
What is Genetics – Scope & Importance of Genetics


The science of heredity or genetics is the study of two inconsistent elements of nature: heredity and variation.

  • The process of transmission of characters from one generation to the next, either by gametes – sperms and ova – in sexual reproduction or by the asexual reproductive bodies in asexual recreation, is called inheritance or heredity.
  • Heredity is the reason for resemblances between individuals.
  • This is the factor that siblings with the very same parents resemble each other and with their moms and dads.
  • Variation is the reason for distinctions between individuals. This is the reason that brothers and sisters who do resemble each other are still unique people.
  • Hence, we have no trouble in acknowledging the distinctions between sisters, for example, and even identical twins are recognized as distinct individuals by their parents and friends.
  • The science of genes tries to describe the system and the basis for both resemblances and differences between associated people.
  • It also tries to discuss the phenomenon of evolution and cytodifferentiation.
What is Genetics?

The life science which handles the mechanism of heredity and reasons for variations in living beings (viruses, bacteria, plants, and animals) is referred to as genetics. The word genetic was derived from the Greek root gen which means to become or to grow into and it was coined by Bateson in 1906 for the research study of the physiology of heredity and variations.

Scope of Genetics

Geneticists study all aspects of genes. The study of the mode of gene transmission from generation to generation is broadly called transmission genetics; the study of the structure and function of the gene forms molecular biology, and the study of behavior of genes in populations is called population genetics.

These 3 significant subdivisions of genetics are arbitrary and there is considerable overlapping. It is the knowledge of how genes act and how they are sent down through the generations that have actually merged biology; formerly, the particular set of biological phenomena had each been designated to separate disciplines.

An understanding of how genes act is now an essential requirement for such biological fields of study as development, cytology, physiology, and morphology. An understanding of gene transmission is a basic aspect of areas such as ecology, evolution, and taxonomy.

Further unification has aroused from the discovery that the fundamental chemistry of gene structure and function is comparable across the entire spectrum of life on the earth. Hence, not so long earlier, biology was divided into numerous camps that seldom communicated with each other; today, nevertheless, every biologist should be a little bit of a geneticist, since the findings and strategies of genes are being applied and utilized in all fields. Genetics contributed to the modern-day model for all of biology. It offers a unifying thread for the formerly diverse fields of biology.

Importance of Genetics

Like other disciplines of science, genetical insight has produced brand-new obstacles as well as solutions to some human problems.

  1. For instance, early in this century, a new wheat strain called Marquis was developed in Canada. This high-quality strain is resistant to diseases; furthermore, it grows two weeks earlier than other commercially used strains – a crucial aspect where the growing season is short. The introduction of the Marquis strain of wheat had opened countless square kilometers of fertile soil to grow in such northern countries as Canada, Sweden, and the USSR. Also, the IR26 strain of rice was developed by geneticists in 1973; it has a wide variety of desirable qualities such as resistance to several viral and fungal diseases and defense from insects such as green leafhopper, brown hopper, and stem borer. In addition to enhancing crop varieties, geneticists have discovered to change the genetic systems of insects to decrease their fertility. This strategy has supplied an essential new tool in the olden battle to keep bugs away from human crops and habitations.
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  1. Over the last few years, advances in biotechnology have resulted in the creation of special genetically engineered strains of bacteria and fungi that carry particular genes from unrelated organisms such as humans. These microbes are used to produce such useful compounds as insulin, human growth hormone, and the antiviral (or anti-cancer) agent– the interferon.


3. Our new ability to diagnose genetic diseases poses a crucial ethical dilemma. An approximated 5 percent of our population survives with serious physical or mental genetic defects. This portion most likely will increase with prolonged direct exposure to numerous environmental elements and paradoxically, with better medical innovation. For example, of those patients admitted to pediatric hospitals in North America, 30 percent are approximated to have genetic diseases. This will certainly increase the financial problems of human society. Thus, knowledge of medicinal and clinical genetics is very important.

4. In the modern period genetics has changed agriculture, cultivation, horticulture, animal husbandry, and numerous other branches of science. The science of genetics has shown worth in removing numerous faulty concepts of man about inheritance.

Some Related Terms!!!
  • Allele: Two or more forms of the gene with different phenotypes present at the same locus.
  • Autosomes: The chromosomes other than sex chromosomes.
  • Product rule: As the two independent hybrid crosses, so the ratios of each joint phenotypic combination can be obtained by multiplying the probabilities of individual phenotype is called product rule.
  • Cross: The deliberate mating of parental organisms for genetic analysis.
  • Test cross: Cross that determines the genotype of known phenotype.
  • Epistasis: The gene interaction in which an effect caused by a gene at one locus interferes, or masks the effect of another gene at another locus.

MCQs about Genetics

  • What is the science of heredity or genetics focused on studying?
    • A. Physiology of plants
    • B. Mechanism of heredity and reasons for variations
    • C. Animal behavior
    • D. Evolution of species
    • Answer: B
  • Which term is used to describe the transmission of characters from one generation to the next?
    • A. Variation
    • B. Heredity
    • C. Genetics
    • D. Evolution
    • Answer: B
  • Who coined the term “genetics” in 1906 for the study of the physiology of heredity and variations?
    • A. Darwin
    • B. Mendel
    • C. Bateson
    • D. Watson
    • Answer: C
  • What is the term for the study of the mode of gene transmission from generation to generation?
    • A. Molecular biology
    • B. Population genetics
    • C. Transmission genetics
    • D. Cytodifferentiation
    • Answer: C
  • Which field of study involves the behavior of genes in populations?
    • A. Molecular biology
    • B. Transmission genetics
    • C. Population genetics
    • D. Cytodifferentiation
    • Answer: C
  • What is the essential requirement for fields such as ecology, evolution, and taxonomy?
    • A. Knowledge of physiology
    • B. Understanding of gene transmission
    • C. Study of molecular biology
    • D. Cytodifferentiation techniques
    • Answer: B
  • What does heredity explain in relation to individuals?
    • A. Resemblances
    • B. Differences
    • C. Both A and B
    • D. None of the above
    • Answer: A
  • What is the primary reason for differences between individuals according to the text?
    • A. Heredity
    • B. Variation
    • C. Evolution
    • D. Cytodifferentiation
    • Answer: B
  • Which wheat strain developed in Canada is resistant to diseases and grows earlier than others?
    • A. Marquis
    • B. IR26
    • C. Green Leafhopper
    • D. Brown Hopper
    • Answer: A
  • The creation of genetically engineered strains has resulted in the production of what useful compounds?
    • A. Pesticides
    • B. Fertilizers
    • C. Insulin, human growth hormone, and interferon
    • D. Antibiotics
    • Answer: C
  • What is the ethical dilemma posed by the ability to diagnose genetic diseases?
    • A. Financial burden on society
    • B. Limited medical technology
    • C. Overpopulation
    • D. Environmental factors
    • Answer: A
  • What does the science of genetics contribute to in the modern era, according to the passage?
    • A. Removal of genetic defects
    • B. Preservation of faulty ideas
    • C. Segregation of populations
    • D. Invention of new crops
    • Answer: A
  • What term is used to describe two or more forms of a gene with different phenotypes at the same locus?
    • A. Genotype
    • B. Autosomes
    • C. Allele
    • D. Epistasis
    • Answer: C
  • Which chromosomes are not sex chromosomes?
    • A. X and Y chromosomes
    • B. Autosomes
    • C. Heterosomes
    • D. Epistatic chromosomes
    • Answer: B
  • What is the term for the deliberate mating of parental organisms for genetic analysis?
    • A. Test cross
    • B. Hybridization
    • C. Genetic cross
    • D. Homologous mating
    • Answer: C
  • Which rule allows obtaining the joint phenotypic combination ratios by multiplying the probabilities of individual phenotypes?
    • A. Sum rule
    • B. Addition rule
    • C. Product rule
    • D. Genetic rule
    • Answer: C
  • What does epistasis refer to in genetics?
    • A. Gene interaction interfering with another gene
    • B. Transmission of genes
    • C. Population genetics
    • D. Genetic mutations
    • Answer: A
  • What does a test cross determine?
    • A. Genotype of known phenotype
    • B. Phenotype of unknown genotype
    • C. Both genotype and phenotype
    • D. None of the above
    • Answer: A
  • What does the science of genetics provide a unifying thread for in biology?
    • A. Historical studies
    • B. Previously diverse fields of biology
    • C. Environmental sciences
    • D. Geological studies
    • Answer: B
  • Which strain of rice, developed in 1973, has resistance to various diseases and insects?
    • A. Marquis
    • B. IR26
    • C. Green Leafhopper
    • D. Brown Hopper
    • Answer: B
  • What is the science that has shown its worth in removing faulty ideas about inheritance?
    • A. Cytodifferentiation
    • B. Genetics
    • C. Evolutionary biology
    • D. Molecular biology
    • Answer: B
  • What is the primary focus of the study of genetics in living beings?
    • A. Plant morphology
    • B. Mechanism of evolution
    • C. Heredity and reasons for variations
    • D. Animal behavior
    • Answer: C
  • Which Greek root is the word “genetic” derived from?
    • A. Bio
    • B. Genus
    • C. Gen
    • D. Logos
    • Answer: C
  • What is the term for the study of the structure and function of genes?
    • A. Molecular biology
    • B. Transmission genetics
    • C. Population genetics
    • D. Cytodifferentiation
    • Answer: A
  • In the context of genetics, what is the term for the chromosomes other than sex chromosomes?
    • A. Autosomes
    • B. Heterosomes
    • C. Homologous chromosomes
    • D. Sex-linked chromosomes
    • Answer: A
  • What are the special genetically engineered strains used to produce, according to the passage?
    • A. New species
    • B. Fossil fuels
    • C. Useful compounds like insulin and human growth hormone
    • D. Insects resistant to genetic modifications
    • Answer: C
  • What is the estimated percentage of the population living with serious genetic defects, according to the passage?
    • A. 2%
    • B. 5%
    • C. 10%
    • D. 15%
    • Answer: B
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What is Genetics?
    • Genetics is the science of heredity, focusing on the study of two elements: heredity and variation. It involves the transmission of characters from one generation to the next, either through sexual or asexual reproduction.
  2. How is heredity related to genetics?
    • Heredity is the reason for resemblances between individuals, such as siblings resembling each other and their parents. Genetics explores the system and basis for both resemblances and differences among related individuals.
  3. What is the scope of Genetics?
    • The scope of Genetics encompasses the study of gene transmission (transmission genetics), the structure and function of genes (molecular biology), and the behavior of genes in populations (population genetics).
  4. How has Genetics contributed to the unification of biology?
    • Understanding how genes act and are transmitted through generations has become essential in various biological fields, leading to the merging of biology. Genetics has provided a unifying thread for previously diverse fields.
  5. Why is knowledge of gene transmission important in different biological fields?
    • Knowledge of gene transmission is fundamental in fields such as ecology, evolution, and taxonomy. It plays a crucial role in understanding the development, cytology, physiology, and morphology of living organisms.
  6. What is the significance of Genetics in agriculture and horticulture?
    • Genetics has significantly impacted agriculture, cultivation, and horticulture by developing strains with desirable qualities, such as disease resistance and early maturity. This has led to increased crop yield and improved agricultural practices.
  7. How has biotechnology influenced Genetics?
    • Advances in biotechnology have resulted in genetically engineered strains of bacteria and fungi, producing useful compounds like insulin and human growth hormone. This has revolutionized fields such as medicine and pharmaceuticals.
  8. What ethical dilemma does the ability to diagnose genetic diseases pose?
    • The ability to diagnose genetic diseases raises ethical concerns, especially considering the increasing percentage of the population with serious genetic defects. Balancing technological advancements with potential societal and financial burdens is a crucial consideration.
  9. In what ways has Genetics influenced medical and clinical knowledge?
    • Genetics has played a crucial role in diagnosing and understanding genetic diseases, contributing to medical and clinical knowledge. This understanding is essential for addressing the challenges posed by genetic defects in the population.
  10. What are some related terms in Genetics?
    • Some related terms include Allele (different forms of a gene at the same locus), Autosomes (chromosomes other than sex chromosomes), Product rule (probability calculation for joint phenotypic combinations), Cross (deliberate mating for genetic analysis), Test cross (determining genotype of known phenotype), and Epistasis (gene interaction causing interference at different loci).
Further Reading:  Ecological Classification of Freshwater Organisms



The tutorial on “What is Genetics – Scope & Importance of Genetics” explores the fundamental concepts, scope, and significance of genetics in the study of heredity and variation. It covers the transmission of characters, the role of heredity and variation, and the merging of biology through genetics. The scope includes transmission genetics, molecular biology, and population genetics, highlighting the essential role of genetics in various biological fields. The tutorial emphasizes the unifying thread genetics provides in the modern model of biology.

Key Points:

  1. Genetics Fundamentals:
    • Definition: The study of heredity and variation, examining the transmission of characters between generations.
    • Heredity and Variation: Explains the reasons for resemblances and differences between individuals.
  2. Scope of Genetics:
    • Transmission Genetics: Focuses on the mode of gene transmission from generation to generation.
    • Molecular Biology: Explores the structure and function of genes.
    • Population Genetics: Studies the behavior of genes in populations.
  3. Unifying Role of Genetics:
    • Genetics has become integral across biology disciplines, merging previously distinct areas.
    • Essential for understanding gene behavior, influencing fields like development, cytology, and taxonomy.
  4. Importance of Genetics:
    • Agricultural Impact: Development of disease-resistant strains like Marquis wheat and IR26 rice.
    • Biotechnological Advances: Creation of genetically engineered strains for producing useful compounds.
    • Ethical Dilemmas: Challenges posed by the ability to diagnose genetic diseases and the associated societal and financial burdens.
  5. Changing Scientific Landscape:
    • Genetics has transformed agriculture, cultivation, horticulture, animal husbandry, and various scientific branches.
  6. Related Terms in Genetics:
    • Allele: Different forms of a gene with different phenotypes at the same locus.
    • Autosomes: Chromosomes other than sex chromosomes.
    • Product Rule: Calculation of joint phenotypic combinations by multiplying probabilities.
    • Cross: Deliberate mating of parental organisms for genetic analysis.
    • Test Cross: Determines the genotype of a known phenotype.
    • Epistasis: Gene interaction where one gene interferes with the effect of another at a different locus.


This comprehensive tutorial provides a thorough understanding of genetics, its diverse scope, and its profound impact on various scientific domains. From agricultural advancements to ethical considerations in medical genetics, the tutorial navigates the intricate landscape of genetics, offering valuable insights into this pivotal scientific field.