
Some Common Diseases Related to Digestive System


Insufficient or imperfect food digestion is called dyspepsia. This is not an illness in itself however symptomatic of other conditions or illness. This is characterized by stomach discomfort, flatulence, heartburn, queasiness and vomiting.

These signs might happen irregularly and in different patterns from time to time. Dyspepsia may occur due to extreme acidity in stomach or malfunctioning function of the stomach and intestinal tract or insufficient quality or quantity of bile secretions.

Also read: Human Digestive System

Food poisoning

This term indicates a disease from the indigestion of food containing poisonous compounds. Among the commonest causes of food poisoning are the toxic substances produced by germs, Salmonella and Campylobacter. These bacteria reside in the intestines of cattle, chicken and duck without causing disease signs. People, however, might establish food poisoning if they drink milk, consume meat or eggs which are infected with these germs.

The signs of the gastrointestinal disorder are diarrhoea, vomiting and stomach pain. They happen from 12-24 hours after consuming infected food.

Infection is probably, if unpasteurized milk is intoxicated or if the meat is not properly cooked or prepared. The liquid that escapes throughout thawing frozen meat consists of Salmonella bacteria. The meals and utensils, while the meat is defrosting, must not be permitted to come in contact with any other food.

A severe type of gastrointestinal disorder is botulism. This is brought on by contaminants produced by bacteria called Clostridium botulinum. Botulism develops by the use of improperly canned or otherwise preserved foods, particularly meat.

The toxic substance produced by these bacteria is very strong and has a selective action on the main nervous system, causing heart and respiratory paralysis. The early signs of this illness are fatigue, dizziness, double vision, headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and abdominal pain.


It is the term utilized when a person has an irregular quantity of fat on the body. If one consumes too much food than body requirement, the surplus food is stored as fat so ends up being obese or overweight. There is fat stored in adipose tissues in the abdomen, around the kidneys and under the skin.

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Certain cells accumulate drops of fat in their cytoplasm. As these drops increase in size and number, they combine to form one large globule of fat in the middle of the cell, pressing the cytoplasm into a thin layer and the nucleus to one side. Groups of fat cells form adipose tissues. Some people never ever seem to get fat no matter just how much they consume, while others set fat when their consumption only just surpasses their need.

The description most likely depends on the balance of hormonal agents which, to some extent, is figured out by heredity. An obese person is much more likely to suffer from hypertension, heart disease, diabetes mellitus, stomach condition than a person who has normal body weight.

Anorexia Nervosa

This term is utilized to the loss of appetite due to the worry of ending up being overweight. Such a sensation is common in human females between the age of 12 and 21 years. Fear does not lessen even when weight is dropped to an unsafe level. Psychiatric treatment is normally required when a patient refuses to consume.

Anorexia is a health problem which largely affects girls normally just after the start of adolescence. The health problem is identified by the loss of appetite due to the fear of becoming obese. An anorexic girl over-estimates the size of her own body therefore firmly insists that she is overweight when in reality her weight has actually dropped to a hazardous level.

These girls are often immature mentally and unable to deal with the difficulties of adolescence and their emerging sexuality. The loss of womanly qualities makes it possible for the girls to pull back into a kid like a state in which they feel safe. Psychiatric therapy is generally needed to treat anorexic women. Such patients are fed through any route other than an alimentary canal that is intramuscularly or intravenously. The recovery is extremely sluggish. It might take 2-4 years and, in many cases, longer.

Further Reading:  Digestive System of Humans Explained with Diagrams
Bulimia Nervosa

It is a neurotic disorder in a slightly older lady. It is identified by bouts of over-consuming fattening food such as fried food or cream cakes. This ravenous consuming is followed immediately by self-induced vomiting, fasting or purgatives. The frequent vomiting and purging might trigger physical effects including serum electrolyte imbalance and frequent recurring infections.

Treatment of bulimics is likely to be extended. The preliminary treatment is to overcome the effects of weight-loss and malnutrition. It is necessary to undertake the treatment in a medical facility under strict guidance.


Stacks or piles are masses of dilated, tortuous veins in the anorectal mucosa. These masses might some times begin bleeding during bowel movements. The scenario might aggravate when the patient suffers from constipation. The urge to defecate is depressed and it ends up being difficult to expel the faeces. This might cause other signs of disease because of the physical distension of the rectum.

The only treatment needed is the improvement of hygiene and making use of food softeners, such as roughage, in food or laxatives. The patients are advised not to sit on hard seats and places. Depending on the severity of the symptoms, sometimes the haemorrhoids need to be removed surgically.


The inner wall of the digestive system is normally covered with mucus, which protects it from enzymes. When the mucus layer breaks down the digestive enzymes start to eat away the walls of the stomach or duodenum.

This results in an aching called an ulcer. Sometimes, an ulcer is so serious that a hole develops in the wall of the digestive tract and the contents of the tract spill into the stomach cavity, causing severe infections which may show to be deadly, if instant healthcare is not sought.

Extreme secretion of gastric acid is a crucial factor of peptic ulcer. Smoking cigarettes, spicy food, alcoholic beverages, coffee, tea and tension should be prevented by the patients suffering from ulcer.

Further Reading:  Comparison of Phloem and Xylem
Do You Know?
  • Heartburn or pyrosis is a painful burning sensation in the chest associated with the backflush of chyme. It is due to over-eating, eating fatty food, consuming too much alcohol or smoking.
  • The appendix is finger-like processes arise from the caecum. Inflammation of the appendix is called appendicitis.
  • If the absorption of water and salts does not take place it leads to diarrhoea.
  • Constipation is caused by excessive absorption of water.
  • Intestinal bacteria synthesize some vitamins e.g., Vitamin K.
  • Hunger contractions are peristaltic contraction due to low blood glucose level and create an uncomfortable sensation called hunger pangs.