
Cyanobacteria – The Blue Green Algae

Cyanobacteria – The Blue-Green Algae

Though often described as algae, blue-green algae are not algae at all, however types of bacteria called cyanobacteria.

Cyanobacteria are water-living (aquatic) and photosynthetic and can make their food.

Because they are bacteria, they are quite little and usually unicellular, though they typically grow in colonies large enough to see.

They have the difference of being the oldest recognized fossils, more than 3.5 billion years of age.

It may shock you then to understand that the cyanobacteria are still around; they are among the largest and essential groups of bacteria in the world.

Structure of Cyanobacteria

Cyanobacteria cells, which are typically one-tenth to one-twentieth the size of eukaryotic cells, are round in shape.

A common cyanobacteria cell includes an external cellular covering, a cytoplasm, and nucleic material. The external cellular covering includes a mucilaginous layer, which secures the cell from ecological elements, a complex, multi-layered cell wall made from polysaccharides and mucopeptides, and an inner living plasma membrane. These are the basics of cyanobacteria structure.


The cytoplasm has colored lamellae (membranous folds) around its periphery, derived from the plasma membrane. The pigments include chlorophylls, carotenes, xanthophylls, c-phycoerythrin, and c-phycocyanin. C-phycoerythrin and c-phycocyanin are distinct from blue-green algae.

The nucleoplasm, where the DNA is located, is comprised of great deal of threadlike fibers or filaments and is in the center of the cell. There is no nuclear boundary or nucleolus. The nucleoplasmic product scattered throughout the cell splits in two throughout the cell division process.

While cyanobacteria cells do not have organelles like mitochondria, chloroplasts, endoplasmic reticulum, or Golgi apparatus, which are all present in eukaryotic cells, they both have ribosomes. Ribosomes include RNA (ribonucleic acid) and are responsible for protein synthesis. Ribosomes in cyanobacteria cells are around one-third smaller than ribosomes in eukaryotic cells, but they carry out similar functions.

Attributes of Cyanobacteria

The cyanobacteria are the largest and most diverse group of photosynthetic bacteria which was formerly called ‘blue-green algae’. Cyanobacteria hold true prokaryotes. They vary significantly in shape and appearance. They range in diameter from about 1-10µm and may be unicellular, existing as colonies of many shapes, or types of filaments including trichomes (chains of cells) surrounded by a mucilaginous sheath. They have a regular Gram-negative type cell wall. They lack flagella and often utilize gas vesicles to move in the water, and many filamentous species have moving motility.

Their photosynthetic system closely looks like that of eukaryotes because they have chlorophyll A and photosystem II. They perform oxygenic photosynthesis, i.e., they utilize water as an electron donor and generate oxygen throughout photosynthesis. Cyanobacteria use phycobilins as accessory pigments.

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Photosynthetic pigments and electron transportation chain elements are located in thylakoid membranes related to particles called phycobilisomes. Phycocyanin pigment (blue) is their primary phycobilin and CO2 in them is taken in through the Calvin cycle.

The Reserve food product in cyanobacteria is glycogen. Cyanobacteria reproduce by binary fission and fragmentation. In cyanobacteria hormogonia, akinetes, and heterocysts are present.

Blue-green algal blooms

‘ Bloom’ is the term utilized to describe an accumulation of algal cells to a point where they discolor the water, form residues, produce unpleasant tastes and smells, affect fish populations and minimize the water quality. Decomposing algae can likewise cause a deficiency of oxygen and cause fish elimination.

Species of blue-green algae might dominate and increase excessively in the water when:

  • nutrient levels, particularly phosphorus and nitrogen are sufficient to support population growth
  • the ratio of nitrogen to phosphorous concentration is low
  • water is still and turbulence is low (lack of mixing).
  • weather patterns are stable for a week or two.
  • weather is warm (although blooms can take place in cooler weather conditions too).

Blue-green algal blooms frequently continue for numerous weeks, sometimes months, depending primarily on the weather or flow conditions. Cooler, windy weather conditions or increased flow may lower or prevent blooms from taking place.

Economic Importance
  • They assist in the recovery of alkaline soils. Cyanobacteria have heterocysts, which are helpful in the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen.
  • They release O2 in the environment due to their photosynthetic activity.
  • Oscillatoria and a few other cyanobacteria can be used as pollution indicators.
  • They have a symbiont relationship with protozoa, fungi, and nitrogen-fixing species that form associations with angiosperms. They are photosynthetic partners in the majority of lichen associations.
  • Numerous types of cyanobacteria form water blooms where they frequently impart an unpleasant smell and due to the large amount of suspended raw material water ends up being unfit for consumption. Some types produce contaminants that kill livestock and other animals that drink the water.
  • Numerous Proterozoic oil deposits are attributed to the activity of cyanobacteria.
  • They are likewise crucial providers of nitrogen fertilizer in the cultivation of rice and beans.
  • The cyanobacteria have also been tremendously important in shaping the course of evolution and ecological change throughout Earth’s history.

MCQs – Cyanobacteria – The Blue-Green Algae

  1. What are Cyanobacteria?
    • a. Algae
    • b. Bacteria
    • c. Fungi
    • d. Protozoa
    • Answer: b
  2. How old are cyanobacteria fossils?
    • a. 2 billion years
    • b. 3.5 billion years
    • c. 1 billion years
    • d. 4 billion years
    • Answer: b
  3. What is the shape of cyanobacteria cells?
    • a. Irregular
    • b. Square
    • c. Round
    • d. Star-shaped
    • Answer: c
  4. What is the primary pigment unique to blue-green algae?
    • a. Chlorophyll a
    • b. Chlorophyll b
    • c. Phycocyanin
    • d. Carotene
    • Answer: c
  5. Which structure protects the cyanobacteria cell from environmental elements?
    • a. Ribosomes
    • b. Mucilaginous layer
    • c. Nucleoplasm
    • d. Cytoplasm
    • Answer: b
  6. What is the reserve food material in cyanobacteria?
    • a. Starch
    • b. Glycogen
    • c. Cellulose
    • d. Lipids
    • Answer: b
  7. What is the primary mode of reproduction in cyanobacteria?
    • a. Budding
    • b. Binary fission
    • c. Sporulation
    • d. Fragmentation
    • Answer: b
  8. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of cyanobacteria?
    • a. Lack of flagella
    • b. Use of gas vesicles for movement
    • c. Presence of mitochondria
    • d. Oxygenic photosynthesis
    • Answer: c
  9. What do blue-green algal blooms indicate?
    • a. Improved water quality
    • b. Adequate oxygen levels
    • c. Accumulation of algal cells affecting water quality
    • d. Fish population increase
    • Answer: c
  10. What conditions favor the occurrence of blue-green algal blooms?
    • a. Turbulent water
    • b. Low nutrient levels
    • c. Unstable weather patterns
    • d. High nitrogen to phosphorous ratio
    • Answer: d
  11. What is the economic importance of cyanobacteria in rice cultivation?
    • a. Nitrogen fixation
    • b. Oxygen release
    • c. Soil recovery
    • d. Oil production
    • Answer: a
  12. What is the primary photosynthetic pigment in cyanobacteria?
    • a. Chlorophyll b
    • b. Carotene
    • c. C-phycoerythrin
    • d. Chlorophyll a
    • Answer: d
  13. Which structure in cyanobacteria is responsible for fixing atmospheric nitrogen?
    • a. Heterocysts
    • b. Chloroplasts
    • c. Akinetes
    • d. Thylakoid membranes
    • Answer: a
  14. What is the role of phycobilins in cyanobacteria?
    • a. Oxygen release
    • b. Nitrogen fixation
    • c. Accessory pigments in photosynthesis
    • d. Food storage
    • Answer: c
  15. How do cyanobacteria contribute to the recovery of alkaline soils?
    • a. Produce acids
    • b. Release nitrogen
    • c. Fix atmospheric nitrogen
    • d. Produce oxygen
    • Answer: c
  16. Which environmental factor is NOT favorable for blue-green algal blooms?
    • a. High nutrient levels
    • b. Low turbulence
    • c. Stable weather patterns
    • d. Increased flow
    • Answer: d
  17. What is the primary function of ribosomes in cyanobacteria?
    • a. Energy production
    • b. DNA synthesis
    • c. Protein synthesis
    • d. Cell division
    • Answer: c
  18. What is the primary pigment responsible for the blue color in cyanobacteria?
    • a. Chlorophyll a
    • b. Carotene
    • c. C-phycocyanin
    • d. Chlorophyll b
    • Answer: c
  19. Which structure protects cyanobacteria cells from environmental factors?
    • a. Ribosomes
    • b. Mucilaginous layer
    • c. Nucleoplasm
    • d. Cytoplasm
    • Answer: b
  20. What is the size range of cyanobacteria cells?
    • a. 10-20 µm
    • b. 1-10 µm
    • c. 20-30 µm
    • d. 30-40 µm
    • Answer: b
  21. Which pigment is unique to blue-green algae?
    • a. Chlorophyll b
    • b. Phycobilins
    • c. Carotene
    • d. Chlorophyll a
    • Answer: b
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FAQs – Cyanobacteria – The Blue-Green Algae

  1. What are cyanobacteria, and why are they sometimes referred to as blue-green algae?Cyanobacteria are bacteria capable of photosynthesis, and despite being called blue-green algae, they are not algae. The term “blue-green algae” is a misnomer due to their aquatic, photosynthetic nature.
  2. How old are cyanobacteria, and why are they significant in Earth’s history?Cyanobacteria are more than 3.5 billion years old, making them the oldest known fossils. They are crucial in Earth’s history, having played a significant role in shaping evolution and ecological changes.
  3. What is the basic structure of cyanobacteria cells?Cyanobacteria cells are typically one-tenth to one-twentieth the size of eukaryotic cells. They consist of an external cellular covering, a cytoplasm with colored lamellae, and nucleic material without a nuclear boundary.
  4. How do cyanobacteria reproduce?Cyanobacteria reproduce through binary fission and fragmentation. They also have specialized structures like hormogonia, akinetes, and heterocysts as part of their reproductive processes.
  5. What is a blue-green algal bloom, and under what conditions do they occur?A blue-green algal bloom refers to the excessive accumulation of cyanobacterial cells in water. Blooms occur under conditions of sufficient nutrient levels, low nitrogen-to-phosphorus ratio, low turbulence, stable weather patterns, and warm temperatures.
  6. What is the economic importance of cyanobacteria?Cyanobacteria play a role in soil recovery, release oxygen through photosynthesis, and form symbiotic relationships with other organisms. They are also involved in the formation of oil deposits and contribute to nitrogen fertilizer in agriculture.
  7. Can cyanobacteria be harmful to the environment and living organisms?Yes, certain cyanobacteria can form water blooms that affect water quality, cause unpleasant smells, and produce toxins harmful to livestock and other animals. Oscillatoria and other types are used as pollution indicators.
  8. Do cyanobacteria have organelles like mitochondria and chloroplasts?No, cyanobacteria lack organelles such as mitochondria and chloroplasts. They do possess ribosomes responsible for protein synthesis.
  9. What are the pigments involved in cyanobacterial photosynthesis?Cyanobacteria contain pigments like chlorophylls, carotenes, xanthophylls, c-phycoerythrin, and c-phycocyanin. Phycobilins, especially phycocyanin, are unique to blue-green algae.
  10. How do cyanobacteria contribute to the cultivation of rice and beans?
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Cyanobacteria act as important suppliers of nitrogen fertilizer in the cultivation of rice and beans by aiding in the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen through heterocysts.



  1. Introduction:
    • Cyanobacteria, often misconstrued as algae, are actually photosynthetic bacteria with over 3.5 billion years of existence.
  2. Structure:
    • Unicellular and small, cyanobacteria exhibit a unique structure with an external covering, mucilaginous layer, and pigments like chlorophylls.
    • Lack of organelles, but possess ribosomes for protein synthesis.
  3. Attributes:
    • Diverse in shape and size, cyanobacteria are true prokaryotes with variations in structure.
    • Conduct oxygenic photosynthesis using water as an electron donor.
    • Reproduction via binary fission, fragmentation, and unique structures like hormogonia and heterocysts.
  4. Algal Blooms:
    • ‘Bloom’ phenomenon explained with emphasis on nutrient levels, water conditions, and weather patterns affecting their occurrence.
    • Potential environmental impact, including oxygen depletion and fish elimination.
  5. Economic Importance:
    • Contributions to soil recovery, oxygen release, pollution indication, and symbiotic relationships.
    • Role in the cultivation of rice and beans, as well as historical significance in shaping Earth’s evolution.


  • Cyanobacteria, despite their microscopic size, wield significant ecological and economic influence, making them a crucial aspect of the natural world.