
Taxonomy: Importance, Biodiversity Conservation, & Taxonomy in Public Health, Wildlife Management

What is Taxonomy?

Taxonomy is the science of classifying organisms.

  • Taxonomy is the basis for all significant research studies on biodiversity, insect and pest management, medication, bioprospecting, fisheries, quarantine, defense, etc.
  • Taxonomy offers a standard understanding of the parts of biodiversity which is needed for efficient decision-making about preservation and sustainable use.
  • In short, the taxonomy provides the fundamental foundations of preservation practice and sustainable management of the world’s remaining resources.
The Importance of Taxonomy
  1. Taxonomy intends to classify living creatures.
  2. Taxonomy helps to ascertain the no. of living species on the earth.
  3. Taxonomy assists in getting an idea of what types of characters are present.
  4. Gives a concept of local species.

Classification is essential because it permits researchers to identify, group, and properly name organisms via a standardized system (Linnaeus Taxonomy); based on resemblances found in the organism’s DNA/RNA (genes), Adaptations (Development), and Embryonic development (Embryology) to other known organisms.

Taxonomy in Biodiversity Conservation

Taxonomy usually refers to the theory and practice of describing, calling, and categorizing living things. Such work is necessary for the fundamental understanding of biodiversity and its conservation. Yet the science behind delimiting the natural world into “species” is frequently ignored, misconstrued, and even derided in some quarters.

Most people concerned about biodiversity conservation commonly utilize the term “species” without a clear understanding of what separates one species from another, and why. This is where the science of taxonomy plays an integral role. Species are differentiated from each other in a number of methods.

Although the meaning of species has been the cause of a substantial historic argument, in other words, species are organisms usually acknowledged as morphologically distinct from other groups.

Taxonomy in Biological Control

In biological control, the insect species, its possible area of origin, and, consequently, the area where promising natural enemies may be discovered, are determined. The close co-operation of taxonomists throughout pre-and post-release studies of natural opponents in target areas helps to show the native fauna present and the advancement of a biological control program.

Biological control programs should budget for appropriate taxonomic research studies in locations where the local fauna is inadequately known. Advising regional scientists on the proper collection, preservation, and identification of appropriate indigenous and unique species should be emphasized.

Taxonomy to Combat Invasive Alien Species

Taxonomic information is vital for firms and border authorities to find, manage, and control Invasive Alien Species (IAS). Reliable control and management steps can just be carried out when unique species are properly and immediately determined. Misidentifications can cost money when rapid choices need to be made.

Networking and sharing of experiences, details, and know-how can help decrease the costs related to IAS and lower the need for elimination programs with early detection and prevention. When elimination is required, taxonomists can provide proficiency that is central to developing the most efficient yet economic and ecologically benign eradication procedures.

Increased capacity-building (especially for developing countries) is necessary to determine, record, and display intrusions; provide existing and available lists of possible and recognized IAS; determine potential risks to neighboring countries; and access info on taxonomy, ecology, genes, and control approaches.

It is vital that nearby nations, and all countries along a specific pathway for invasive species, can acknowledge such species and concur on their nomenclature. Baseline taxonomic details on native biota at the nationwide level are likewise important to make sure that IAS can be acknowledged and distinguished from naturally present species.

Taxonomy in Agriculture and Forestry

Recently we have faced the unpleasant problem of conserving our crops and trees from the attack of many different sorts of pests (Locusts). It is extremely important to understand the right category names of such insects before their proper control.

Every species has its different niche in nature and varies from its associated types in food partiality, mating seasons, tolerance or resistance capability to numerous stimuli, predators, rivals, pathogens, and so on and all these are extremely crucial for an applied worker before applying control procedures.

Further Reading:  Conjugation in Bacteria (E. coli)

All this crucial information can be quickly obtained by group screening of the insect, if the identity of the insect is sometimes known, it is also really helpful to have a regional observation of the process of triggering so much damage of the crop on getting proper identification of the insect species, it ends up being simpler to collect details about its practices which is essential for its effective control.

Taxonomy in Wildlife Management

The primary role of a taxonomist is the organization of classes of living organisms, about which scientifically helpful indicative generalizations can be made. The primary function is to distinguish the different sorts of organisms and to explain their characteristics through descriptions, keys, figures, and so on. Should need to provide names for each individual organism, so that the info can be recorded, saved, and reclaimed when needed.

To make a set of principles based on the option and importance of characters with the ultimate objective of organizing species in the hierarchy of greater categories.

Estimate genetic and phylogenetic relationships amongst organisms.

Taxonomy in Public Health

Taxonomy plays a fantastic function in public health management. There are a variety of different kinds of diseases that are spread by many arthropods, and bugs which are disease-specific. So, we must prepare the control strategy in such a way that only the target species is assaulted. This is only possible if we get the correct identification of that species. For example, some species of anopheles mosquitoes are responsible for transmitting malaria however the other species are not.

Ticks are vectors of nematodes, protozoa, rickettsia, spirochetes, other bacteria, and infections that cause diseases in human beings and other animals.

Taxonomy plays a crucial role in the recognition of these interactions. The control system was then used just on the target species and in this a method of cash and workforce were conserved and the loss can be stopped. This right recognition guarantees an optimum of efficient control at minimum expense.


MCQs on Taxonomy

  • Q1: What is Taxonomy?
    • A) The study of planets
    • B) The science of classifying organisms
    • C) The study of climate change
    • D) The study of geological formations
    • Answer: B
  • Q2: What is the primary goal of Taxonomy?
    • A) Identifying minerals
    • B) Classifying living creatures
    • C) Studying celestial bodies
    • D) Investigating weather patterns
    • Answer: B
  • Q3: Why is Taxonomy considered fundamental for biodiversity conservation?
    • A) It helps in weather prediction
    • B) It provides information on geological formations
    • C) It offers a standardized system for classifying organisms
    • D) It studies the properties of minerals
    • Answer: C
  • Q4: According to the passage, what does Taxonomy assist in ascertaining?
    • A) Local weather conditions
    • B) The number of planets
    • C) The number of living species on Earth
    • D) Geological formations
    • Answer: C
  • Q5: Why is classification essential in Taxonomy?
    • A) To confuse researchers
    • B) To group and name organisms systematically
    • C) To complicate decision-making
    • D) To ignore similarities in organisms
    • Answer: B
  • Q6: How does Taxonomy contribute to biodiversity conservation?
    • A) By studying celestial bodies
    • B) By delimiting the natural world into species
    • C) By ignoring the importance of species
    • D) By focusing on weather patterns
    • Answer: B
  • Q7: In what field is Taxonomy crucial for the development of biological control programs?
    • A) Medicine
    • B) Weather prediction
    • C) Agriculture
    • D) Mineralogy
    • Answer: C
  • Q8: What does the passage suggest about the role of taxonomists in biological control?
    • A) They are irrelevant in pre-and post-release studies
    • B) They are crucial for identifying potential natural enemies
    • C) They have no impact on control programs
    • D) They focus solely on geological studies
    • Answer: B
  • Q9: Why is taxonomic information vital for combatting Invasive Alien Species (IAS)?
    • A) To confuse border authorities
    • B) To increase costs associated with IAS
    • C) To facilitate effective control and management
    • D) To avoid early detection and prevention
    • Answer: C
  • Q10: What is emphasized for the control of Invasive Alien Species (IAS)?
    • A) Misidentifications
    • B) Rapid decision-making
    • C) Avoiding sharing of experiences
    • D) Delaying removal programs
    • Answer: B
  • Q11: What is the significance of baseline taxonomic information in combating IAS?
    • A) It facilitates confusion
    • B) It helps in distinguishing naturally present species
    • C) It increases costs
    • D) It hinders effective control
    • Answer: B
  • Q12: How does taxonomy aid in agriculture and forestry?
    • A) By increasing confusion about pests
    • B) By hindering control procedures
    • C) By providing information about pest habits
    • D) By focusing solely on geological studies
    • Answer: C
  • Q13: What is the importance of knowing the identity of insect species in agriculture and forestry?
    • A) It complicates the control process
    • B) It aids in collecting information about pest habits
    • C) It is irrelevant for applied workers
    • D) It increases the cost of control measures
    • Answer: B
  • Q14: What is the primary role of a taxonomist in wildlife management?
    • A) To complicate classes of living organisms
    • B) To provide names for organisms
    • C) To ignore genetic relationships
    • D) To avoid distinguishing species
    • Answer: B
  • Q15: What is the primary function of taxonomy in public health management?
    • A) To study weather patterns
    • B) To complicate disease-specific control strategies
    • C) To focus on geological formations
    • D) To facilitate an effective control strategy
    • Answer: B
  • Q16: Why is the correct identification of disease-specific arthropods crucial in public health management?
    • A) To complicate control strategies
    • B) To hinder an effective control strategy
    • C) To attack non-target species
    • D) To ensure an optimum and effective control
    • Answer: D
  • Q17: How does taxonomy contribute to the recognition of disease vectors?
    • A) By avoiding the recognition of interactions
    • B) By focusing solely on geological formations
    • C) By recognizing interactions and ensuring an effective control strategy
    • D) By increasing the cost of control measures
    • Answer: C
  • Q18: What is the outcome of the correct identification of disease vectors in public health management?
    • A) It complicates control measures
    • B) It increases the cost of control
    • C) It ensures an optimum and effective control strategy
    • D) It hinders the recognition of disease-specific arthropods
    • Answer: C
  • Q19: Why is taxonomy necessary for the development of a control strategy in public health?
    • A) To complicate the process
    • B) To attack non-target species
    • C) To ensure an optimum and effective control strategy
    • D) To ignore disease-specific arthropods
    • Answer: C
  • Q20: What is the primary purpose of taxonomy in the field of public health management?
    • A) To increase confusion
    • B) To attack non-target species
    • C) To ensure an optimum and effective control strategy
    • D) To complicate the process
    • Answer: C
  • Q21: How does taxonomy contribute to effective decision-making about preservation and sustainable use of biodiversity?
    • A) By avoiding classification of organisms
    • B) By increasing confusion
    • C) By providing a standard understanding of biodiversity
    • D) By focusing solely on geological formations
    • Answer: C
  • Q22: What is the primary objective of taxonomy in the context of biodiversity conservation?
    • A) To hinder preservation practice
    • B) To increase confusion about living creatures
    • C) To provide a standard understanding of biodiversity
    • D) To ignore sustainable management
    • Answer: C
  • Q23: Why is taxonomy crucial for an effective understanding of local species in biodiversity conservation?
    • A) To confuse researchers
    • B) To complicate decision-making
    • C) To provide information about local species
    • D) To ignore the importance of species
    • Answer: C
  • Q24: How does taxonomy contribute to getting an idea of what types of characters are present in biodiversity?
    • A) By complicating the process
    • B) By avoiding classification
    • C) By providing information about local species
    • D) By ignoring the importance of species
    • Answer: C
  • Q25: According to the passage, why is taxonomy considered the basis for significant research studies?
    • A) To avoid classification of organisms
    • B) To hinder preservation practice
    • C) To provide a standard understanding of biodiversity
    • D) To ignore sustainable management
    • Answer: C
Further Reading:  Diseases and Disorders of Muscular System in Humans


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) – Taxonomy Tutorial

1. What is Taxonomy?Taxonomy is the science of classifying organisms, providing a standardized system to identify, group, and name organisms, forming the foundation for various research studies.

2. Why is Taxonomy important?

Taxonomy is crucial for biodiversity conservation, insect and pest management, medicine, bioprospecting, fisheries, quarantine, and defense, offering a fundamental understanding of biodiversity for effective decision-making in preservation and sustainable resource management.

3. How does Taxonomy contribute to Biodiversity Conservation?

Taxonomy aids in describing, naming, and categorizing living things, providing essential insights for understanding and conserving biodiversity, ensuring that the term “species” is accurately defined.

4. What role does Taxonomy play in Biological Control?

In biological control, taxonomists determine insect species, their origins, and potential natural enemies, facilitating the development of effective biological control programs.

5. How is Taxonomy utilized to Combat Invasive Alien Species (IAS)?

Taxonomy is vital for identifying and managing IAS, reducing costs and enabling efficient eradication procedures through proper species identification and early detection.

Further Reading:  Microbodies: Peroxisomes [With MCQs]

6. How does Taxonomy benefit Agriculture and Forestry?

Taxonomy helps in identifying and controlling pests affecting crops and trees, providing crucial information on insect habits, food preferences, and resistance capabilities.

7. What is the role of Taxonomy in Wildlife Management?

Taxonomists organize classes of living organisms, distinguish different species, and estimate genetic relationships, forming the basis for principles in organizing species hierarchically.

8. How does Taxonomy contribute to Public Health?

Taxonomy plays a crucial role in public health by aiding in the identification of disease-specific arthropods and insects, allowing for targeted control strategies and minimizing costs.

9. Why is correct identification crucial in Public Health Management?

Correct identification ensures that control strategies focus only on target species, optimizing control effectiveness and minimizing financial and workforce losses.

10. How does Taxonomy facilitate effective decision-making in Biodiversity Conservation?

Taxonomy provides a standardized understanding of biodiversity, aiding researchers in identifying, grouping, and naming organisms, essential for informed decision-making in preservation and sustainable resource use.


Summary: Taxonomy Tutorial

1. What is Taxonomy?

Taxonomy is the science of classifying organisms, providing the foundational system for studying biodiversity, insect and pest management, medicine, bioprospecting, fisheries, quarantine, and defense.

2. Importance of Taxonomy:

Taxonomy is vital for classifying living creatures, determining the number of species, understanding the variety of characters present, and offering insights into local species. It is crucial for researchers to identify and name organisms systematically.

3. Taxonomy in Biodiversity Conservation:

Taxonomy is essential for describing, naming, and categorizing living things, playing a pivotal role in biodiversity conservation by accurately defining and differentiating species.

4. Taxonomy in Biological Control:

In biological control, taxonomists identify insect species and their potential natural enemies, aiding in the development of effective biological control programs.

5. Taxonomy to Combat Invasive Alien Species:

Taxonomy is indispensable for identifying, managing, and controlling Invasive Alien Species (IAS), reducing costs, and ensuring efficient eradication procedures.

6. Taxonomy in Agriculture and Forestry:

Taxonomy assists in identifying and controlling pests, providing crucial information on insect behavior, food preferences, and resistance capabilities, crucial for effective pest control.

7. Taxonomy in Wildlife Management:

Taxonomists organize living organisms, distinguish different species, and estimate genetic relationships, forming the basis for principles in organizing species hierarchically in wildlife management.

8. Taxonomy in Public Health:

Taxonomy plays a crucial role in public health by aiding in the identification of disease-specific arthropods and insects, enabling targeted control strategies, and minimizing costs.

9. Summary:

In summary, taxonomy is the cornerstone of preservation and sustainable management, playing a crucial role across various fields, from conservation to public health, by providing systematic classification and identification of organisms.