organisms interact within a given space.

7. Can you explain the difference between abiotic and biotic components of an ecosystem?

  • Abiotic components are non-living elements such as air, water, and soil, while biotic components include all living organisms like plants and animals. Together, they form the integral parts of an ecosystem, influencing its structure and function.

8. What are some examples of biomes, and how do they contribute to the planetary ecosystem?

  • Biomes are major types of environments, such as forests, grasslands, woodlands, and deserts. They contribute to the planetary ecosystem by comprising diverse combinations of plants and animals, forming climax communities characterized by specific life-forms.

9. How do populations interact within a community, and what are some possible relationships?

  • Populations within a community can interact through various relationships, including predation, parasitism, commensalism, mutualism, and competition. These interactions shape the dynamics of the community and influence the overall ecosystem.

10. What are the major components of an ecosystem, and how are they classified? – Ecosystems comprise biotic components (living organisms) and abiotic components (non-living elements like air, water, and soil). Biotic components include plants and animals, while abiotic components encompass the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere.


In summary, the exploration of ecology, ecosystems, and their major components provides a comprehensive view of the intricate relationships between living organisms and their environment. Here are the key takeaways:

  1. Overview and Definitions:
    • Ecology, originating from the Greek words “oikos” (family household) and “logy” (the study of), was coined by Ernst Haeckel in 1866. It involves studying the interactions of organisms with both the physical and biological aspects of their surroundings.
  2. Ecosystem as the Significant Unit:
    • The ecosystem, a vital unit in ecology, represents a community of living organisms interacting with non-living elements. Organisms, including humans, engage with the physical environment at various levels, from individual organisms to populations and communities.
  3. Population Dynamics:
    • Populations, groups of interbreeding organisms of the same species, coexist and interact in space and time. Interactions within populations include competition for resources, mutual benefits, and complex relationships that influence the dynamics of the ecosystem.
  4. Community Complexity:
    • Communities, formed by populations of different types in the same habitat, exhibit dynamic and interrelated structures. Changes in abiotic elements can lead to drastic and long-term effects on communities, highlighting the sensitivity of ecosystems to environmental shifts.
  5. Levels of Organization:
    • Organisms can be studied at various levels of organization, ranging from subatomic to the organ system level. This multi-level approach allows for a comprehensive understanding of an organism’s role within populations, communities, and ecosystems.
  6. Interaction Dynamics:
    • The interactions among organisms within ecosystems take various forms, such as predation, parasitism, commensalism, mutualism, and competition. These interactions contribute to the overall balance and biodiversity within ecosystems.
  7. Biomes and Planetary Ecosystem:
    • Major environments, known as biomes, inhabit broad geographical areas and contribute to the planetary ecosystem. Each biome, characterized by specific plant and animal life, forms part of the interconnected web of life on Earth.
  8. Autecology and Synecology:
    • Autecology focuses on studying the relationship of a single population to its environment, while synecology explores the complex interactions of different communities (groupings of populations) with their environment.
  9. Biotic and Abiotic Components:
    • Ecosystems consist of biotic components (living organisms) and abiotic components (non-living elements like air, water, and soil). The biosphere supports living organisms, extending from the surface of the Earth to the upper atmosphere and deep into the oceans.
  10. Conclusion:
    • The study of ecology and ecosystems unveils the intricate tapestry of life on Earth, emphasizing the delicate balance between organisms and their environment. Understanding these relationships is crucial for the preservation and sustainable management of our planet’s biodiversity and ecosystems.
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