
Phylum Echinodermata- The spiny skinned animals

Introduction to Phylum Echinodermata: Unveiling Spiny Marvels of the Sea

In the depths of the ocean, a remarkable phylum thrives—Echinodermata. The very name, derived from Greek roots, paints a vivid picture: “Echino” evoking hedgehogs and “derma” portraying skin.

The moniker is apt, encapsulating the defining feature of these marine wonders—their spiny bodies. With over 5,000 identified species, echinoderms form a diverse and captivating group, each contributing to the intricate tapestry of life at the sea bottom.

Join us on a journey to explore the enchanting world of Phylum Echinodermata, where the Greek origins of their name hint at the fascinating secrets awaiting discovery. From the intricate patterns of their spines to the depths of the ocean they call home, echinoderms invite us to delve into their biology, unveiling the mysteries of their existence beneath the waves.

General Characteristics of Phylum Echinodermata
Grade of organization

Echinoderms are triploblastic coelomates.

Shape and symmetry

They exhibit radial symmetry. The mouth is on the lower surface area (oral) and the anus is on the upper surface (aboral). All the larval types of these animals show bilateral symmetry however the grownups show radial symmetry which is an adaptation for their special mode of life.


The Echinodermata are solely marine and most of them are found at the bottom along shorelines in shallow seas. A lot of species are complimentary moving however some are connected to the substratum.


The body is covered by epidermis. The mesodermal cells establish a firm calcareous endoskeleton which may bear spines and because of its origin, from mesoderm, it is called endoskeleton.

Body form

The body may be flattened like a biscuit (cake urchin), star-shaped with short arms (starfish) globular (sea urchin), star-shaped with long arms (brittle star), or extended (sea-cucumber). There is a central disc from which arms radiate.

Spines and Pedicellariae

Numerous echinoderms bear spines and pincer-like pedicellariae. The spines provide protection to organisms. The pedicellariae keep the body surface clear of particles, dust and debris, and minute organisms.

Water Vascular System


The most special characteristic of echinoderms is that a water vascular system is present in their coelom. It is a complex system of tubes and areas surrounding the mouth and entering the arms and tube feet. The water circulates through these channels. Water enters these canals through a sieve-like plate called madreporite present on the aboral body surface.

Organs and Organ Systems

They have a low degree of organ organization.


Nervous system

The nervous system is improperly developed. There is no brain, however, a nerve ring is present around the pharyngeal region. Similarly, the circulatory system is improperly developed.

Digestive system

There are special modified organs for food digestion.

Excretory and Respiratory System

There are no specialized organs for respiration or excretion.

Reproduction in Phylum Echinodermata

There are specific organs for reproduction. The sexes are separate and the fertilization is external. The larvae such as bipinnaria and brachiolaria are complex, exhibit bilateral symmetry, and resemble those of chordates.


Regeneration, the capability to reform lost organs, and is common among echinoderms, starfish, sea cucumber, sea lily, brittle star, and sea-urchin display this characteristic.

Echinodermata and resemblance with Hemichordate and Chordata

Echinodermata do not show a close relationship to the majority of invertebrates; however, they do show affinities with hemichordata. Both these have a number of common features among which are the formation of coelom and retention of blastopore as the site for the future rectum. In each mesoderm is originated from the cells close to the blastopore. Both have mesodermal endoskeleton whereas the exoskeleton is ectodermal in origin while in invertebrates the blastopore develops into the mouth.

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The above similarities in between two phyla are neither unintentional nor due to convergent evolution however, are since the two are closely related and both emerged from the very same (common) ancestor. Echinoderms likewise reveal very close similarities with chordates since both have a mesodermal skeleton, are deuterostomes, in both lower chordates and echinoderms the early development is almost similar. That is why they have actually been put closest to phylum Chordata.

The echinoderms are relatively simple in structure and physiology and deserve a location slightly listed below the annelid worms. However, these are put at the top of the list of invertebrate phyla. This is due to the fact that there are a number of striking similarities, in between the echinoderms and chordates, such as:

  1. There is radial cleavage throughout the development of embryos in both phyla.
  2. The blastopore forms the anus in echinoderms as well in chordates (Deuterostomes).
  3. There are certain typical biochemical peculiarities among echinoderms and chordates e.g. phosphocreatine is present in both.
Classification of Phylum Echinodermata

The phylum Echinodermata is divided into five classes.

Class Asteroidea (aster- star, eidos- type)

The body is star-like. 5 arms are generally present which are not greatly marked off from the central disc. Larval kinds are Bipinnaria and Brachiolaria.

An example is Asterias (Starfish).


Class Ophiuroidea (Ophis- snake, Oura- tail, eidos- type)

The body is star-like. Arms are greatly marked off from the main disc. Ambulacral grooves” are missing. Pedicellariae are absent. The larval form is Ophiopluteus.

An example is Ophiothrix (brittle star).


Class Echinoidea (echinos- hedgehog, eidos- type)

The body is globular or dislike. Biting and chewing device with teeth called Aristotle’s Lantern exists. Ambulacral grooves are absent. Larval forms are Platens and Echinopluteus.

Examples are Echinus (sea-urchin), Echinarachinus (sand dollar).


Class Holothuroidea (Holothurion- sea cucumber, eidos- form)

The body is extended and round. The oral end has a mouth surrounded by arms. Ambulacral grooves are absent. Spines and pedicellaria are absent. Larval forms are Auricularia and Doliolaria.

Example: Holothuria (sea cucumber).


Class Crinoidea (Crinon- lily, eidos- form)

Body has a main disc which is connected to the substratum. Arms are branched. Spines and pedicellariae and madreporite are absent. The larval type is Doliolaria. They are typically called feather stars or sea lilies.

Example: Sea lilies.


FAQs – Phylum Echinodermata: The Spiny-Skinned Animals

1. What does the term “Echinodermata” mean, and why are they called so?

  • The term “Echinodermata” is of Greek origin, where “Echino” means hedgehog, and “derma” implies skin. They are called so due to their spiny bodies.

2. How many known species of echinoderms are there, and where do they primarily live?

  • There are over 5,000 known species of echinoderms. They are exclusively marine organisms living at the sea bottom.

3. What are the general characteristics of echinoderms in terms of grade of organization?

  • Echinoderms are triploblastic coelomates, exhibiting radial symmetry in their adult forms.

4. Describe the habitat of echinoderms.

  • Echinoderms are primarily found in marine environments, mostly at the bottom along shorelines in shallow seas. While many species are free-moving, some are attached to the substratum.

5. What is the water vascular system in echinoderms, and why is it unique?

  • The water vascular system is a complex system of tubes and spaces surrounding the mouth, entering the arms and tube feet. It is a distinctive feature of echinoderms and facilitates various functions.

6. How is the nervous system of echinoderms characterized, and is there a developed circulatory system?

  • Echinoderms have a poorly developed nervous system with no brain but a nerve ring around the pharyngeal region. The circulatory system is also poorly developed.
Further Reading:  Open and Closed Circulatory System Differences

7. What is the significance of regeneration in echinoderms?

  • Regeneration, the ability to reform lost organs, is common among echinoderms. Starfish, sea cucumber, sea lily, brittle star, and sea urchin display this characteristic.

8. How do echinoderms reproduce, and what is unique about their larvae?

  • Echinoderms have separate sexes, and fertilization is external. The larvae, such as bipinnaria and brachiolaria, are complex, exhibit bilateral symmetry, and resemble those of chordates.

9. What is the classification of Phylum Echinodermata, and how many classes are there?

  • Phylum Echinodermata is divided into five classes: Asteroidea, Ophiuroidea, Echinoidea, Holothuroidea, and Crinoidea.

10. How do echinoderms resemble chordates, and what common features do they share?

  • Echinoderms and chordates share similarities such as radial cleavage during embryo development, the blastopore forming the anus, and certain biochemical peculiarities. This suggests a close relationship between the two phyla.

11. Can you provide examples of echinoderms belonging to different classes?

  • Examples include Asterias (Starfish) from Class Asteroidea, Ophiothrix (brittle star) from Class Ophiuroidea, Echinus (sea urchin) from Class Echinoidea, Holothuria (sea cucumber) from Class Holothuroidea, and feather stars or sea lilies from Class Crinoidea.

12. What is the main characteristic of Class Crinoidea?

  • Class Crinoidea is characterized by a body with a central disc attached to the substratum and branched arms. Spines, pedicellariae, and madreporite are absent in this class.

13. How do echinoderms show affinity with hemichordates and chordates?

  • Echinoderms show affinities with hemichordates, sharing common features such as the formation of coelom and retention of blastopore as the site for the future rectum. They also exhibit similarities with chordates in terms of mesodermal skeleton and early development.

14. What is the larval form of echinoderms, and how does it change during development?

  • Echinoderm larvae, such as bipinnaria and brachiolaria, are complex, exhibiting bilateral symmetry. As they develop into adults, they undergo a transformation, displaying radial symmetry.

15. How is the body form of echinoderms varied among different classes?

  • The body form of echinoderms varies, with examples including star-like bodies in Asteroidea, globular or disc-like bodies in Echinoidea, extended and round bodies in Holothuroidea, and branched arms in Crinoidea.

16. Are echinoderms considered simple or complex in structure and physiology?

  • Echinoderms are relatively simple in structure and physiology. Despite this simplicity, they are placed at the top of the list of invertebrate phyla due to striking similarities with chordates.


Take Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers About Phylum Echinodermata

1. What is the meaning of the term “Echinodermata”?

  • A. Fish with scales
  • B. Spiny-skinned animals
  • C. Soft-bodied organisms
  • D. Invertebrates with tentacles
  • Answer: B. Spiny-skinned animals

2. How many known species of echinoderms are there?

  • A. Over 10,000
  • B. Over 7,000
  • C. Over 5,000
  • D. Over 3,000
  • Answer: C. Over 5,000

3. What is the primary habitat of echinoderms?

  • A. Terrestrial
  • B. Freshwater
  • C. Marine
  • D. Aerial
  • Answer: C. Marine

4. What is the grade of organization in echinoderms?

  • A. Diploblastic acoelomates
  • B. Triploblastic pseudocoelomates
  • C. Triploblastic coelomates
  • D. Diploblastic coelomates
  • Answer: C. Triploblastic coelomates

5. In terms of symmetry, echinoderms exhibit:

  • A. Bilateral symmetry in all life stages
  • B. Bilateral symmetry in larval stages, radial symmetry in adults
  • C. Radial symmetry in all life stages
  • D. Asymmetry
  • Answer: B. Bilateral symmetry in larval stages, radial symmetry in adults

6. Which system is a unique characteristic of echinoderms?

  • A. Circulatory System
  • B. Water Vascular System
  • C. Respiratory System
  • D. Nervous System
  • Answer: B. Water Vascular System

7. What is the function of spines in echinoderms?

  • A. Reproduction
  • B. Respiration
  • C. Protection
  • D. Digestion
  • Answer: C. Protection

8. Which class of echinoderms is characterized by a body that is star-like with arms not greatly marked off from the central disc?

  • A. Class Asteroidea
  • B. Class Ophiuroidea
  • C. Class Echinoidea
  • D. Class Crinoidea
  • Answer: A. Class Asteroidea

9. What larval form is associated with Class Asteroidea?

  • A. Ophiopluteus
  • B. Auricularia
  • C. Bipinnaria
  • D. Brachiolaria
  • Answer: C. Bipinnaria

10. Which class has a body that is extended and round, with an oral end having a mouth surrounded by arms?

  • A. Class Asteroidea
  • B. Class Ophiuroidea
  • C. Class Echinoidea
  • D. Class Holothuroidea
  • Answer: D. Class Holothuroidea
Further Reading:  Cyanobacteria - The Blue Green Algae

11. In echinoderms, which system is absent, leading to a low degree of organ organization?

  • A. Water Vascular System
  • B. Nervous System
  • C. Digestive System
  • D. Circulatory System
  • Answer: D. Circulatory System

12. What is the primary method of reproduction in echinoderms?

  • A. Internal fertilization
  • B. Asexual reproduction
  • C. External fertilization
  • D. Budding
  • Answer: C. External fertilization

13. Echinoderms show affinities with which other phylum?

  • A. Mollusca
  • B. Hemichordata
  • C. Annelida
  • D. Arthropoda
  • Answer: B. Hemichordata

14. What is the larval form associated with Class Crinoidea?

  • A. Bipinnaria
  • B. Auricularia
  • C. Doliolaria
  • D. Ophiopluteus
  • Answer: C. Doliolaria

15. Why are echinoderms considered close to chordates?

  • A. Similarities in biochemical peculiarities
  • B. Similarities in body shape
  • C. Similarities in habitat
  • D. Similarities in feeding habits
  • Answer: A. Similarities in biochemical peculiarities


Wrapping up: Phylum Echinodermata

The phylum Echinodermata comprises marine organisms, known for their spiny bodies. With over 5,000 species, they exhibit unique characteristics and play a crucial role in marine ecosystems.

General Characteristics:

  1. Origin and Diversity: The term “Echinodermata” originates from the Greek words “Echino” (hedgehog) and “derma” (skin). There are over 5,000 known species of echinoderms, residing at the sea bottom.
  2. Grade of Organization: Echinoderms are triploblastic coelomates, showcasing advanced tissue development.
  3. Symmetry and Shape: They exhibit radial symmetry, adapting from bilateral symmetry in larvae to radial symmetry in adults. Various body forms include star-shaped, globular, and extended, emanating from a central disc.
  4. Habitat: Exclusive to marine environments, echinoderms are found along shorelines in shallow seas, with some species freely moving and others attached to the substratum.
  5. Endoskeleton: Covered by epidermis, echinoderms have a calcareous endoskeleton developed from mesodermal cells.
  6. Spines and Pedicellariae: Many echinoderms bear protective spines and pincer-like pedicellariae, keeping their body surfaces clean.
  7. Water Vascular System: A distinctive feature is the water vascular system present in their coelom, facilitating movement through tube feet. Water enters through a madreporite on the aboral body surface.
  8. Organ Systems: Echinoderms exhibit a low degree of organ organization, with an underdeveloped nervous system and no specialized organs for respiration or excretion.

Reproduction and Regeneration:

  1. Reproduction: Echinoderms have separate sexes, and fertilization is external. Larvae, such as bipinnaria and brachiolaria, exhibit bilateral symmetry resembling chordates.
  2. Regeneration: Echinoderms possess the remarkable ability to regenerate lost organs, a common feature among various species.

Affinities and Classification:

  1. Resemblance with Other Phyla: While echinoderms lack a close relationship with most invertebrates, they share affinities with hemichordates. Common features include coelom formation and blastopore retention.
  2. Similarity with Chordates: Echinoderms display striking similarities with chordates, including mesodermal skeletons and deuterostomic development, suggesting a close evolutionary relationship.
  3. Classification: The phylum Echinodermata is classified into five classes:
    • Class Asteroidea (Starfish)
    • Class Ophiuroidea (Brittle stars)
    • Class Echinoidea (Sea urchins)
    • Class Holothuroidea (Sea cucumbers)
    • Class Crinoidea (Feather stars/Sea lilies)

In conclusion, the unique characteristics and evolutionary connections of echinoderms place them prominently in the diverse realm of invertebrate phyla.