
Mendel’s Laws of Inheritance

Mendel’s Laws of Inheritance
Gregor Johann Mendel (1822 – 1884) laid the foundation of classical genetics by formulating two laws of genetics
  1. Law of segregation
  2. Law of independent assortment

He was a priest. He performed a series of breeding experiments on the garden pea, Pisum sativum in his abbey garden for eleven years (1854– 1865).

Selection of Pea Plant

Mendel selected the pea plant due to the following factors.

  • Pisum sativum was simple to cultivate.
  • It grew well in his garden.
  • Its flowers were hermaphrodite.
    It was generally self-fertilizing, however, could also be cross-fertilized.
  • As the time gap between generations was short, Mendel could raise many generations of peas within a short time.
  • Pea had many sharply distinct qualities.
    Each trait had two clear-cut alternative forms or varieties; e.g., seed shape had a round or wrinkled phenotype, plant height was either tall or short, seed color could be yellow or green. Mendel called them contrasting sets of a characteristic.

He focused on 7 such sets.


Mendel’s Law of Segregation


True breeding varieties

He first established true-breeding lines or varieties for each trait. A real – breeding variety upon self – fertilization constantly produced offspring similar to the parents, e.g., a true-breeding “round” seed plant produced just “round” seeds. Similarly, a true-breeding “wrinkled” seed plant produced only “wrinkled” seeds.


After establishing 14 pure – breeding lines of 7 characters, the cross-fertilized plants that differed in one character just. The offspring of such a cross was called monohybrids. He cross-fertilized a true-breeding round-seeded male plant with a true-breeding wrinkled-seeded female plant.

First Parental and First Filial Generation
He called it the first parental generation (P1). Their offspring were called F1 or first filial generation. All F1offspring were round like one of the parent plants. wrinkled phenotype did not appear at all.

Dominant and Recessive
Round seed shape-controlled wrinkled seed plant. Its dominance was total due to the fact that no offspring intermediate between parents was discovered. He called the trait that appeared in F, as dominant; while the quality, which was masked, as recessive.


Self-Fertilization of F1 Offspring

Then Mendel allowed self-fertilization amongst F1 monohybrids to raise F2 offspring. As a result of monohybrid cross 3/4 of F2 were round and 1/4 wrinkled.
Mendel got comparable outcomes and the exact same 3:1 ratio in offspring of monohybrid crosses for all the 7 contrasting pairs of traits.

Phenotypic ratio= 3: 1

Genotypic ratio= pure round: hybrid: Pure wrinkled
1: 2: 1

Self-fertilization of F2 plants


He self- fertilized F2 plants to raise F3. He kept in mind that 1/3 of F2 round produced just round, while 2/3 of F2 round produced both round and wrinkled in. 3:1 ratio; but F1 wrinkled produced only wrinkled. He concluded that 1/3 of F2 rounds were true-breeding like P1 round, and 2/3 of F2 rounds were monohybrids like F1 round.

Mendel’s Interpretations

Mendel proposed that each contrasting kind of characteristic, e.g., roundness or wrinkledness of seed was identified by particulate genetic factors, which he called ‘elementen’. These factors carrying hereditary information were transmitted from parents to offspring through gametes. Each pea plant had a pair of these elements, one originated from the male parent and the other from the female parent.

Both of these elements together managed the expression of a characteristic. He designated the dominant factor with a capital letter and recessive factor with a small letter; e.g., R for roundness factor and r for wrinkledness element. Johannsen renamed them ‘genes’.
When both the alleles of a gene set in an organism are very same, the organism is homozygous for that gene pair. An individual with a homozygous genotype is a homozygote.
The true-breeding round seed plant of P1 generation carried ‘RR’ alleles while the true-breeding wrinkled seed plant of P1 brought ‘it’ alleles.

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When both the alleles of a gene pair in an organism are different, it is called heterozygous. An individual with a heterozygous genotype is a heterozygote e.g. Rr.


Interpretation of F1 and F2 Crosses

(a) F1 Cross

Mendel inferred that the factors of a pair (alleles) separated from each other during gamete development so that each gamete got only one element (allele) for each characteristic. So, half the gametes got one allele, and the other half got the other allele. Fertilization was random. When the male gamete carrying element (R) fertilized the female gamete with the element (r), the total set of the two factors (Rr) for the trait was brought back into the zygote.

The zygote turned into F1 offspring that was heterozygous ‘Rr’, since the two alleles of its gene pair were different from each other. A specific with a heterozygous genotype is a heterozygote. F1offspring (Rr) was a monohybrid for seed shape; it was round in phenotype but heterozygous in genotype. Its alleles are likewise segregated during gamete formation.

Punnett square shows that 1/4 of F2 progeny would have been ‘RR’ (homozygous round), 1/4 + 1/4 = 1/2Rr (heterozygous round), and 1/4 rr (wrinkled). Mendel observed 3: 1 phenotypic ratio in F2. His phenotypic information of F3 can likewise be described on the basis of 1: 2: 1 genotypic ratio of F2. Mendel compared the results of all the 7 independently studied characters and found them noticeably similar to create a law of segregation.

Law of Segregation: According to the law of segregation, the two-existing side-by-side alleles for each characteristic in an individual segregate (separate) from each other at meiosis, so that each gamete gets only one of the two alleles. Alleles unite once again at random fertilization of gametes when the zygote is formed.

Test Cross
Mendel designed a cross called test cross, which is used to test the genotype of an individual showing a dominant phenotype. It is breeding in which an individual revealing a dominant phenotype is crossed with a specific showing its recessive phenotype. This cross finds out the homozygous or heterozygous nature of the genotype.

Case 1
If the seed is homozygous round (RR) it will turn into a pea plant that forms all gametes with only the ‘R’ allele. Wrinkled seed plant is always homozygous will form all gametes with the ‘r’ allele. Fertilization will result in 100% round seed progeny.


Case 2
If the seed is heterozygous round (Rr), it will become a plant that forms half the gametes, with ‘R’ and half with ‘r ‘allele. Wrinkled seed plant will form just ‘r ‘kind of gametes. Fertilization will result in 50% round and 50% wrinkled seed progeny. Even a single wrinkled seed in the progeny is convincing evidence for the heterozygous nature of the round parent.



Multiple Choice Questions – MCQs

  • What were the two laws formulated by Gregor Mendel in classical genetics?
    • A) Law of dominance and Law of codominance
    • B) Law of segregation and Law of independent assortment
    • C) Law of dominance and Law of segregation
    • D) Law of inheritance and Law of adaptation
    • Answer: B
  • Why did Mendel choose the pea plant for his breeding experiments?
    • A) Because it was the only plant available to him
    • B) Because it had large, easy-to-manipulate flowers
    • C) Because it was hermaphrodite and could be self-fertilized
    • D) Because it was the tallest plant in his garden
    • Answer: C
  • What is the term used for the offspring of the first filial generation (F1)?
    • A) P1 generation
    • B) F2 generation
    • C) Monohybrids
    • D) F1 offspring
    • Answer: D
  • In Mendel’s experiment, what was the phenotype of the F1 offspring for the seed shape trait?
    • A) All were round
    • B) All were wrinkled
    • C) 3/4 were round and 1/4 were wrinkled
    • D) 1/2 were round and 1/2 were wrinkled
    • Answer: A
  • What is the genotypic ratio resulting from the self-fertilization of F2 plants in Mendel’s experiment for seed shape?
    • A) 1:2:1 (Pure round: Hybrid: Pure wrinkled)
    • B) 3:1 (Round: Wrinkled)
    • C) 1:1 (Homozygous round: Heterozygous round)
    • D) 2:1 (Homozygous wrinkled: Heterozygous wrinkled)
    • Answer: A
  • According to Mendel, what are the elements carrying hereditary information that determine characteristics called?
    • A) Genes
    • B) Alleles
    • C) Elementen
    • D) Traits
    • Answer: C
  • How did Mendel designate the dominant and recessive factors?
    • A) With uppercase and lowercase letters, respectively
    • B) With italic and bold letters, respectively
    • C) With numbers 1 and 2, respectively
    • D) With Greek letters alpha and beta, respectively
    • Answer: A
  • What is the term for an organism that is homozygous for a gene pair?
    • A) Heterozygote
    • B) Hybrid
    • C) Homozygote
    • D) Monohybrid
    • Answer: C
  • What does a heterozygous genotype mean?
    • A) Both alleles are the same
    • B) Both alleles are different
    • C) The organism has only one allele
    • D) The organism has no alleles
    • Answer: B
  • What happens during gamete formation according to Mendel’s law of segregation?
    • A) Alleles remain together in gametes
    • B) Alleles segregate from each other
    • C) Alleles unite in the zygote
    • D) Alleles randomize in the organism
    • Answer: B
  • What is a test cross, according to Mendel?
    • A) A cross between two heterozygous individuals
    • B) A cross between two homozygous individuals
    • C) A cross between a dominant phenotype individual and a recessive phenotype individual
    • D) A cross between two individuals with the same phenotype
    • Answer: C
  • How does Mendel determine the genotype of an individual showing a dominant phenotype?
    • A) By self-fertilization
    • B) By performing a monohybrid cross
    • C) By conducting a test cross
    • D) By observing the F2 generation
    • Answer: C
  • In a test cross, if all offspring show the dominant phenotype, what is the genotype of the tested individual?
    • A) Homozygous dominant
    • B) Heterozygous
    • C) Homozygous recessive
    • D) Monohybrid
    • Answer: A
  • What is the purpose of a Punnett square in genetics?
    • A) To visualize the physical appearance of an organism
    • B) To determine the genotypic ratio of offspring
    • C) To create new traits in organisms
    • D) To study the environment’s impact on genetics
    • Answer: B
  • According to Mendel’s law of segregation, when do alleles unite again?
    • A) During meiosis
    • B) During fertilization
    • C) During gamete formation
    • D) During the F2 generation
    • Answer: B
  • What is the significance of a 3:1 phenotypic ratio in Mendel’s experiments?
    • A) It demonstrates the law of segregation
    • B) It proves the law of independent assortment
    • C) It supports the theory of codominance
    • D) It confirms the law of dominance
    • Answer: A
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) – Mendel’s Laws of Inheritance

  1. What are Mendel’s Laws of Inheritance?
    • Answer: Mendel formulated two laws of genetics: the Law of Segregation and the Law of Independent Assortment.
  2. Why did Mendel choose the pea plant for his experiments?
    • Answer: Mendel chose the pea plant because it was easy to cultivate, had hermaphrodite flowers, and exhibited distinct traits with clear alternative forms.
  3. What is the significance of true-breeding varieties in Mendel’s experiments?
    • Answer: True-breeding varieties ensured that when self-fertilized, they consistently produced offspring with the same traits as the parents.
  4. What is a monohybrid in Mendelian genetics?
    • Answer: Monohybrids are plants resulting from the cross-fertilization of true-breeding plants that differ in only one character.
  5. What is the first filial generation (F1) in Mendel’s experiments?
    • Answer: The F1 generation consists of the offspring of the first parental generation (P1). In Mendel’s experiments, all F1 offspring were round for the seed shape trait.
  6. How did Mendel distinguish between dominant and recessive traits?
    • Answer: Dominant traits, like round seed shape, were expressed in the F1 generation, while recessive traits, like wrinkled seed shape, were masked.
  7. What is the phenotypic and genotypic ratio observed in the self-fertilization of F2 plants?
    • Answer: The phenotypic ratio is 3:1 (round:wrinkled), and the genotypic ratio is 1:2:1 (pure round:hybrid:pure wrinkled).
  8. How did Mendel conclude the nature of F2 offspring in terms of breeding?
    • Answer: Mendel concluded that 1/3 of F2 rounds were true-breeding like P1 round, and 2/3 were monohybrids like F1 round.
  9. What did Mendel propose about the hereditary information determining characteristics?
    • Answer: Mendel proposed that particulate genetic factors called ‘elementen’ determined characteristics and were transmitted from parents to offspring through gametes.
  10. How did Mendel represent dominant and recessive factors in his experiments?
  • Answer: Mendel used capital letters (e.g., R) for dominant factors and small letters (e.g., r) for recessive factors.
  1. What is the difference between homozygous and heterozygous genotypes?
  • Answer: Homozygous genotypes have identical alleles for a gene pair (e.g., RR), while heterozygous genotypes have different alleles (e.g., Rr).
  1. What is the purpose of a Punnett square in Mendelian genetics?
  • Answer: A Punnett square is used to predict the genotypic ratios of offspring resulting from a cross between individuals with known genotypes.
  1. Explain Mendel’s Law of Segregation.
  • Answer: According to the Law of Segregation, alleles for each characteristic in an individual segregate during meiosis, so each gamete receives only one of the two alleles. Alleles unite randomly during fertilization.
  1. What is a test cross, and how does it determine genotype?
  • Answer: A test cross involves crossing an individual with a dominant phenotype with one showing a recessive phenotype. It determines whether the dominant phenotype individual is homozygous or heterozygous.
  1. How does Mendel’s test cross confirm the heterozygous nature of an individual?
  • Answer: If even a single offspring in the test cross shows the recessive phenotype, it confirms the heterozygous nature of the dominant parent.
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Summary – Mendel’s Laws of Inheritance Tutorial

Gregor Johann Mendel, a priest, laid the foundation of classical genetics through his pioneering work on the garden pea, Pisum sativum. In his series of breeding experiments spanning eleven years, Mendel formulated two fundamental laws of genetics: the Law of Segregation and the Law of Independent Assortment.

Key Points:

  1. Selection of Pea Plant:
    • Chose Pisum sativum for its simplicity, hermaphrodite flowers, and distinct traits.
    • Focused on seven contrasting sets of characteristics, such as seed shape, plant height, and seed color.
  2. Mendel’s Law of Segregation:
    • Established true-breeding varieties for each trait, ensuring consistency in offspring.
    • Cross-fertilized true-breeding round-seeded and wrinkled-seeded plants to produce monohybrids (F1).
    • All F1 offspring were round, demonstrating dominance of the round seed trait.
  3. Self-Fertilization of F1 Offspring:
    • Allowed self-fertilization of F1 monohybrids to produce F2 offspring.
    • Observed a phenotypic ratio of 3:1 (round:wrinkled) and a genotypic ratio of 1:2:1 (pure round:hybrid:pure wrinkled).
  4. Interpretation of F1 and F2 Crosses:
    • Proposed that each characteristic was determined by particulate genetic factors, called ‘elementen’ or genes.
    • Used capital and small letters to denote dominant and recessive factors (e.g., R for roundness, r for wrinkledness).
    • Introduced the concepts of homozygous and heterozygous genotypes.
  5. Law of Segregation:
    • Asserted that alleles segregate during meiosis, resulting in each gamete receiving only one allele. Reunion occurs through random fertilization.
  6. Test Cross:
    • Designed a test cross to determine the genotype of an individual with a dominant phenotype.
    • Showed that a homozygous round seed plant (RR) produces 100% round progeny, while a heterozygous plant (Rr) produces a 1:1 ratio of round to wrinkled progeny.

Mendel’s meticulous observations and interpretations established the laws that govern the inheritance of traits, providing a foundation for modern genetics. His work laid the groundwork for understanding the principles of heredity and the transmission of genetic information from one generation to the next.