
Importance of Biodiversity

Importance of Biodiversity

Biodiversity is a broad term referring to the variety of life on Earth.

  • It is a variety of various species of plants, animals, and microbes. It includes organisms from Earth’s greatly various environments, consisting of deserts, jungles, coral reefs, grasslands, tundra, and polar ice caps.
  • Our biodiversity is extremely important to the wellness of our world.
  • The majority of cultures, at least for a long time, have recognized the importance of saving natural deposits. Many still do, however many do not.
  • Biodiversity is essential for the survival and welfare of human populations because it influences our health and our ability to feed ourselves through farming and harvesting populations of wild animals.
  • A few of the aspects are listed below which justify the importance of biodiversity.
1. Productive values

Biodiversity produces several products gathered from nature and sold in commercial markets. Indirectly it offers financial benefits to individuals that include water quality soil protection, equalization of climate, environmental monitoring, scientific research study, recreation, etc.

2. Supports the continuity of numerous ecosystems worldwide

Biodiversity plays an important function in ecosystem renewal and preservation. The Amazon forest, for instance, can produce around 20% of the overall oxygen on earth through photosynthesis. There are also countless pollinators such as insects and birds, and other numerous biological activities that occur in the forest.

If the biodiversity of the forest is conserved, it means the entire community that counts on the Amazon forest is similarly protected and enabled to revitalize.

Other ecosystems like the reef, tundra, rivers and streams, and grasslands can also be supported and safeguarded through biodiversity conservation.

3. Aesthetic Significance

Aesthetic values such as the refreshing fragrance of the flowers, the taste of berries, the softness of mossed, melodious tunes of birds, and so on compel the people to preserve them. The earth’s natural appeal with its color and shades, thick forest, and stylish beasts has inspired the humans from their date of birth to take needed steps for its upkeep. Likewise, botanical and zoological gardens are the methods of biodiversity preservation and are of aesthetic worth.

4. Ecological balance

The stability of the ecology– the unified coexistence of organisms and their environment is protected by biodiversity. Some of the main elements can be discussed through:

Co2 and oxygen balance (which assists in resolving the results of environment modification). The consecutive balance between atmospheric CO2 and oxygen are preserved through biodiversity. Failure to conserve biodiversity leads to the build-up of carbon dioxide leading to a greenhouse effect and the steady exhaustion of ozone. The results are global warming and natural calamities.

5. Ethical worth

Biodiversity must be seen in the light of holding ethical value. Since human is the most intelligent amongst the living organisms, it must be the prime duty and ethical responsibility of man to protect and save other organisms which will directly or indirectly favor the existence of the man.

6. Social and Spiritual Advantages

In human history, conservation also means safeguarding nature for its spiritual gifts and protecting sacred places in the regional landscape. The biodiversity effects on cultural advancement can be shown by the heterogeneity of the world’s mythology, folk dances, and folk art, which contribute to the richness of literature and worldwide arts.

Further Reading:  Osmoregulation, Osmotic Balance and Osmosis in Different Organisms
7. Financial value

Biodiversity has excellent economic worth since economic development depends upon the efficient and economic management of biotic resources. In everyday life, human beings are preserving their lifestyle at the sacrifice of surrounding species which originate from a variety of plants and animals struggling for their presence.

So, the people need to take care of their surrounding species and make maximum use of their service, for better economic development. Thus, it is rightly informed, that the survival of man depends upon the survival of the biosphere.

8. Agricultural Value

Maintaining the genetic biodiversity of wild species of our crops that are related to domesticated species guarantees our ongoing food supply.

9. Human Health and Biodiversity

Conserving biodiversity ultimately helps keep human health; many medicines are derived from plants and, recently from animals and animal toxins. Examples of considerable medicines stemmed from plant compounds include aspirin, codeine, digoxin, atropine, and vincristine. The opportunities for brand-new medications will be reduced in direct proportion to the extinction of species. It is beneficial to humans, therefore, for medicinal functions and lots of others, to keep and conserve biodiversity.

MCQs with Answers: Importance of Biodiversity

  1. What does biodiversity refer to?
    • A) Single species existence
    • B) Variety of life on Earth
    • C) Plant diversity only
    • D) Animal diversity only

    Answer: B

  2. Which environments contribute to Earth’s biodiversity?
    • A) Deserts and tundra only
    • B) Coral reefs and grasslands only
    • C) Jungles and polar ice caps only
    • D) Various environments including deserts, jungles, coral reefs, grasslands, tundra, and polar ice caps.

    Answer: D

  3. How does biodiversity impact human populations?
    • A) No impact
    • B) Negatively affects health
    • C) Positively affects health and welfare
    • D) Affects only wild animals

    Answer: C

  4. What does biodiversity provide through productive values?
    • A) Indirect financial benefits
    • B) Indirect environmental benefits
    • C) Indirect scientific benefits
    • D) All of the above

    Answer: A

  5. Which ecosystem contributes significantly to Earth’s oxygen through photosynthesis?
    • A) Tundra
    • B) Grasslands
    • C) Amazon forest
    • D) Coral reefs

    Answer: C

  6. What aspect of biodiversity contributes to ecological balance?
    • A) Aesthetic values
    • B) Economic values
    • C) Ethical values
    • D) Variety and balance in ecosystems

    Answer: D

  7. Why should biodiversity be seen in the light of holding ethical value?
    • A) For economic growth
    • B) To favor the existence of humans
    • C) For aesthetic values
    • D) For cultural development

    Answer: B

  8. How does biodiversity contribute to human health?
    • A) Directly affects health negatively
    • B) Provides new medications
    • C) Decreases medicinal opportunities
    • D) No impact on human health

    Answer: B

  9. What is the significance of maintaining the genetic biodiversity of wild crop species?
    • A) Environmental preservation
    • B) Agricultural value and ongoing food supply
    • C) Aesthetic significance
    • D) Financial value

    Answer: B

  10. Which value is NOT associated with biodiversity?
  • A) Economic value
  • B) Cultural value
  • C) Political value
  • D) Aesthetic value

Answer: C

  1. What economic benefit does biodiversity provide in everyday life?
  • A) Direct monetary gain
  • B) Preservation of lifestyle
  • C) Economic growth
  • D) Environmental monitoring

Answer: C

  1. What role does biodiversity play in ecosystem renewal and preservation?
  • A) No role
  • B) Negative role
  • C) Important role
  • D) Ethical role

Answer: C

  1. Which environmental aspect is impacted by biodiversity conservation?
  • A) Greenhouse effect
  • B) Deforestation
  • C) Desertification
  • D) All of the above
Further Reading:  Thermoregulation in Mammals (Humans)

Answer: A

  1. What is the economic consequence of not conserving biodiversity?
  • A) Decreased economic growth
  • B) Increased biodiversity
  • C) Global warming
  • D) Economic decline

Answer: D

  1. Which of the following is NOT an indirect benefit provided by biodiversity?
  • A) Water quality
  • B) Environmental monitoring
  • C) Recreational opportunities
  • D) Direct financial gain

Answer: D

  1. What is the primary responsibility of humans towards biodiversity according to ethical value?
  • A) Conservation
  • B) Exploitation
  • C) Indifference
  • D) Destruction

Answer: A

  1. What does the term “Aesthetic Significance” refer to?
  • A) Economic benefits
  • B) Beauty and sensory appeal
  • C) Ethical values
  • D) Environmental monitoring

Answer: B

  1. How does biodiversity contribute to cultural development?
  • A) Economic growth
  • B) Richness of literature and arts
  • C) Ethical responsibilities
  • D) Environmental conservation

Answer: B

  1. What is the role of biodiversity in maintaining CO2 and oxygen balance?
  • A) Increases CO2 levels
  • B) Decreases oxygen levels
  • C) Disrupts balance
  • D) Preserves balance

Answer: D

  1. What is the importance of the genetic biodiversity of wild crop species?
  • A) Aesthetic value
  • B) Agricultural value and ongoing food supply
  • C) Economic value
  • D) Ethical value

Answer: B

  1. How does biodiversity contribute to economic development?
  • A) Direct financial gains
  • B) Indirect scientific research
  • C) Environmental monitoring
  • D) Destruction of ecosystems

Answer: A

  1. Which of the following is an example of a medicine derived from plant compounds?
  • A) Antibiotics
  • B) Antivirals
  • C) Aspirin
  • D) Painkillers

Answer: C

  1. What is the primary reason for humans to conserve and preserve biodiversity?
  • A) Economic gain
  • B) Ethical responsibility
  • C) Aesthetic values
  • D) Political agenda

Answer: B


FAQs: Importance of Biodiversity

  1. What does biodiversity refer to?
    • Biodiversity refers to the variety of life on Earth, encompassing various species of plants, animals, and microbes across diverse environments.
  2. Why is biodiversity considered important?
    • Biodiversity is crucial for the survival and welfare of human populations as it influences health, agriculture, and the ability to feed ourselves through farming and harvesting populations of wild animals.
  3. What are some productive values of biodiversity?
    • Productive values include the production of various products gathered from nature, offering financial benefits such as water quality, soil protection, climate equalization, environmental monitoring, scientific research, and recreation.
  4. How does biodiversity support the continuity of ecosystems worldwide?
    • Biodiversity plays a vital role in ecosystem renewal and preservation. For example, the Amazon forest contributes around 20% of the Earth’s oxygen through photosynthesis, supporting numerous biological activities.
  5. What is the aesthetic significance of biodiversity?
    • Aesthetic values of biodiversity include the refreshing fragrance of flowers, taste of berries, softness of moss, melodious tunes of birds, etc., compelling people to preserve the natural beauty of Earth.
  6. How does biodiversity contribute to ecological balance?
    • Biodiversity maintains the ecological balance by supporting the coexistence of organisms and their environment. It helps in balancing CO2 and oxygen levels, preventing environmental issues like the greenhouse effect and ozone depletion.
  7. Why is biodiversity considered ethically valuable?
    • Biodiversity is seen ethically valuable as it is the responsibility of intelligent beings (humans) to protect and save other organisms, directly or indirectly favoring the existence of humankind.
  8. What are the social and spiritual advantages of biodiversity?
    • Conservation of biodiversity has social and spiritual advantages by safeguarding nature’s spiritual gifts, protecting sacred places, and contributing to cultural development, reflected in mythology, folk dances, and arts.
  9. What economic value does biodiversity hold?
    • Biodiversity has significant economic worth, as economic development depends on the efficient management of biotic resources. Preserving surrounding species is crucial for maintaining lifestyle and ensuring economic growth.
  10. How does biodiversity contribute to agricultural value?
    • Maintaining the genetic biodiversity of wild species related to domesticated crops ensures ongoing food supply, supporting agricultural sustainability.
  11. How does biodiversity impact human health?
    • Conserving biodiversity helps maintain human health, as many medicines are derived from plants and animals. Examples include aspirin, codeine, digoxin, atropine, and vincristine.
  12. Why should we conserve biodiversity for human health?
    • The extinction of species reduces opportunities for new medicines, making it beneficial for humans to conserve biodiversity for medicinal purposes and overall well-being.
Further Reading:  Hemoglobin: Definition, Structure, Types and Function


Summary: Importance of Biodiversity TutorialBiodiversity, encompassing a rich tapestry of life on Earth, holds profound significance for the well-being of our planet and its inhabitants. Rooted in diverse environments, from deserts to polar ice caps, biodiversity is integral to our survival and prosperity. The tutorial delves into various facets that underscore its importance:
  1. Productive Values:
    • Biodiversity yields a plethora of products, contributing to commercial markets. It indirectly benefits individuals through water quality, soil protection, climate equalization, environmental monitoring, scientific research, and recreation.
  2. Ecosystem Continuity:
    • Playing a pivotal role in ecosystem renewal, biodiversity preservation is exemplified by the Amazon forest, generating about 20% of the Earth’s oxygen. The conservation of diverse ecosystems, including reefs, tundra, and rivers, is crucial for revitalization.
  3. Aesthetic Significance:
    • The aesthetic allure of biodiversity, from the fragrance of flowers to the melodies of birds, inspires people to preserve nature’s beauty. Botanical and zoological gardens serve as means for biodiversity preservation with inherent aesthetic value.
  4. Ecological Balance:
    • Biodiversity maintains ecological balance, ensuring coexistence and harmony between organisms and their environment. It addresses issues like climate change by preserving the balance between atmospheric CO2 and oxygen, preventing global warming and natural calamities.
  5. Ethical Worth:
    • Recognizing biodiversity as ethically valuable, the tutorial emphasizes the ethical responsibility of humanity, the most intelligent among living organisms, to protect and save other forms of life.
  6. Social and Spiritual Advantages:
    • Conservation efforts throughout human history include safeguarding nature for its spiritual gifts and protecting sacred places. Biodiversity’s impact on cultural development is evident in mythology, folk dances, and folk art.
  7. Financial Value:
    • Biodiversity holds economic importance, as efficient management of biotic resources is essential for economic development. Balancing lifestyle with the preservation of surrounding species is crucial for sustainable economic growth.
  8. Agricultural Value:
    • The genetic biodiversity of wild species related to domesticated crops ensures a continuous food supply, contributing to agricultural sustainability.
  9. Human Health and Biodiversity:
    • Conserving biodiversity is vital for human health, with many medicines derived from plants and animals. The tutorial highlights examples of significant medicines and underscores the importance of maintaining biodiversity for medicinal purposes.

In essence, the survival of humanity is intricately woven into the survival of the biosphere, emphasizing the imperative to value, protect, and conserve biodiversity for a sustainable and harmonious future.