
Most Ravishing Moths in the World

Most Ravishing Moths in the World

As moths are drawn to a flame, humans are drawn to moths. Butterflies and moths, both are from the same insect group called Lepidoptera. Unlike butterflies, it is difficult to see the moths. Because most of them are nocturnal i.e. they come out at night time.

The bad news is, a great deal of moths is as lovely as butterflies, and some are even much more beautiful. There are more than 160,000 known species of moths (and counting). Many of them remain unknown. Moths are found around the globe, and they are available in an incredible variety of sizes, shapes, and colors.

Here we provide you the most striking species of Moths.

1.Luna Moth

Luna moth is a large, noticeably colorful moth found in deciduous wood forests of Canada, the United States, and Mexico. The wingspan of this outstanding moth extends over 4.5 inches. The coloration of Luna moths is as distinctive as its size.


They have broad, green-colored wings. There are also striking eyespots on both fore and hindwings. Wings are not completely green. The edges of the wings have a rust color. They likewise have long, curvy tails on each hindwing.

2.Madagascan Moon

This incredible insect is native to the rainforests of Madagascar. It is the well-known biggest silk moths residing in this world. Humans likewise knew this species with the name of comet moth. Its long red tail is the most popular and appealing feature which in fact measure up to 15 cm. They also have a big wingspan measure up to 20 cm. The color of their forewings and hindwings are yellow.

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3.Cecropia Moth

With a wingspan of 5– 6 inches, the Cecropia moth is the biggest moth in The United States and Canada. They are known for plus size and dazzling coloration.


This lovely moth has a reddish body and reddish-brown wings with bands of white and tan. Cecropia moths found mostly in the Rocky Mountains of the United States and Canada. But it is tough to identify them as they are only active during the night.

4.Oleander Hawk-Moth

An amazing green-and-black beauty, this moth was sadly presented to Hawaii though most of its range is in Europe, Africa, and Asia. You can discover it at sunset feeding from flowers, such as honeysuckle and tobacco, or at night near a light source. They are frequently found in Hawaii. The host plants of Oleander hawk-moth are periwinkles and oleanders.


5.Hummingbird Hawk Moth

Hummingbird is the most spectacular and appealing member of the hawk family. There are 1450 moth’s species that exist in this unique family. The reason behind their name is that their feeding habits are like hummingbirds. Like hummingbirds, they also hover over flowers and make similar ‘humming noise’.


They spend their lives in grasslands, gardens, woodlands, farmlands, and forests throughout Europe, Asia, Russia, and Africa. They generally include a big wingspan of 50-58 mm. The color of their forewings is grayish-brown and the color of hindwings is orange.

6.Giant Leopard Moth

Giant leopard moth is renowned for its sensational coloration– bluish-black spots on brilliant white wings. This charming moth is also referred to as the eyed tiger moth. Leopard Moths also have an outstanding size. An adult moth has a body length of 2 inches and a wingspan as much as 3 inches.

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Giant leopard moths populate forests, farmlands, and gardens across the Americas. It is quite difficult to see them as these stunning moths are strictly nocturnal.

7.Tau Emperor

You will discover this stunning and amazing moth across Eurasia. The wingspan of this moth species remains between 60- and 84-mm. Males are quickly visible in the daytime however females only active at night time. The gorgeous coloration of their wings brings in every eye. The wings are essentially a mixture of gorgeous light brown and white colors.


8.Io Moth

This relatively plain-looking moth opens its wings to expose grand yellow-and-pink hindwings with big black and blue eyespots. Eyespots are there to shock birds and other predators. To find them, enjoy in the late early morning to early afternoon.


Look for young caterpillars, frequently found feeding together in one long “train.” Host plants are willows, currants, pears, etc. They normally exist in a range of eastern United States.

9.Polyphemus Moth

Polyphemus is an attractive, big silk moth discovered across America. The wingspan of a polyphemus moth has a length of 15 cm. Their wings are not just lengthy but likewise vibrant with shades of red, gray, and brown. Polyphemus is an easily identifiable moth with its striking eyespots on both fore and hindwings.


The hindwing eyespots are big which mainly yellow in color with black-white rings. The forewings eyespots are small, and they are likewise yellow in color.

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10.Cinnabar Moth

Cinnabar is one of the most beautiful and lovely moths primarily discovered across Europe. They are extremely popular for their intense colors present on their body. They have classy red markings on their forewings and scarlet hindwings. You will find this remarkable animal in meadows, downlands, and wastelands.


The toxic ragwort leaves are their primary food. They actually caution their potential predators through the bright color of larvae. This beautiful moth species have a body length of approximately 30mm and a cute wingspan between 35 and 45 mm.