
Difference between Dicot and Monocot Stems


Monocot Stem Dicot Stem
The plants whose seed contains only one embryonic leaf are called monocots. The plants whose seed contains two cotyledons or embryonic leaves are called dicots.
Ground tissues are not differentiated into cortex and pith. And composed of parenchyma. Cortex is present. It is composed of collenchyma and parenchyma.
The endodermis is absent. Endodermis is present.
Vascular bundles are scattered irregularly. Vascular bundles are arranged in rings.
The vascular bundles are smaller towards the periphery and larger towards the center. In these, vascular bundles have a uniform size.
In monocot stems, vascular bundles are closed. In dicots stems, vascular bundles are open.
Cambium is absent in monocots. Dicots have cambium between the xylem and phloem.
There is no hard bast. Pericycle forms sclerenchyma or hard bast outside the vascular bundles.
The xylem is V-shaped. There are four distinct vessels. The xylem vessels are arranged in radial rows.
Phloem parenchyma is absent. Phloem parenchyma is present.
Lysogenous cavity may be present in the protoxylem. Lysogenous cavity is not present in the protoxylem.
Each vascular bundle is closed in a sclerenchymatous sheath. Vascular bundles are not closed in the sclerenchymatous sheath.
Medullary rays are absent. Dicots have medullary rays present in between the xylem and phloem.
They lack secondary growth. Secondary growth occurs.
Further Reading:  Class Mammalia - Mammals