
Theory of Relativity

Theory of Relativity

The theory of relativity discusses how the observers who remain in a state of relative movement explain the physical phenomenon. The theory of relativity explains how area and time are connected for things that are moving at a constant speed in a straight line. Among its most popular aspects, focused objects moving at the speed of light.

Before Einstein, astronomers (for the most part) comprehended the universe in terms of 3 laws of motion presented by Isaac Newton in 1686. However, there were breaches in the theory for years prior to Einstein’s arrival on the scene. In 1865, Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell demonstrated that light is a wave with both electrical and magnetic elements, and validated the speed of light (186,000 miles per second). Researchers supposed that the light had to be transferred through some medium, which they called the ether.

There are 2 parts of the theory of relativity:

1. General Theory of Relativity

The general theory of relativity handles the issues including frames of references accelerated with respect to each other.

2. Special Theory of Relativity

The theory of unique relativity was developed by Albert Einstein in 1905, and it forms part of the basis of modern physics. After completing his work in unique relativity, Einstein invested years considering what would take place if one presented acceleration. This formed the basis of his general relativity, published in 1915. It has two postulates which can be specified listed below:

1) The laws of physics are the same in all inertial frames of reference.

2) The speed of light in free space has the exact same value in all inertial contexts in all instructions.

The “relative” mean?

Before Albert Einstein, researchers thought that all movement took place against a reference point called the “ether”. Einstein declared that the ether did not exist. He said that all movement was “relative”. This meant that the measurement of the movement depended on the relative velocity and position of the observer.

Outcomes of the Theory of Relativity
Time dilation

According to the special theory of relativity, time is not an absolute quantity. it relies on the movement of the frame of reference. Time dilation is the lengthening of the time interval between two occasions for an observer in an inertial frame that is moving with respect to the rest frame of the events (in which the events happen at the same location).

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To quantitatively compare the time measurements in the two inertial frames, we can relate the distances to each other, then express each distance in regards to the time of travel (respectively either Δt or Δτ) of the pulse in the corresponding reference frame. The resulting formula can then be resolved for Δt in terms of Δτ.

Mass-Energy Relation

According to the special theory of relativity, mass and energy are different physical amounts but are inter-convertible. One of the most well-known equations in mathematics originates from special relativity. The formula E = mc2 shows “energy equates to mass times the speed of light squared.” It reveals that energy (E) and mass (m) are interchangeable; they are different types of the same thing. If the mass is somehow absolutely converted into energy, it likewise demonstrates how much energy would live inside that mass: rather a lot.

This equation also reveals that mass increases with speed, which effectively puts a speed limit on how fast things can move in the universe. The speed of light (c) is the fastest speed at which an object can travel in a vacuum. As an object moves, its mass likewise increases. Near the speed of light, the mass is so high that it reaches infinity, and would require unlimited energy to move it, hence topping how quickly an object can move. The only factor light moves at the speed it does is since photons, the quantum particles that comprise light, have a mass of zero.

Why relativistic impacts are not prominent in everyday life?

In our daily life, we deal with incredibly small speeds compared to the speed of light. Even the Earth’s orbital speed is 30 km/sec. In contrary to that, the speed of light is 3 x 105 km/sec. This is why these phenomena are not prominent but likewise not impossible. You can see these impacts in real life in the following aspects:


Magnetism is a relativistic effect, and if you utilize electrical energy, you can thank relativity for the reality that generators work at all.

Global Positioning System

In order for your GPS navigation to function as accurately as it does, satellites need to take relativistic results into account. This is because although satellites aren’t moving at anything near to the speed of light, they are still going pretty fast.


  • What does the theory of relativity explain?
    • A) The behavior of objects at high speeds
    • B) The relationship between space and time
    • C) The nature of magnetism
    • D) The properties of light
    • Answer: B
  • Who demonstrated that light is a wave with both electrical and magnetic elements?
    • A) Isaac Newton
    • B) Albert Einstein
    • C) James Clerk Maxwell
    • D) Galileo Galilei
    • Answer: C
  • What did Einstein propose about the ether in relation to motion?
    • A) It is stationary and absolute
    • B) It is non-existent
    • C) It is composed of light particles
    • D) It is fluid-like in nature
    • Answer: B
  • Which theory handles frames of references accelerated with respect to each other?
    • A) Special Theory of Relativity
    • B) General Theory of Relativity
    • C) Quantum Theory
    • D) String Theory
    • Answer: B
  • What are the two postulates of Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity?
    • A) Newton’s laws are universal, and time is absolute.
    • B) The speed of light is constant, and the laws of physics are the same in all inertial frames.
    • C) Energy is conserved, and mass is independent of speed.
    • D) The speed of light varies, and time depends on acceleration.
    • Answer: B
  • What is time dilation according to the Theory of Relativity?
    • A) Shortening of time intervals between events
    • B) Lengthening of time intervals between events
    • C) Absolute measurement of time
    • D) Variation of time with respect to gravity
    • Answer: B
  • Which famous equation originates from Special Relativity?
    • A) F = ma
    • B) E = mc^2
    • C) E = hf
    • D) PV = nRT
    • Answer: B
  • What does the equation E = mc^2 reveal about mass and energy?
    • A) They are unrelated
    • B) They are conserved separately
    • C) They are interchangeable
    • D) They are inversely proportional
    • Answer: C
  • What is the speed limit for objects in the universe according to Relativity?
    • A) Speed of sound
    • B) Speed of light
    • C) Speed of gravity
    • D) Speed of thought
    • Answer: B
  • Why are relativistic effects not prominent in everyday life?
    • A) Because they only apply to massive objects
    • B) Because the speed of light is too slow
    • C) Because everyday speeds are significantly slower than the speed of light
    • D) Because of the presence of the ether
    • Answer: C
  • What is one real-life application where relativistic effects are significant?
    • A) Cooking
    • B) Magnetism
    • C) Gardening
    • D) Painting
    • Answer: B
  • Why do GPS satellites need to account for relativistic effects?
    • A) Because they travel at the speed of light
    • B) Because they are in orbit at high speeds
    • C) Because they are affected by gravitational time dilation
    • D) Because they communicate using light waves
    • Answer: B
  • What did James Clerk Maxwell validate about light?
    • A) Its speed is variable
    • B) Its wave-particle duality
    • C) Its dependence on gravity
    • D) Its constant speed
    • Answer: D
  • What is the “relative” in the Theory of Relativity referring to?
    • A) The movement of particles
    • B) The position of the observer
    • C) The speed of light
    • D) The presence of the ether
    • Answer: B
  • Which theory of relativity deals with accelerated frames of reference?
    • A) Special Theory of Relativity
    • B) General Theory of Relativity
    • C) Quantum Theory
    • D) Newtonian Mechanics
    • Answer: B
  • What did Einstein conclude about the ether?
    • A) It is a medium through which light travels
    • B) It is stationary and absolute
    • C) It does not exist
    • D) It is responsible for magnetism
    • Answer: C
  • What is the speed limit for objects in the universe according to Relativity?
    • A) Speed of sound
    • B) Speed of light
    • C) Speed of gravity
    • D) Speed of thought
    • Answer: B
  • Which equation represents the mass-energy equivalence principle?
    • A) F = ma
    • B) E = mc^2
    • C) E = hf
    • D) PV = nRT
    • Answer: B
  • Why are relativistic effects not prominent in everyday life?
    • A) Because they only apply to massive objects
    • B) Because the speed of light is too slow
    • C) Because everyday speeds are significantly slower than the speed of light
    • D) Because of the presence of the ether
    • Answer: C
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The Theory of Relativity, pioneered by Albert Einstein, revolutionized our understanding of space, time, and motion. It posits that the laws of physics are consistent across all inertial frames of reference and that the speed of light is constant in a vacuum. This theory comprises two main branches: the General Theory of Relativity and the Special Theory of Relativity.

The General Theory of Relativity deals with accelerated frames of reference and the gravitational interactions between massive objects. It explains gravity as the curvature of spacetime caused by the presence of mass and energy.

On the other hand, the Special Theory of Relativity focuses on the behavior of objects moving at constant speeds in straight lines. It introduces concepts like time dilation, where time intervals lengthen for observers in motion relative to a stationary frame.

One of the most famous outcomes of the Theory of Relativity is the mass-energy equivalence, encapsulated in the iconic equation E = mc^2. This equation reveals that mass and energy are interchangeable, with mass increasing as an object approaches the speed of light.

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Despite its profound implications, relativistic effects are not typically noticeable in everyday life due to the relatively slow speeds involved. However, they do manifest in certain contexts such as magnetism, where electrical generators rely on relativistic principles, and in the operation of the Global Positioning System (GPS), where satellites must account for relativistic effects to maintain accurate navigation.

Overall, the Theory of Relativity has fundamentally reshaped our understanding of the universe, demonstrating the interconnectedness of space, time, and energy on a grand scale.