Incredible and Rare Birds – You Might Not Know

Nature has gifted us with beauty in astonishing ways. One of the finest representatives is avian. From their crowned heads to beautiful tiny toes, from multicolored beaks to fluffy cotton skins they are incredibly stunning species. To check out more of these types of amazing creatures you might have not heard about here the list drops down:


Some times nicknamed”lory”. Loriini is a group of little to midsize arboreal parrots specified by brush-tipped tongues for feeding nectar of varied blossoms and tender fruits, rather berries. They are commonly dispersed across the Australasian region, south east Asia, Polynesia, Papua New Guinea. They feed chiefly on nectar and pollen. The Loriini is an endangered specie. It’s presently among those 50 rarest birds on the planet.


9.Java sparrow

Sometimes nick named “java finch” or “rice bird “. The Java sparrow is a popular cage bird in Asia for hundreds of years and also a resident breeding bird from Java, Bali, and Bawean in Indonesia. It has grey upperparts, pink abdomen, white-cheeked blackhead, reddish eye-ring, pink feet, and thick reddish bill. These birds feed mainly on grain as well as different seeds. The species are seriously threatened by the illegal exotic pet trafficking.

8.Gray Parrot

The grey parrot also called the Congo parrot. The grey parrot is a resident of equatorial Africa, including Angola, the Congo, Gabon, Ivory Coast, Ghana, along with Uganda. The species generally seem to prefer dense woods but could be available at forest borders and at the more open plantation, such as savanna forests. They are mostly frugivorous, nearly all of their diet includes nuts, fruit, along with seeds. The species favors oil palm in addition to insects and snails. Researches demonstrate that they are able to mimic other wild birds’ songs and bat.

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It’s also referred to as the little banded goshawk. The shikra is really a bird of prey. Widely distributed in Asia and Africa. The shikra can be present in a range of habitats including forests, farmland, and urban areas. They prey rodents like mice, quarrels, small birds, small reptiles, chiefly lizards but some times tiny snakes along with insects. The shikra proved to be popular among falconers from Pakistan because of its ease by which they can be trained.


Screech-owls are confined to America. Screech owls hunt from perches in semi-open landscapes. The Screech-owls are both small and agile. They have a variety of brown colors with the whitish, patterned bottom. This coloration helps them to mimic tree bark colors for protection from predators and also give conceal them from prey. They incline towards areas that comprise old trees with hollows; those really are home for their prey including reptiles, insects, small mammals such as mice and bats, and other tiny birds.

5.Harpy eagle

Also called American Eagle. It is the greatest and most substantial raptor at rainforests. The harpy eagle is indigenous to Mexico, Brazil, Central America, South America, and also Argentina. The harpy eagle is on the peak of a food chain and therefore are seldom preyed on. Their primary prey is monkeys, sloths, and other creatures which live in trees. Additional prey things reported are reptiles like iguanas, tegus, and snakes. Globally, the harpy eagle is known as near threatened by IUCN because of habitat loss due to agriculture and land expansion or deforestation.

4.Crowned pigeon

All these pigeons are indigenous to New Guinea and some surrounding islands. They feed on the forest ground fallen seeds, fruit, and snails. Pigeon is a profound blue-grey color with a little, black mask. Its feather crest is white-tipped. It is exceedingly threatened because of the meat and plumage and is rarest crowned birds.

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3.Tailed tit

It is an ordinary bird found across Europe and Asia. They are miniature, round-bodied birds with a lean tail. Vocalizations are a precious aid in finding and identifying these birds. They are insectivorous and eat small insects, butterflies, and moths. In winter these very small birds seem like cotton balls. Their snow-white faces surely help them blend in snowflakes during the winters.

2.Sand piper

They are shorebirds and known as snipes and pipers. Sandpipers have extended bodies and legs with narrow wings. They consume seeds and tiny invertebrates around shores. They have dull feathers, with mysterious brown, grey, or streaked designs.

1.Black hen

The Black Hens are extremely rarest of birds. They’re also known as Ayam Cemani. They are indigenous to Indonesia, Pakistan, and also India. These are the most costly birds frequently referred to as “Lamborghini of birds”. They have black feathers, black beak and even their internal organs are also black and black eggs too. They are in elevated risk of extinction because of the high consumption of their meat.