
Diseases due to Viruses

What Is a Viral Infection?

A viral infection is a proliferation of a hazardous virus inside your body. Viruses can not replicate without the help of a host. Viruses infect a host by introducing their genetic material into the cells and hijacking the cell’s internal equipment to make more virus particles.

With an active viral infection, a virus makes copies of itself and bursts the host cell (killing it) to set the newly-formed virus particles complimentary. In other cases, infection particles “bud” of the host cell over an amount of time before eliminating the host cell. In any case, new virus particles are then totally free to contaminate other cells. Signs of viral illness happen as a result of cell damage, tissue destruction, and the associated immune response.

Check out here some of the viral diseases.

1. Influenza

Influenza is a viral infection that attacks your breathing system– your nose, throat, and lungs. Influenza is commonly called the flu, however, it’s not like stomach “flu” infections that trigger diarrhea and vomiting. For many people, the flu fixes by itself. But in some cases, influenza and its complications can be deadly.
Influenza viruses travel through the air in droplets when someone with the infection coughs, sneezes or talks. You can breathe in the droplets straight, or you can get the germs from an item– such as a telephone or computer keyboard– and then transfer them to your eyes, nose, or mouth.
Typical signs and symptoms of the flu consist of: Fever, Chills and sweats, Headache, Dry persistent cough, Shortness of breath, Fatigue, and weakness, Runny or stuffy nose, Aching throat, and Eye discomfort


Most people who get influenza can treat themselves at home and typically don’t require to see a doctor. If you have flu symptoms and are at threat of complications, see your doctor right now. Taking antiviral drugs may decrease the length of your illness and assist prevent more serious problems.

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2.Small pox

Smallpox, which is brought on by poxviruses (the DNA enveloped virus) is an ancient disease that is known to have happened as an epidemic in China as early as the twelfth century B.C. Until the early twentieth century, little pox was a typical disease throughout the world. In smallpox, raised fluid-filled blisters are formed on the body which ends up being pustules in the future and form pitted scars, the pocks.

By the 1950’s immunization and other control, steps had mainly reduced the threat, however, it is still present in the developing nation where many people are affected. In 1980, it was stated by the World Health Organization that little pox has been eliminated from the world.

3.Herpes simplex

It is a naturally occurring illness of mankind. In this vascular lesion in the epithelial layers of ectodermal tissues are formed. Most commonly this disease takes place in the mouth, on the lips, and at other skin sites.
Herpes virus (DNA virus) is accountable for this illness.
Some of the signs connected with this infection consist of blistering sores, itching, swollen lymph nodes, headaches, fatigue, and loss of appetite.


There is currently no remedy for this virus. Treatment focuses on getting rid of sores and limiting outbreaks. It’s possible that your sores will disappear without treatment. Some medications can help individuals contaminated with the infection lower the risk of transmitting it to others. The medications likewise assist to reduce the strength and frequency of breakouts.

4. Mumps

Mumps is a viral infection that primarily affects saliva-producing (salivary) glands that lie near your ears. Mumps can trigger swelling in one or both of these glands.
Mumps is caused by a virus that spreads out quickly from person to person through infected saliva. If you’re not immune, you can contract mumps by breathing in saliva droplets from an infected individual who has just sneezed or coughed. You can also contract mumps from sharing utensils or cups with someone who has mumps.
Some people infected with the mumps virus have either no signs or symptoms or extremely mild ones. When signs and symptoms do develop, they generally appear about 2 to 3 weeks after direct exposure to the virus. The main sign of mumps is inflamed salivary glands that trigger the cheeks to puff out. Other symptoms and signs might include:
Pain in the swollen salivary glands on one or both sides of your face, fever, headache and muscle aches, and loss of appetite.

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Soothe swollen glands by applying an ice bag.
Consume a lot of fluids to prevent dehydration due to fever.
Give your kid, medication to bring down fever or ease pain, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen.


5. Measles

Measles is a childhood infection caused by a virus. Once rather common, measles can now often be avoided with a vaccine. Also called rubeola, measles can be serious and even deadly for little kids.
Measles is triggered by infection with a virus from the paramyxovirus family. Viruses are small parasitic microbes. When you have actually been contaminated, the virus attacks host cells and uses cellular components to finish its life cycle. The measles infection contaminates the respiratory tract initially. However, it eventually infects other parts of the body through the bloodstream.
Measles symptoms and signs appear around 10 to 14 days after exposure to the infection. Symptoms and signs of measles usually consist of: Fever, Dry cough, Runny nose, Sore throat, Swollen eyes (conjunctivitis), Tiny white areas with bluish-white centers on a red background present inside the mouth on the inner lining of the cheek– also called Koplik’s spots and A skin rash comprised of big, flat spots that often flow into one another.


There’s no specific treatment for measles. Unlike bacterial infections, viral infections aren’t sensitive to antibiotics. The infection and signs usually vanish in about 2 or three weeks. There are some interventions offered for people who may have been exposed to the virus. These can help prevent infection or reduce its seriousness.

6. Polio

Poliomyelitis, caused by poliovirus, is found all over the world. It occurs mostly in childhood. The age at which primary infection takes place varies with social and economic aspects. The polioviruses are the smallest known viruses and contain RNA in the spherical capsid.
The virus spreads from person to person and can infect a person’s spine, causing paralysis (can’t move parts of the body).
The majority of people who get contaminated with poliovirus (about 72 out of 100) will not have any noticeable symptoms. About 1 out of 4 individuals with poliovirus infection will have flu-like signs that might include:
Sore throat, Fever, Exhaustion, Nausea, Headache, and stomach discomfort
Paralytic polio
A smaller percentage of individuals with poliovirus infection will establish other, more major signs that affect the brain and spinal cord:
Paresthesia (feeling of pins and needles in the legs).
Meningitis (infection of the covering of the spine and/or brain) occurs in about 1 out of 25 individuals with poliovirus infection.
Paralysis (loss of reflexes) or weakness in the arms, legs, or both, occurs in about 1 out of 200 individuals with poliovirus infection.

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Medical professionals can just deal with the signs while the virus runs its course. But given that there’s no remedy, the best way to treat polio is to prevent it with vaccinations.


The Correct Ones??!!

Which is not a DNA virus?

  1. Poxvirus
  2. Poliovirus
  3. Herpes virus
  4. A and C

Answer: B

Which is the symptom of AIDS?

  1. Swollen lymph nodes
  2. Weight loss
  3. Pneumonia
  4. All of them

Answer: D

Oncoviruses are

  1. Spherical
  2. Cubical
  3. Rod-shaped
  4. Icosahedra

Answer: A

Any virus with cancer-causing ability is:

  1. Retrovirus
  2. Oncovirus
  3. Paramyxovirus
  4. None

Answer: B

Who made a vaccine for hydrophobia or rabies?

  1. Pasteur
  2. Edward Jenner
  3. Robert Koch
  4. Dmitri Ivanovsky

Answer: A

Pig could be the source of hepatitis:

  1. E
  2. B
  3. A
  4. D

Answer: A