
Evolution of Modern Humans – The Homo Sapiens


The whole history of man’s evolution, as far as it is known, has been traced in remains of 200 – 300 skulls and other small pieces of bones that have been pieced together at scattered sites in Europe, Asia, and Africa.

Even though the fossil record of primitive apes and men is poor, we have enough shreds of evidence to describe the pattern of evolution of man.

The modern man has undoubtedly evolved from Cro-Magnon man about 25,000 years ago. The whole picture of early evolution, however, changes every day with a new find of human fossils or the application of new technology that reveals new facts.

The fossil evidence for the immediate ancestors of modern humans is divided into genera Australopithecus and Homo and begins about 5 million years ago.

Where did we come from?

Our evolutionary history is written into our genome. The human genome looks at the method it does because of all the genetic changes that have actually affected our forefathers.

Modern human beings (Homo sapiens), the species that we are, indicate ‘wise man‘ in Latin. Our species is the only surviving species of the genus Homo. Modern people originated in Africa within the past 200,000 years and evolved from their most likely recent common ancestor, Homo erectus, which implies ‘upright man’ in Latin. Homo erectus is an extinct species of human that lived between 1.9 million and 135,000 years earlier.

From basic life forms that were simple unicellular to the development of multicellular organisms triggered the vertebrates. The vertebrates began developing which resulted in the advancement of mammals. Among the mammals, humans are most closely related to primates such as the orangutan.

The family to which human beings belong is called Hominidae. It was in the Miocene age that the household Hominidae divided from the Pongidae(apes) household. Dryopithecus was the first in the development of man in the stages of evolution and some believe him to be the common ancestor of humans and apes.

Human Evolution Timeline


Human development has been through numerous stages; however, seven various stages of humanity stand out. Keep in mind that palaeontology is a science rife with emerging discoveries which specifics about the timeline might change in the future, although the basic scheme is well understood and accepted.


He was the earliest known ancestor of humans. At the same time as his existence, Ramapethicus existed who was more human-like than Dryopithecus. Dryopithecus occupied the European region and some parts of Asia and Africa. The stages of evolution of human beings began from him. After Dryopithecus and Ramapethicus pertained to the genus Australopithecus which preceded the genus Homo.



The apes that would ultimately develop into the human these days split from the so-called lower apes about 7 million years earlier. These are the Hominidae or great apes. This is the approximate time span given for the divergence of the human family tree from that of chimpanzees, human beings’ closest making it through family members.

This divergence is thought to have taken place in Africa, with lots of early hominid fossils collected in Kenya. A number of various candidates exist in regards to which organism eventually developed into a modern-day man instead of eventually dying off.

Further Reading:  Glycolysis, Pyruvic Oxidation, Krebs cycle, and Respiratory Chain




Australopithecus ramidus: Was 1.2 meters high and the fossils reveal the foramen magnum that was large to show upright walking. The forelimbs were different from those of the earlier ape-like ancestors. They had teeth like humans.

Australopithecus afarensis— ‘Lucy’ the well-known fossil belonged to this species. They are stated to have actually lived in the African mainland. And they were shorter than the Australopithecus ramidus and had a little skull with flat noses and no chin. They were able to stroll on 2 legs however the legs were a little bowed which made their walk somewhat ape-like. The bowed legs, fingers, and toes allowed them to climb trees and live there. They had large teeth and jaws.


Australopithecus africanus– These likewise occupied the African mainland. They were bipedal and had a small skull with small brains than Homo erectus but larger than their predecessors. Likewise, they had large teeth compared to current day humans and were herbivorous. They had large jaws.


Australopithecusrobustus– He was taller than his predecessors but still ape-like. They also weighed more than their ancestors. After the Australopithecus genus came the Homo genus. The very first man in the genus was Homo habilis.

Homo Habilis

Homo habilis means “handy man,” and the species is so named because at the time of its discovery in 1960 in Tanzania, it was the very first human forefather believed to have actually utilized manmade tools. These hominids spanned a period from about 2.4 million to about 1.4 million years back and are believed to have actually been ancestors of Homo erectus, though this remains to be validated.

Homo habilis ranged from about 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 feet high, however, weighed just about 70 pounds.



Homo Erectus

This popular forefather of contemporary human beings, found in Indonesia in 1891, lived from practically 2 million years ago to roughly 143,000 years back, a remarkable period of survival. The body of Homo erectus reflected its additional elimination from twee-dwelling species, with reasonably short arms and relatively brief legs.

These hominids apparently used hand axes, making them the very first users of tools they created themselves. These were big hominids, some reaching a height of 6 feet and a weight of about 150 pounds.


Homo sapiens

After Homo erectus came, the Homo Sapiens who separated into two types:

1) Homo sapiens neanderthalensis

They had a brain size larger than contemporary men and were massive in size. Also, they had a large head and jaw and were really effective and muscular. They were predators and the tools from the period indicate they were hunters. They were also cave dwellers but their caves were comfier and they resided in groups and searched for food collection.



2) Homo sapiens sapiens

Also called ‘modern-day man’ is what we are today. Compared to the Homo sapiens neanderthalensis, they became smaller in size and the brain size minimized to 1300cc. There was likewise a decrease in the size of the jaw, rounding of the skull, and chin. Cro- Magnon was the earliest of the Homo sapiens.

They spread larger from Europe, Australia, and the Americas. They were omnivores, had skillful hands, established the power of thinking, producing art, more advanced tools, and sentiments.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers:

  1. What is the approximate age of Homo erectus?
    • a) 500,000 years
    • b) 1 million years
    • c) 2 million years
    • d) 5 million years
    • Answer: b) 1 million years
  2. Which hominid species is considered the earliest known ancestor of humans?
    • a) Australopithecus afarensis
    • b) Homo sapiens
    • c) Dryopithecus
    • d) Homo habilis
    • Answer: c) Dryopithecus
  3. What does Homo habilis mean?
    • a) Wise man
    • b) Upright man
    • c) Handy man
    • d) Skilled man
    • Answer: c) Handy man
  4. Which Homo species is known for being the first to use tools it created itself?
    • a) Homo erectus
    • b) Homo sapiens neanderthalensis
    • c) Homo habilis
    • d) Homo sapiens sapiens
    • Answer: c) Homo habilis
  5. Where did the Homo sapiens neanderthalensis primarily reside?
    • a) Asia
    • b) Africa
    • c) Europe
    • d) Australia
    • Answer: c) Europe
  6. What is the distinguishing feature of Australopithecus afarensis known as ‘Lucy’?
    • a) Large brain size
    • b) Bipedal walking
    • c) Herbivorous diet
    • d) Climbing trees
    • Answer: b) Bipedal walking
  7. Which family does the human species belong to?
    • a) Hominidae
    • b) Pongidae
    • c) Cercopithecidae
    • d) Hylobatidae
    • Answer: a) Hominidae
  8. What is the meaning of Homo erectus in Latin?
    • a) Wise man
    • b) Upright man
    • c) Skilled man
    • d) None of the above
    • Answer: b) Upright man
  9. When did modern humans (Homo sapiens) likely originate?
    • a) Within the past 200,000 years
    • b) 1 million years ago
    • c) 5 million years ago
    • d) 10 million years ago
    • Answer: a) Within the past 200,000 years
  10. Which genus preceded the Homo genus in human evolution?
    • a) Dryopithecus
    • b) Australopithecus
    • c) Hominidae
    • d) Ramapethicus
    • Answer: b) Australopithecus
  11. What does the term ‘Homo sapiens sapiens’ refer to?
    • a) Upright man with tools
    • b) Wise man with tools
    • c) Modern-day man
    • d) Skilled man with tools
    • Answer: c) Modern-day man
  12. Which hominid is considered the first user of tools created by themselves?
    • a) Homo habilis
    • b) Homo sapiens neanderthalensis
    • c) Homo erectus
    • d) Australopithecus afarensis
    • Answer: a) Homo habilis
  13. What was the primary diet of Australopithecus africanus?
    • a) Omnivorous
    • b) Herbivorous
    • c) Carnivorous
    • d) Insectivorous
    • Answer: b) Herbivorous
  14. In which age did the family Hominidae split from the Pongidae (apes) family?
    • a) Pleistocene
    • b) Miocene
    • c) Eocene
    • d) Holocene
    • Answer: b) Miocene
  15. What is the approximate time span for the divergence of the human family tree from that of chimpanzees?
    • a) 2 million years
    • b) 5 million years
    • c) 7 million years
    • d) 10 million years
    • Answer: c) 7 million years
Further Reading:  Epidermis: Origin, Structure, Cells, and Function of Epidermis


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

  1. Q: What is the origin of modern humans according to the tutorial?
    • A: Modern humans, Homo sapiens, originated in Africa within the past 200,000 years and evolved from their most likely recent common ancestor, Homo erectus.
  2. Q: What is the significance of the Homo habilis species in human evolution?
    • A: Homo habilis is known as “handy man” and is the first human ancestor believed to have utilized manmade tools. They lived approximately 2.4 to 1.4 million years ago.
  3. Q: How does the fossil record support the understanding of human evolution?
    • A: Despite a poor fossil record of primitive apes and men, the remains of 200–300 skulls and bones provide evidence to describe the pattern of human evolution.
  4. Q: What distinguishes Homo sapiens sapiens from Homo sapiens neanderthalensis?
    • A: Homo sapiens sapiens, or “modern-day man,” is characterized by a smaller size, a reduced brain size to 1300cc, a decrease in jaw size, rounding of the skull, and chin. In contrast, Homo sapiens neanderthalensis had a larger brain size and a more massive build.
  5. Q: Which species is considered the earliest known ancestor of humans?
    • A: Dryopithecus is considered the earliest known ancestor of humans. It existed in the European region and some parts of Asia and Africa.
  6. Q: What is the approximate age of Homo erectus?
    • A: Homo erectus lived from approximately 2 million years ago to roughly 143,000 years ago, making it a notable species in human evolution.
  7. Q: What does the term “Hominidae” refer to?
    • A: Hominidae is the family to which human beings belong. It split from the Pongidae (apes) family around 7 million years ago.
  8. Q: How did Australopithecus afarensis, known as ‘Lucy,’ differ from earlier ape-like ancestors?
    • A: Australopithecus afarensis was shorter, had a small skull with flat noses and no chin, and could walk on two legs with slightly bowed legs, making its walk somewhat ape-like.
  9. Q: What was the primary diet of Australopithecus africanus?
    • A: Australopithecus africanus had a herbivorous diet, with large teeth and jaws compared to current-day humans.
  10. Q: How did Homo sapiens neanderthalensis live, and what tools did they use?
    • A: Homo sapiens neanderthalensis were predators, lived in caves, and hunted for food. Tools from this period indicate they were skilled hunters.
  11. Q: What is the significance of the Homo erectus species in human evolution?
    • A: Homo erectus is a prominent ancestor of modern humans, known for using hand axes and being the first users of tools they created themselves.
  12. Q: What is the approximate time span for the divergence of the human family tree from that of chimpanzees?
    • A: The divergence of the human family tree from that of chimpanzees is estimated to have occurred around 7 million years ago.
Further Reading:  Water Absorption in Plants



The tutorial on the Evolution of Modern Humans provides a comprehensive journey through the stages of human evolution. Beginning with an overview of the fossil evidence pieced together from scattered sites in Europe, Asia, and Africa, the tutorial explores the evolution of Homo sapiens from their likely common ancestor, Homo erectus.

The tutorial goes into the genetic changes that shaped the human genome and traces the roots of modern humans back to Africa. It emphasizes the significance of the Hominidae family, detailing the divergence from lower apes, particularly the Hominidae or great apes. Dryopithecus, considered the earliest known ancestor, and Australopithecus, with notable species like ‘Lucy,’ mark crucial stages in the evolution timeline.

Homo habilis, the “handy man,” and Homo erectus, the tool-user, are explored, highlighting their contributions to human evolution. The tutorial culminates with the emergence of Homo sapiens, which further diverged into Homo sapiens neanderthalensis and Homo sapiens sapiens. A distinction is drawn between these two types, emphasizing changes in brain size, physique, and lifestyle.

The summary encapsulates the tutorial’s focus on the stages, key species, and evolutionary milestones, providing a condensed overview of the fascinating journey from early hominids to modern humans.