
Ecological Pyramids – Definition, Types, Examples, Significance & Limitations

What are the Ecological Pyramids?

An ecological pyramid is a graphical representation of the relationship between various organisms in a community.

  • Each of the bars that make up the pyramid represents a various trophic level, and their order, which is based upon who eats whom represents the flow of energy.
  • Energy moves up the pyramid, beginning with the main producers, or autotrophs, such as plants and algae at the very bottom, followed by the primary consumers, which eat these plants, then secondary consumers, which feed on the primary consumers, and so on.
  • The height of the bars ought to all be the same, but the width of each bar is based on the quantity of the element being determined.
Kinds of Ecological Pyramids

The eco-friendly pyramids may be of the following three kinds.

1.Pyramid of Number

It illustrates the number of individual organisms at different trophic levels of the food chain. This pyramid was advanced by Charles Elton (1927), who mentioned the great distinction in the number of organisms involved in each step of the food chain. Succeeding links of trophic structure decline rapidly in number till there are very few carnivores at the top.

The pyramid of numbers ignores the biomass of organisms and it likewise does not indicate the energy transferred or using energy by the community involved. The lake community provides a typical example of the pyramid of number.



2.Pyramid of biomass

This shows the total mass of organisms at each trophic level. Normally, this kind of pyramid is largest at the bottom and gets smaller sized going up, but exceptions do exist. The biomass of one trophic level is computed by increasing the variety of individuals in the trophic level by the typical mass of one individual in a specific area.

This type of ecological pyramid solves some issues of the pyramid of numbers, as it shows a more accurate representation of the amount of energy consisted of in each trophic level, however, it has its own constraints. For instance, the time of year when the data are collected is really important, since various types have different breeding seasons. Also, because it’s normally impossible to measure the mass of every single organism, only a sample is taken, potentially leading to errors. Unit: g m-2 or Kg m-2.


3. Pyramid of Energy

When production is considered in terms of energy, the pyramid shows not only the amount of energy flow at each level, however more crucial, the actual role the numerous organisms play in the transfer of energy. An energy pyramid shows how much energy is needed as it streams up-wards to support the next trophic level.

The pyramid is built according to the rate at which food material (in the form of energy) travels through the food cycle. Some organisms might have small biomass, however, the total energy they take in and hand down may be considerably greater than that of organisms with much larger biomass. Energy pyramids are constantly slopping since less energy is transferred from each level than was paid into it. In cases such as in open water communities, the producers have less bulk than consumers however the energy they keep and pass on should be greater than that of the next level.

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The pyramid of productivity is the most widely utilized kind of ecological pyramid, and, unlike the two other types, can never ever be biggest at the peak and smallest at the bottom. It’s an important type of ecological pyramid since it examines the flow of energy in an environment over time. Units: J m-2 yr-1, where Joule is the unit for energy, which can be interchanged by other units of energy such as Kilojoule, Kilocalorie, and calorie.

Ecological Pyramid Examples

The diagram below is an example of a productivity pyramid, otherwise called an energy pyramid. The sun has actually been included in this diagram, as it’s the primary source of all energy, as well the decomposers, like bacteria and fungi, which can acquire nutrients and energy from all trophic levels by breaking down dead or decaying organisms. The nutrients then go back into the soil and are used up by plants.


The loss of energy to the environments is also shown in this diagram, and the total energy transfer has been computed. We start off with the total quantity of energy that the main producers include, which is indicated by 100%.

As we go up one level, 90% of that energy is utilized in steps aside from to create flesh. What the primary consumers end up with is simply 10% of the beginning energy, and, 10% of that 10% is lost in the transfer to the next level. That’s 1%, and so on. The predators at the apex, then, will just get 0.01% of the beginning energy! This inefficiency in the system is the reason that energy pyramids are always upright.

Significance of Ecological Pyramid

The significance of an eco-friendly pyramid can be discussed in the following points:

  • They reveal the feeding of different organisms in various environments.
  • It reveals the effectiveness of energy transfer.
  • The condition of the ecosystem can be kept track of, and any further damage can be prevented.
Limitations of the Ecological Pyramid

More than one type might inhabit several trophic levels as in the case of the food web. Therefore, this system does not take into account food webs.

  • The saprophytes are not considered in any of the pyramids although they form a fundamental part of the various community.
  • These pyramids are applicable just to basic food chains, which usually do not occur naturally.
  • These pyramids do not provide any principle in relation to variations in season and environment.
  • They do not consider the possibility of the presence of the same species at different levels.


  1. What is an Ecological Pyramid?
    • a) A type of plant
    • b) A graphical representation of trophic relationships
    • c) A form of precipitation
    • d) An organism in a food chain
    • Answer: b) A graphical representation of trophic relationships
  2. What do the bars in an ecological pyramid represent?
    • a) Trophic levels
    • b) Seasons
    • c) Weather conditions
    • d) Population size
    • Answer: a) Trophic levels
  3. Which type of ecological pyramid illustrates the number of individual organisms at different trophic levels?
    • a) Pyramid of Biomass
    • b) Pyramid of Energy
    • c) Pyramid of Number
    • d) Pyramid of Productivity
    • Answer: c) Pyramid of Number
  4. Who advanced the Pyramid of Number?
    • a) Albert Einstein
    • b) Charles Elton
    • c) Isaac Newton
    • d) Marie Curie
    • Answer: b) Charles Elton
  5. What does the Pyramid of Biomass show?
    • a) Energy flow
    • b) Mass of organisms
    • c) Trophic levels
    • d) Number of organisms
    • Answer: b) Mass of organisms
  6. What is the unit for Pyramid of Biomass?
    • a) Kilojoule
    • b) Kilocalorie
    • c) Grams per square meter (g m-2)
    • d) Kilogram per square meter (Kg m-2)
    • Answer: c) Grams per square meter (g m-2)
  1. What is represented by the Pyramid of Energy in ecological pyramids?
    • a) Trophic levels
    • b) Mass of organisms
    • c) Energy flow
    • d) Number of organisms
    • Answer: c) Energy flow
  2. Why is the Pyramid of Productivity considered important among ecological pyramids?
    • a) It represents population size accurately
    • b) It reflects the flow of energy over time
    • c) It measures the number of trophic levels
    • d) It focuses on seasonal variations
    • Answer: b) It reflects the flow of energy over time
  3. What does the example diagram represent in ecological pyramids?
    • a) Pyramid of Biomass
    • b) Pyramid of Energy
    • c) Pyramid of Number
    • d) Pyramid of Productivity
    • Answer: b) Pyramid of Energy
  4. What is the primary source of energy in ecological pyramids?
  • a) Decomposers
  • b) Primary consumers
  • c) Sun
  • d) Producers
  • Answer: c) Sun
  1. What is the loss of energy to the environment called in ecological pyramids?
  • a) Decomposition
  • b) Predation
  • c) Energy transfer
  • d) Pyramid inefficiency
  • Answer: c) Energy transfer
  1. What does an ecological pyramid reveal about different organisms in various environments?
  • a) Trophic levels
  • b) Feeding relationships
  • c) Seasonal variations
  • d) Population size
  • Answer: b) Feeding relationships
  1. Why are saprophytes not considered in some ecological pyramids?
  • a) They are not part of trophic levels
  • b) They are primary consumers
  • c) They are decomposers
  • d) They do not contribute to energy flow
  • Answer: c) They are decomposers
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) – Ecological Pyramids

  1. What is an ecological pyramid?
    • An ecological pyramid is a graphical representation of the relationship between various organisms in a community, depicting trophic levels and energy flow.
  2. How does energy move in an ecological pyramid?
    • Energy moves up the pyramid, starting with producers (plants and algae), followed by primary consumers, secondary consumers, and so on.
  3. What are the three main types of ecological pyramids?
    • The three main types are Pyramid of Number, Pyramid of Biomass, and Pyramid of Energy.
  4. What does the Pyramid of Number illustrate?
    • It illustrates the number of individual organisms at different trophic levels in a food chain.
  5. How does the Pyramid of Biomass differ from the Pyramid of Number?
    • Pyramid of Biomass represents the total mass of organisms at each trophic level, providing a more accurate measure of energy.
  6. What is the significance of the Pyramid of Energy?
    • The Pyramid of Energy shows the amount of energy flow at each level and the role organisms play in energy transfer.
  7. Why are energy pyramids always sloping?
    • Energy pyramids slope because less energy is transferred from each level than was initially paid into it.
  8. Why is the Pyramid of Productivity important?
    • The Pyramid of Productivity is crucial as it assesses the flow of energy in an environment over time.
  9. What does the example diagram of an ecological pyramid illustrate?
    • The diagram represents a productivity pyramid (energy pyramid), showing the flow of energy from producers to predators.
  10. How is the condition of an ecosystem monitored using ecological pyramids?
  • Ecological pyramids reveal feeding relationships, demonstrate energy transfer efficiency, and help monitor the overall ecosystem condition.
  1. What is a limitation of ecological pyramids regarding food webs?
    • Ecological pyramids do not take into account food webs, where more than one type may inhabit several trophic levels.
  2. Why are saprophytes not considered in some ecological pyramids?
    • Saprophytes, though essential to ecosystems, are not considered in some pyramids as they are decomposers and do not contribute directly to energy flow.
  3. Are ecological pyramids applicable to all ecosystems?
    • These pyramids are applicable mainly to basic food chains and may not represent the complexity of ecosystems with intricate food webs.
  4. Do ecological pyramids account for variations in season and environment?
    • Ecological pyramids do not provide a principle for variations in season and environment, which may impact the accuracy of measurements.
  5. Can the same species exist at different trophic levels according to ecological pyramids?
    • Ecological pyramids do not consider the possibility of the same species existing at different levels within the trophic structure.
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Summary: Ecological Pyramids Tutorial

The tutorial on ecological pyramids provides a comprehensive understanding of these graphical representations that depict the relationships and energy flow within ecosystems. Here’s a brief summary of the key points covered:

  1. Ecological Pyramid Definition:
    • An ecological pyramid is a visual representation of the trophic levels within a community, showcasing the flow of energy through various organisms.
  2. Types of Ecological Pyramids:
    • Pyramid of Number: Illustrates the number of organisms at different trophic levels, highlighting the decreasing number of individuals as one moves up the food chain.
    • Pyramid of Biomass: Represents the total mass of organisms at each trophic level, offering a more accurate measure of energy content.
    • Pyramid of Energy: Demonstrates the flow of energy at each trophic level, emphasizing the role organisms play in energy transfer.
  3. Ecological Pyramid Examples:
    • The tutorial includes an example of a productivity pyramid (energy pyramid) that incorporates the sun, decomposers, and illustrates the loss of energy at each trophic level.
  4. Significance of Ecological Pyramid:
    • Ecological pyramids are significant as they reveal feeding patterns, indicate energy transfer efficiency, and enable monitoring of ecosystem conditions to prevent further damage.
  5. Limitations of Ecological Pyramid:
    • Limitations include the lack of consideration for complex food webs, the omission of saprophytes, applicability mainly to basic food chains, and the absence of principles for variations in season and environment.

The tutorial serves as a comprehensive guide, offering insights into the ecological dynamics crucial for understanding the functioning of ecosystems.